Dragon's fire. Part one.

Dewei finally stopped, looking somewhere, he raised his hands in sign that everyone should stop for a while. "We are almost there! Now, we need to survive this icy stones and we'll be in place."

Longwei took a deep breath, feeling sweat in his back, and thirst he sat down to a snow. Once he wanted to eat snow in order to weaken the thirst Xiaoli stopped him. Looking at him with his innocent eyes he said, "Are you gonna eat this snow? Are you insane? Here, drink this." Giving him an iron bottle he said, "Never eat snow Longwei, who knows who walked on it before."

Longwei with one gulp finished the water. The cold water went down his throat making his body shiver.

"Thank you."

Xiaoli happily took back his bottle and said, "If you're hungry I have some food in my bag. Just tell me when you're hungry."

Longwei just nodded.

The giant stones covered with ice looked somehow scary. Maybe that was because in some places there were drops of blood.

Dewei who was easily walking ahead, like it was a usual thing to him, said, "This part of the mountain is the most dangerous. Here, many soldiers had died and that is why you can see blood in some places. I myself, once, almost fell down but luckily enough my brother caught me."

Eagle's voice was heard from behind, "Teacher, but why did teacher Lei left us without saying anything? Before, when he was about to go to the battlefield, he used to inform us about this."

"I don't know. I was surprised too when he said that he'll go to the battlefield tomorrow morning."

'So he decided to run away last night.' Thought Longwei. Squeezing Xiaoli's hand he did not even hear that he was saying something.

"You're hurting me! Longwei!" Xiaoli said. Longwei let his hand go and nervously went ahead.

Baofeng-Xue made a happy face and looked at Eagle.

Finally when they safely passed the stones, Dewei and everyone stopped in front of the cave which was leading underground. The cave was right between two giant trees.

"Now follow me." Dewei entered to the cave first. Longwei and everyone followed him.

A complete darkness and airless narrow space wasn't that welcoming. Thinking that they are gonna endure something harder than running for five hours, everyone prepared himself for the worst. But surprisingly enough the cave was very short and soon they faced the wooden round door. Dewei took out a key and opened it. "Once you're inside, be very careful." He said.

Xiaoli who was trembling out of fear took Longwei's hand and got closer to him.

But once they were inside, everyone forgot about their worries and fear. Once the door was opened, different kinds of scents hit their nostrils.

A wide room with many vegetables and fruits looked like a real heaven. Everything around looked like a beautiful garden with trees, flowers and warmth.

Dewei noticing everyone's surprised expressions smiled and said, "This is my garden. Here, grows all vegetables and fruits which you eat everyday." Approaching the rows of small trees on which was growing apples, he took one and took a bite. "This place is a real farm. So today instead of fighting you are gonna learn how to plant vegetables and fruits."

Wondering about how fruits and vegetables can grow in such coldness, Longwei always wanted to see the process itself. But he still did not understand how farmers manage to create such tasty fruits.

Noticing his look, Dewei said, "This apple trees grow like a usual trees but only without the Sun. But I can provide it with the Sun. Here, take a look." He pointed to the large stones which were underneath the trees. "These stones, they have a dragon's fire inside. And I think everyone knows that dragon's fire have tendency to always stay burning. And also, the dragon's fire can replace the sun. If you know how to use it properly, it can work as the simple sun. These stones, they are suns. That is why all these fruits and vegetables grow without any difficulty."

"Have you seen dragons teacher?" someone asked from behind.

Dewei made a serious look, sudden change in his expression looked so alike Lei. "Yes. Unfortunately, yes."

"Are they that dangerous as everyone says?"

"I think so. But mostly it depends." Without wanting to talk about it further, he went away. "Now, let me teach you how to plant potatoes."

Giving everyone potato seeds, Dewei led them towards the empty ground.

Baofeng-Xue standing close to Longwei whispered, "I don't understand why we need to do this. I mean, Teacher Lei always tells us that all we have to do is to be able to fight and be brave. But this, don't you think that this is the wasting of time?!"

"You like to eat all these but you think it is wasting of time huh? If so, then you don't have to eat. Maybe it is wasting of time too." Dewei sharply said without looking at them.

