Understanding your heart. Part two.

Squeezing his wrist tightly, Lei with his powers pressed him against the shelve full of books. Feeling very uncomfortable Longwei tried to free himself but Lei's grip only tightened. Longwei without knowing how to behave because he was shocked and lost at one time by this action. Feeling pain in his waist, he looked at Lei's eyes, noticing a strange glow in his pupils, Longwei felt that his intentions aren't that good. His look was full of anger, rage, but also some kind of gentleness.

"Let me go. Let me go!" he almost shouted but Lei did not hear it at all.

Longwei unable to control his sighs, just relaxed his body while his heart was beating like mad. He was afraid of Lei right now but at the same time he was enjoying. Without understanding why he was enjoying this, he embraced Lei with his right hand which was free enough to be able to move. Feeling his powerful back with his palm, his muscles, his long hair which was like a waterfall at night, gently hang down. Pressing him to himself even harder, Lei said, "Let me go! If you won't let me go I'll beat you."

Lei finally let his hand go, feeling slight throbbing pain in his palm, Longwei was unable to move his fingers.

"So you won't let me go?!"

This time Longwei whispered and this made Lei tremble. Looking into each other's eyes their faces were so close that two of them could feel their lashes.

But from the side, this look in their eyes wasn't kind or friendly at all. The horror, the mixed emotions, misunderstanding, all these were in their scared but yet happy eyes.

Embracing him with one hand, Longwei did not even notice it himself. The feeling of Lei's heartbeat made him go crazy, not feeling the floor underneath he wanted to look away, to run away, run away to places very far away, where Lei won't be able to find him, where he won't be able to look at him like that. He wished it with all his essence while his hand was pressing Lei to him even harder.

Breaking the silence, Lei finally said, "If you want to go then why is your hand on my back? I am not holding you."

Looking at him like enchanted, Longwei nodded his head but couldn't say anything.

By applying too much pressure to the shelve, several books fell down with a loud noise.

Lei opened his mouth and was about to say something but someone interrupted him.

"Brother! What are you doing?"

A tall man who looked very much like Lei stood on the doorway. His long, heavy fur coat was fully covered with snow and his long hair, lashes, eyebrows, everything was white with frost. Holding a big backpack, his eyes were looking at Lei and Longwei with a great surprise.

Waking up from his dreaming, Longwei pushed Lei aside with all his might that he almost fell down.

Catching a stranger's eyes on himself, Longwei after a second of hesitation ran out of the room.

All the way to his house he was running, no he was galloping like a mad horse who was running from the wolves. And strangely enough, the way back home seemed so long that he felt like some kind of power was dragging him back, back to Lei.

When he was finally back home, he rushed towards his bed and quickly hid under the blanket. Trying to calm himself, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. But to calm his thoughts, his heart was impossible, because he had just lost his mind and some kind of change took place in his heart.

"When mind keeps looking for answers, soul know no rest. When heart keeps loving, soul is at rest."

"Hey brother Xue! Wake up!" shaking him by his shoulders, Delun who was already awake said, "Wake up! Guess who will be our teacher instead of Lei? Baofeng-Xue!"

"What?!" Shouting this out loud Longwei got up and with a crazy, red eyes looked at Delun.

"What happened to you? Were you crying? You look awful. You didn't sleep?" Delun asked.

"What did you just say?"

Delun approached him and said, "From today, we have a new teacher."

"What? What about Lei?"

"He is gone. To the battlefield."

Hearing this Longwei ran out of the house, barefeet, only in his nightwear.

"What happened to him? He scares me." Delun said in bewilderment.

Without thinking he ran towards Lei's house, the door was open and the wolf welcomed him again but he ignored him and rushed upstairs.

Crashing into someone, he lifted his head up, but saw not Lei but that stranger who came last night.

Looking at him with bewildered eyes, the man said, "You again. What are you doing here?"

"I… I forgot to take my coat." Replied Longwei looking around.

