Entering the System

"Andrea? A Hero?" his looks changed from sadness and confusion.

When he first entered the dungeon, his own survival was the second thing in his mind. The first thing he was worried about was his sister.

Thinking of leaving his sister alone in a world that took away his parents scared him more than any dungeon bosses he had ever fought before.

He wasn't worried about her financial situation. With what inheritance his parent left and what money he gathered in the past year would be enough for his sister to get by.

What he was worried about were the monsters that could come out of the dungeon breaks. But soon he had to push these thoughts to the back of his mind. Because he realized that if he was going to survive in this dungeon, not prioritizing his own survival was an easy way to get himself killed.

But still, the thought of his sister had haunted him from time to time during the first few years. And now, hearing her name as soon as he came out of that cursed dungeon, jogged all of those worries and anger he had suppressed within him.

"What do you mean by 'Hero'?" he asked, trying not to show his emotions through his voice, but failing.

The President looked at Adler with a small smile on his face and said, " Your sister, Andrea, was one of the 5 people that defeated the Demon King's invading army and saved the earth, sir. She, along with 4 other High Rankers went to a 20 year timed dungeon where she fought and defeated the Four Horsemen of the Demon king's army. The 5 people that entered were thus aptly named the Five Heroes." The president explained.

"There is much to learn about this story, but, I think I should allow someone else to explain it." The president said as he got up from the chair.

"Now, while we wait for that someone, why don't we deal with your identity problem. You were proclaimed dead a century ago when you entered that dungeon and didn't return. "

"It was only later that we realized it was a timed dungeon and that it would take you a while to return. Learning that Mrs. Jones, your sister, personally requested the previous president to take care of you when you return." The president said as he walked towards the door.

"Since you are a Hunter, we will need to add you to the system. And considering you were missing for over a century, I think it would be wise to not rely on the info your card provided. We will need to re-check your stats. I wouldn't be surprised if you were S-rank now, Haha. Now, please follow me." The President walked out as he giggled a little.

Adler followed the president through the corridors taking quite a few turns here and there. The building was so big that he felt like he was walking through a maze. After a while, they came out of the building and entered a smaller building that was hidden behind the bigger one.

"This is the building where we check and record the newly awakened or those who leveled up. Since we need to start with setting up your identity though, let's first make sure, we have your basic information in the system." They walked up to a desk where a clerk was working on some data.

The clerk saw the president and hurriedly greeted him. The president gestured him to sit down and turned to Adler. "Mr. Adler, you were proclaimed dead. So, you have an opportunity to make a new identity for yourself. Do you wish to do so?" The president inquired.

Adler thought for a while and spoke." No. I would like to keep everything the same. But I would appreciate it if you didn't make my age over a hundred years."

" Very well. We shall keep it to what was on your hunter card. Please place your chin on this pad and look straight into the lens. We will scan your eyes." The president said as he showed a machine to the side. Adler did as he said and had his retina scanned. After that, they also took his fingerprint and a piece of hair for DNA information.

" Shara take care of the other stuff. Transfer his info from the hunter card to his new identity." The president said as he ordered his assistant.

" Mr. Adler, would you also like you record your hunter stats?" The president asked.


"Then, please follow me." The president said

The method to check his stats was different from when he had to do it a century ago. Previously, the people who tested his stats would have to do physical work to find out the extent of each of his stats, but now, He simply had to step into a human-size capsule. Wherein the machine would scan his body to find his stats.

Once he came out of the machine, his stats were shown on the screen.

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Hunter Info

Name: Adler Lee

Rank: A~S

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It seemed they still had no way to learn about the hunter's skills and equipment, just their stats.

"Ah. You were so close to being S-rank. If not for your bad VIT you would definitely be an S-ranked Hunter." The president sighed as he shook his head.

Adler also sighed, looking dejected as if he just failed at something. But, hidden in that dejected look was a sly one that nobody realized was there.

Suddenly, Shara walked up to the president and whispered something in his ears. The President looked up and smiled once more.

"Mr. Adler, we are done here. Let's go. I just got the notice that the person coming to take you is by the gate."

As the president took Adler outside, there were a bunch of people quietly whispering to themselves. It seemed like they had just met a celebrity.

"It's her. Isn't it? The Phoenix." one person spoke in a soft voice.

"It's definitely her. I didn't think I would get to see an S-rank hunter, at least not out in the open."

A tall woman with fiery red hair, in a similarly red dress was standing by a car in front of the association gate. The car matched her aesthetics and was also red. As soon as she saw the President coming out, she walked up to him and greeted him with a smile.

"Good afternoon, President Chen. I hurried as soon as I got the call. Is it true?" The woman asked as soon as she reached the president.

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie?" The president laughed as he beckoned Adler forward. "Look, he is right here".

The Phoenix looked at the young man behind the president and was surprised. She was surprised to see a young man when she was expecting to see an old man over a hundred years old.

But she couldn't deny that this was the person she was looking for, as the resemblance in his face was one she couldn't forget even if she wanted to. she walked forward, bowed a little, and said. "Hello, Uncle. My name is Agnes. I am your sister, Andrea's daughter."