Baofeng-Xue did not say anything.

"If you don't like it, then you can go and train your body for battle. But from today on do not expect any breakfast or dinner. As this young man said, it can be wasting of time."

Noticing a strange note in his voice, Longwei approached him and wanted to say something but remembering the last night, the awkward position of him and Lei, and Dewei's look, he blushed and stepped aside.

The next few hours they were peacefully planting seeds. Feeling the warmth from the stones, everyone for the first time felt on their skin such a nice temperature which was almost like a Sunrays in the middle of the summer.

Taking off their clothes, boots, they sat closer to the stones. Longwei too, leaning back to the stone closed his eyes and for a moment he forgot about that cruel cold outside.

Dewei whose hands were already covered with soil, looked at everyone but did not say anything.

Eagle who was almost lying on the stone said, "Teacher, why there aren't such stones in every house? Why can't we use them to warm ourselves? Maybe you'll give us a few, what do you think?"

Standing up, Dewei took off his boots, approaching one of the stones he answered, "To catch dragon's fire is not that easy. It is dangerous, almost impossible. If you're lucky you'll be able to catch once a year but no more. These stones and the fire within them, are the result of several years' hard work. They are really precious. More precious than anything else in this world. People even tend to kill each other for one stone with dragon's fire. That is why, no one can afford such luxury for young students like you. Well, maybe after you will become the greatest warrior, the head of the clan can give you one stone but even then, it is impossible."

"So all these stones were made by you? You caught the dragon's fire?"

"Yes and no. Most of them were made by Lei. When we were young, we used to be a hunters of dragons. We were the best actually. But Lei was always better than me. He caught so many dragons and took their fire that I can't remember how much."

"Teacher Lei was the hunter of dragons!" everyone exclaimed, waiting for more information they came closer to Dewei but he only said, "That is why you should know the value of each of these stones. They are the result of bravery and heroism."

"One day I will become the hunter of dragons!" someone proudly exclaimed but everyone just laughed and went back to the art of planting potatoes.

Feeling already hot and sweaty, Longwei leaned back and felt someone's warm back. It was Xiaoli.

"If you're tired you can lean on me. Here, drink some water. It is too hot in here."

Taking out a handkerchief from his pocket he wiped off the sweat from Longwei's forehead. Noticing a bright glow in his grey eyes, Longwei felt a bit awkward. Seeing such a handsome man for the first time in his life, he too almost fell into his charms.

Quickly standing up he said, "I should help teacher now."

Noticing this Baofeng-Xue approached Xiaoli, taking him by the collar he whispered, ��Don't think that Longwei will look at you the way you look at him. He is not like that. You better stay away from him."

The strange anger shone in his eyes. Looking at Xiaoli like he was about to hit him, he tightened his grip but immediately calmed himself down.

When everyone finished planting, Dewei gave them a break and now the whole garden turned into a beach. Lying right on the ground, everyone was enjoying with the warmth which was coming from the stones around. Dreaming about this kind of weather, they were slowly falling asleep.

Longwei who was still planting the seeds, was still thinking about what happened last night. Before his eyes he still could see Lei's eyes, feel his tensed body. And the more he thought about it the more he was confused. "Why didn't I push him away? Why did I hug him even tighter? Why did I feel so weak next to him?" Without understanding himself, he just sighed.

"What happened? You look so sad." Dewei approached him, giving him a bottle of water he said, "You're a hard worker. I thought that you are lazy like them, but I was wrong."

Longwei did not say anything. Feeling awkward next to Lei's brother he felt like he is gonna blush so much that soon he'll become like a tomato.

"I like when young men like you don't afraid of hard work. I like when soldiers are interested in other things too. Now I see why my brother likes you so much."

"Now I see why my brother likes you so much." This sentence stuck in Longwei's mind and now feeling nervous he said aloud, "It is not like that!"

"Why are you shouting? Or what, am I wrong?" Dewei sat next to him, he bent his head towards Longwei's face, "Don't pretend that you don't know what is happening between you two."