"Your coat? It must be in the library. Follow me." The man who looked alike Lei walked ahead, Longwei looked at him from head to toe. His tall figure, even his posture, was alike Lei. Feeling nervous, angry, and lost Longwei asked, "And you must be teacher Lei's brother?"

Turning towards him, the man smiled and replied, "You're right. Here, is this your coat?"

"Yes. Thank you." Saying this he bent his head and went away.

Without knowing why he was angry and disappointed, feeling himself mad, he tried to forget last night and calmed down himself.

That day when Lei had left there was no blizzard, no wind. There was nothing, not even snowflakes. The winter finally took a break and gave everyone opportunity to enjoy with the calm weather.

The tall man who was replacing Lei walking to and fro on the field looked at everyone, his big black eyes and a little bit curved nose made his appearance look like Lei but still he wasn't that similar to him. Even he was his brother he looked more like a simple warrior. Scar on the face, strong muscles and the habit to hold his sword tightly no matter where he is. But in compare to Lei, his eyes were showing more kindness, one can say that even the gentleness.

Standing in a row, everyone's attention was on walking tall figure. Without saying anything he just was wandering in his thoughts.

Longwei remembering last night, could still feel Lei's tight grip, his breathe, his eyes, so close…

"Brother Longwei, you look somehow tensed today. What happened? And where were you last night?" Baofeng-Xue whispered to his ear.

Longwei without thinking sharply answered, "I couldn't fall asleep so I took a walk around the houses."

Baofeng-Xue suspiciously looked at him but said nothing.

Delun who was standing on the left side coughed and pushed Longwei. Looking at their new teacher he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Longwei.

"What is it?"

Without saying anything he just put it into his vest pocket and when the tall man turned his head towards him he straightened his posture and made a serious look.

Looking at everyone, especially at Longwei, the man loudly said, "My name is Dewei. From this day I'll be your teacher for the next three months. And what about Lei?! Well, he went to the battlefield and I hope this time he will be back alive too. And you should all hope for that." His almost gentle and tranquil voice sounded completely different that Lei's loud, sometimes even unpleasant voice. "Now follow me everyone."

Pointing downwards the mountain he added, "Today we won't fight or anything else. Instead I am gonna show you something more important than this."

"What can be more important than this? Are you really a teacher?" shouted someone from behind. Longwei turned back and his eyes fell on a young man who looked much older than his age, his expression showed nothing but disdain and dissatisfaction.

Smilingly Dewei replied, "You'll see what can be more important than this."

Going downwards the mountain wasn't that easy. The path was too slippery or too snowy. And the realization that all this time they were on top of the mountain made them feel dizziness.

Longwei bending down, used his arms and legs like a monkey who tried to climb to the tree.

This kind of physical activity gave to his mind a fresh thought and the idea that he might fell down from this strange mountain was keeping him away from the thought about Lei.

Suddenly feeling someone's heavy weight on himself he looked back and saw Xiaoli. He was hardly standing on his feet and he looked like he was about to fall down at any minute.

"What happened? Are you crying?" Longwei asked.

Xiaoli grabbed his shoulder and said, his voice was trembling, "I am afraid of such heights. I think I am gonna fall down."

"You won't fall down. Just hold me tightly and everything will be alright."

Hearing this Xiaoli smiled, his handsome face turned red.

Eagle noticing this took Baofeng-Xue's hand and whispered, "See, I told you that sooner or later he will attack Longwei with his cunning beauty and his tricks. I bet that Longwei won't be able to resist to him. He will easily give his heart to him."

Baofeng-Xue pushed him aside, he frowned and said, "Don't say nonsense! I know Longwei, he is not that kind of person who knows love or who needs it."

Eagle leaned to him and whispered, "It is Xiaoli, don't pretend like you don't know him."

Without saying anything further Baofeng-Xue quickly approached Longwei. Looking at him from behind, he cast almost angry look at Xiaoli.