Entering The Game

Red and Black mists poured out from Michael's fist. Slowly it entered into his body. Michael shuddered a bit. He looked around but felt nothing different. Then he looked at his sister who by this point had eyes opened so wide that they had turned from a crescent moon to a full moon.

Mikaela said in a stuttering voice, "M- Michael.. Your hair!"

Michael didn't understand what was happening. 'What about his hair?' he quickly opened a camera app on his wricon to check his own face. In the image, he saw a very familiar face, his own. Except, his hair was no longer the familiar black color he grew up with.

His hair was now fiery red, just like his sister and mother. Adler was quite surprised to see the change too. He hadn't given him any skills that should change his hair color. The only answer he could come up with was that Michael's recessive gene got brought out and became the dominant one after his awakening.

Adler quickly checked Michael's status with his [Analysis]

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Player Info

Name: Michael Jones

Level: 1 (0%)

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Skills: [Phoenix Flames - SS] [Dragon Breath - S] [Summon Familiar- S] [Ice Matrix - A] [Stealth - B] [Damage Boost - B] [Shield - C]

Equipped Items: None

Inventory: 53/110 *open to check further*

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'An SS-Rank Skill.' Adler was shocked. He had only passed along [Dragon Breath] and [Summon Familiar], which were both S-ranked. But to think, this 16 year old boy awakened with a SS-ranked ability. He would easily be a high priority hunter during the heyday of Dungeon hunting. 'I gave Mikaela [Phoenix Flames] because her mother had it. To think he would awaken one better himself. Was that why his hair suddenly turned red?'

"You awakened right, check your status." Mikaela urged Michael. Michael knew what he had to do and silently said 'Status'. His wide eyes grew wider. He read his status and couldn't believe how high the stats were. He had believed that he would never awaken. Or at least, he was okay with the thought of never awakening, but to think he was now a hunter. That was unbelievable. He read his skill descriptions too.

[Phoenix Flames - SS: Greatly increases the damage of Fire skills and efficiency of Healing skills. Can create small flames that can be used to heal injuries.]

[Dragon Breath - S: Blow out huge fire breath from your mouth that deals an area with heavy fire damage.]

[Summon Familiar - S: Summon a random A-rank or higher familiar. The higher the familiar's rank, the lower the chance of summoning it. Skill will be unusable for 24 hours once used.]

Michael was stunned reading these skill description. 'Phoenix Flames. That's the same one mom has. But, Her skill is only at S-rank, while mine is SS.'

Michael told his sister about the 3 skills. He didn't bother talking about the others as they were nothing compared to the 3. Mikaela was shocked. 'Another Phoenix Flames.' She looked to Adler and asked, "Uncle, did you just bring out 5 S-rank skill stone? Also [Phoenix Flames] is our mother's iconic skill. Did you know about it?" She couldn't believe what had happened in the last minute.

"No. I only gave 4. Your brother awakened with [Phoenix Flames] by himself. I gave you one because I thought the name matched with you hair. Your mother was also called 'The Phoenix' in the association, so I thought, why not give her daughter a phoenix skill too. It was just a coincidence that it turns out your mother has it too. I didn't know about that. " Adler said. Mikaela still doubted some of his words but as things were going, she had no time to care about her doubts.

""Thank You uncle."" Both the brother sister pair said at the same time. Adler smiled as he looked at the two kids. It wasn't until an hour later that the siblings had started acting normal again. Their eyes were no longer wide and they didn't daze into nothingness as they looked at their status.

Mikaela had already called her mother to tell her the good news, who returned home early from her work. It seemed the urgent thing she had to do was done. Agnes thanked her uncle on behalf of children too. Adler sidestepped all the thanking by saying they were family, and that they didn't need to thank him. Agnes made a great dinner for this occasion, which Adler found was better than yesterday's.

After dinner, He called Mikaela and Michael to the guest room. It was time to setup the V-dive Capsule. The siblings were used to it, it seemed. He took out the capsule and set it down at a open place in the room.

Mikaela tapped a few things on a screen on the capsule and suddenly it started glowing and the door opened. He couldn't see where the connected the wire to power the thing. It was probably done wirelessly, as most things in this day and age.

"Now just get inside and press this button with your right hand. It will scan your eyes. Once your identity is confirmed, it will start a timer and tell you to close your eyes. Then after 10 seconds. You will wake up in the virtual world. I have installed the game, you can get in now." Mikaela said as she stepped aside for him to enter.

Adler did as instructed and entered the capsule. The door to the capsule closed itself and he lay inside as he pressed the button with his right hand. His retina was scanned and he could read the words 'Welcome, Adler Lee'.

He heard the countdown starting and closed his eyes. When the timer reached zero, he felt images start to enter his mind and suddenly, he was transported to a different place.

< New character created. Do you want to change any physical characteristics?>

Adler looked at a carbon copy of himself floating in front of him with different customization options hovering at the side. 'I don't really care about how I look like in game. Though it might be a good idea to change my face so that people won't recognize me.' He changed his facial features such that it no longer looked like himself. His nose was smaller, his eyes were wider. His lips were more red and his eyebrows were thinner. He also changed his hair color to blonde just to make it harder to recognize himself. Once he was done, he clicked 'Save'.

A Name. He thought of one that would be both unique and something that he found familiar. 'What was it that they called me, those little demonlings? That's right.' He thought as he selected his name.

< 'Obcisor', are you sure?>

"Yes" he said. Suddenly, everything turned white. All he could hear was, 'Congratulations 'Obcisor' on creating a brand new character. Please make sure to read the rules once you enter the game. Please have fun.'

Then he saw a few text pop up in front of him that said.

'Teleporting to 'Village K'.' And then he heard a 'zoom' sound.