The Hero’s Brother

On Adler's request, the agents took a detour and brought him to a barber. He really needed one. They also took the opportunity to order a pair of pants and shirts which the droids delivered to them in the salon within 5 minutes.

They waited outside for him get his hair cut, get dressed and come out. They waited for Adler to come out for a few minutes, but he didn't arrive.

People went in and came out, but there was no sign of Adler. Not a single old man that fit his build came out.

As the agents were starting to feel unrest, they suddenly heard someone speak from the side.

"Are we waiting for someone?". It was a young man, barely past his teenage years who spoke to them. The older agent didn't answer the young man, while the young agent looked at him weirdly. That voice sounded familiar to him.

'That sounds like.. Nah, can't be' he thought to himself.

"Agents? Aren't we gonna go to the headquarters or do we have to wait for someone else too?" The young man inquired once more.

"It's you!!" the young agent exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? Who is he?" the older agent asked as he didn't seem to recognize the young one.

"It's him!!" he young agent exclaimed ."Mr. Adler. I thought you were old?" the young agent said as he looked from the older agent to Adler. He had never thought the old man would actually be a man that looked younger than himself.

Hearing the agent, the older one stood up straight. "Is it really you sir?" the older agent asked.

"Of course it's me. Who else could it be? Let hurry up." Adler said as he found the situation funny. These people really thought he was old.

But he couldn't blame them though, no one would expect a man who spent a century in a dungeon to be young.

"Sorry sir. We thought you were old. I never thought we would get a second time when a person comes out of a timed dungeon young." The older agent said,

'Second time? more timed dungeons?' Adler thought to himself.

The young agent was surprised too. He had never heard of anyone coming out of the dungeons young. However, he had just joined the association a few months ago and still didn't have as much access to information as the older agent did.

"Anyways, lets go sir. We already informed the HQ of your arrival. They will scold us if we get late." The older agent beckoned Adler so as to stop them from asking more about what he had just said. The 3 people got into the car and left.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

In the center of the city was a big building. It was bustling with many people. On the top of the building was a giant board.

On the signboard were the words 'DUNGEON ASSOCIATION'. This was the government building where they employed people to defeat dungeons. And this was exactly the building where Adler was going right now.

At the front door, the two agents dropped Adler and immediately called for someone to accompany Adler inside. Soon, a lady in her late 20's came out the door. She was wearing the same colored clothes as the two agents.

"Hello Mr. Adler. I am Shara Vincent, president Chen's assistant. Please follow me, the president is waiting for us." The lady said as she showed Adler the way.

" It was nice to see you Agent Keen, Agent James. I will see you guys later. Thank you" Adler said to the two agents.

"It was no problems Mr. Adler, you go on ahead. We will see you when we see you." They watched as Adler followed behind the assistant.

"Wait a second, I don't remember ever mentioning him our names, how did he know?" Agent Keen asked the older agent James.

"We probably told him during our conversations. Let's go, we need to report about the dungeon's closure." The agent named James said not giving what happened a second thought.

- - - - - - - - - - -

*buzz* *buzz*

"Come in" The door opened as assistant Shara led Adler into the office. Adler was taken aback after entering the office. 'The Office' was nothing but an empty room with a wall made out of glass and a single chair and desk in the middle.

The man, who he assumed, was the President was sitting on the chair, while the desk was a black surface with nothing on it.

Adler entered the room and stood near the desk. The man got up from his seat and brought his hands forward for a handshake.

"Hi. I am Chen Bosset, the President of the Dungeon Association."

"Hello. I am Adler Lee." Adler said as he returned the handshake. For a man who looked to be in his mid 40's, President Chen had a surprisingly strong grip. Using [Analysis] he saw that Chen had an A+ on his STR. 'No Wonder' he thought to himself.

"Please take a seat." President Chen said as he sat himself.

Adler stood there unsure of what to do. 'There are no chairs and you tell me to take a seat.' He couldn't help but internally chide.

Shara could tell by his confused look that he didn't know what to do. She came near him and tapped the floor twice as a mechanical chair popped out from under the floor. She did the same for herself and she brought out a chair near the corner and sat.

Adler couldn't help but be bashful. He sat on the chair thinking to himself that technology really did advance quite a bit while he was missing.

"Mr. Adler, is there any way you can provide us with a proof for your identity. We don't doubt you, but we still think its better to have a proof." The President asked sheepishly.

"Of course. Here." Adler said as he handed them his Hunter Card. It had been in his inventory for all this time so it should still be useful.

Shara stood up and accepted the card. "I will check right away sir." She said as she left the room.

"The old machine that check the hunter cards are in a storeroom, it will take her a while to confirm it. Please remain patient while she checks it Mr. Adler." President Chen said with a smile on his face.

He could tell that there was no way this man was lying about his identity, but it was still of great importance that he cleared the identity of the man in front of him. After all, it was a request by that person herself.

After a while, Shara returned with the card. She returned the card to Adler and turned towards the President as she said, "It's done Mr. President. The info has been added to the database. Please check it."

"Thank you Shara." He said as he tapped the black desk twice and spoke. "Hunter. Adler Lee". A hologram popped out of the black desk surprising Adler who wasn't expecting to see his face floating in the air.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hunter Info

Name: Adler Lee

*tap to see more info*

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Adler looked at his stats. 'So weak' he thought to himself. He couldn't believe that he used to be so weak before entering the dungeon.

After confirming that the person in front of him was in fact Adler Lee, the President let out a long sigh.

" Mrs. Jones always did say you would return one day. That you wouldn't die in the dungeon. She made a personal request to the previous President to help you when you come out. Here you are. I can finally fulfill her request." The president said with a melancholic look on his face.

'Mrs. Jones' Adler got confused. 'Who was Mrs. Jones?' he didn't remember. He couldn't help but ask, "I'm sorry, but who is this Mrs. Jones you are talking about?"

"Hmm.. You don't know?. Ah of course you wouldn't. Jones was the last name she took up from her husband after she was married. I was used to calling her Mrs. Jones. My bad." President Chen said as he tapped black desk twice. "Hero. Andrea Jones" he said. A Floating face came up with some text written under it.

'Andrea' a jolt of energy surged through Adler as he heard that name. It brought up fear, sadness, anger and melancholy as he remembered that little girl he left behind. The one he couldn't take care of because the bloody dungeon took him away.

"Andrea 'Lee' Jones, The Saint. One of the 5 Heroes." The President said as he switched his gaze from the floating hologram to Adler.

"Mr. Lee, It's an honor to meet the hero's brother."