Longwei calmed himself and tried to be cold. "Don't fantasize too much. Fantasies, are very bad for your mind." Saying this he took a sip of the cold water.

Dewei quietly laughed but this was more like a cunning smirk. "Well, we all like to give our minds to a fantasy." Noticing that Longwei was very uncomfortable next to him, he said, "Longwei, you don't have to act like this. You don't have to pretend in front of me. Maybe I look scary sometimes. But you can trust me. Strangely enough, but I feel that you are a very good man. And if my scary brother likes you then I like you too. Don't be scared of me, or my brother, but especially yourself."

Tapping him by the back Dewei loudly shouted, "Everyone! Wake up! You lazy men! Wake up!"

The next following days, all soldiers of the First clan were spending their time in the garden. Planting, eating, watering, knowing the difference between all kinds of seeds, they forgot about training and were happy about this sudden change in their daily routine.

But in the end of the day, when it was dark, it was really hard to climb back to the top. And even with the absence of proper training, this climbing up and down was a perfect exercise to keep their muscles tensed.

And also, this was the best opportunity for Xiaoli. Helping Longwei when it was slippery, giving him water, food, and in spite of Baofeng-Xue's warning he was going towards his plan without any flaws.

Feeling Dewei's serious gaze on his back he felt guilt whenever he was next to Xiaoli. Thus, walking away from him a little further, his mind was busy by thinking about only one human in this world.

Like this, day by day, imperceptibly passed a month.

The season of painful frost has arrived to the mountains. Painful because the frost was feeling like a millions of tiny needles which were piercing to the skin. In such cold, it was even painful to breath. The skin was burning, and no one was able to feel his body properly. It was like everyone turned into the part of an ice.

Wearing a long and heavy fur coats and hats, soldiers weren't able to walk normally or to run. But still they kept running in order to make their blood flow.

In such cold season, everyone looked like a bears, even like that beasts.

Only Dewei was comfortable with painful frost. Wearing his usual coat, he was easily enduring the hardest season of the year. And the secret was in the stones with dragon's fire.

"Hey, did you know that Dewei keeps tiny stones with fire in his pockets? That is the reason why he doesn't feel cold at all."

"How cunning. But it is unfair. We are feeling freezing cold while he enjoys with the warmth."

"Quite. What if he hears, he is Lei's brother anyway."

"Why can't he just give us such stones? I bet the Second and Third clans provided everyone with such stones."

Whispering, everyone was so excited about these stone that now it slowly became the main topic.

"Teacher, dragons live on the third main mountain? Am I right?" asked Eagle walking behind of Dewei.

"No. There are only their remains. Dragons live not so far from the third clan, mostly next to the frozen lake."

"And frozen lake, it is between two dead forests?"

"Yes." Dewei looked at everyone behind, noticing an interest in their eyes he said, "What? Do you want to catch a dragon and take his fire now? If yes then it is a bad idea. You're too young for that. Too young and without a proper experience. Dragons, even the little ones will easily destroy you. So don't think about it."

"But teacher! Teacher Lei taught us that we should always be brave enough to face the challenge and look into danger's eyes." Said Baofeng-Xue.

"I think he meant that you should be brave as the soldier. Not as the hunter of dragons."

"But teacher!"

"Silence! Or what do you think if I am smiling, then I am kind? I don't like such behavior as yours. So don't think that I will be able to endure this further." Dewei said, his eyes were full of bright sparks and his expression became really angry. "But if you want to become this brave, if you want to look into danger's eyes then I have a task for you. After a week I am gonna deliver some food right to the battlefield. And I need someone who will be helping me to carry the heavy bags with food. So who wants to help me in this, raise your hand."

Hearing the word "Battlefield" everyone looked down and pretended as if no one heard it at all. Even if they were so brave talking about beasts and how they will defeat all of them, and now when everyone had a possibility to see that famous battlefield, no one dared to raise their hands.

The moment of silence fell upon the mountain.

"I will go." Said Longwei aloud and raised his hand.

Dewei smiled and said, "Here is a real hero. We'll leave tomorrow morning. You should go to sleep early today."

Knowing that this might be very dangerous, Longwei still wanted to go there. Mostly because of Lei.