Fluffy Pink Bunny Shoes

< You Leveled up>

'Finally. I killed the damn rabbit.' Obcisor slumped on to the ground and started breathing heavily.

'That was probably the hardest I have had to fight in a long while. I didn't expect it to somehow be so taxing and fun at the same time. I could get used to this'.

His stamina was low and he was starting to fell hungry again.

He took out the last stale bread, winced a little and chewed on it. 'I still hate it.' He thought as he ate it. Slowly, his hunger bar came to full.

< [Patient Mind] is activated>

While he waited for his stamina to go back to full, his HP and MP also regenerated very fast thanks to the effect of [Patient Mind]. While waiting for those, he decided to check upon his loot.

First thing he checked was his new Title, [Solo Hunter]


[Solo Hunter:

Rarity: Uncommon

Effect: Deal 1.3 times more damage to enemies when not in a party

Title needs to be equipped for effects to work]


That title sounded better than it actually was. '30% increase in damage huh? I guess that's not that bad.' He thought as he equipped the title

The next thing he checked were the shoes he got, [Fluffy Shoes]


[Fluffy Shoes: Rare

Equipment Type: Shoes

STR: +10

AGI: +10

[Swift - Passive

Increases movement speed by 10%]

[Flurry - Active

Activate to increase movement speed by 30% for 30 seconds. [Swift] stops working while Flurry is active.

Manacost: 50

Cooldown: 10 minutes


'Damn. As expected from an Elite monster.' It had dropped a rare item. It had decent stats too. However, the best thing about them were their skills.

The shoes had 2 different skills, one active, one passive. Having a permanent 10% movement speed bonus was amazing. since his AGI was the lowest of all stats, he had really bad movement speed. But now thanks to the additional AGI and the passive, he could be as fast, if not faster than all the average players.

If he used the active skill, he would get a 30% base increase in movement speed. That would make him one of the fastest people below level 10. Since no one had classes below level 10, hardly anyone would have skills to increase their movement speed.

He quickly equipped them to benefit from the effects. As soon as it was equipped however, he froze.

'No. Please don't tell me this is real.'

He wanted to cry. He hadn't bothered looking at the image of the shoes and had only focused on its fantastic stats. The shoes ware very comfortable, which he appreciated, but.

'But. Why? Why are you so pink and furry?' the shoe was bright pink in color. The outer fur shinned with subtle pink light even in the incoming darkness. Not only that, perhaps the biggest crime were the tongues. The tongues of the shoes were shaped like bunny ears, thin and long. And they came all the way up to knees.

'Let's just equip this shoes only when I need to go somewhere or when I need the extra agility.' He thought as he tried to unequip the shoes.

'What?' he tried again.

"I don't have another shoe. Unequip this."

"Arghhh. Screw you developers. Screw you and your stupid game." he was irritated.

He had to wear the fluffy bright pink shoes all the way back to the tavern. It was already dark outside by the time he came back to the village. This made the shiny pink light coming off of the shoes attract a lot of attention.

"Look at that man. What is he wearing?"

"Is that supposed to be a pink bunny? He must really like bunnies."

"Look at his clothes. He probably spent all his gold on that one item. Quite a unique taste if you ask me."

"Shh. Not so loud. The weirdo might hear you."

Obcisor could hear it. He was just to embarrassed to let anyone know that though. He bee-lined to the tavern and found Aisha on the counter. It was evening and the tavern was more packed than the day.

He took out the materials he had gathered and put them in front of Aisha.

"Here you go."

Aisha looked surprised. She quickly counted the materials and said in a shocked voice, "It's all here. How did you collect them so fast?"

"What do you mean? I collected them normally." He replied

"Really. You must be really good then. Most people I give this job to return only after a day or 2 and almost all of them complain about how long it took them to collect the rabbit meat."

"But you brought them in just 3 hours, just as the busy hour was starting. Thank you. Thanks to you, now the people won't have to eat just stale bread."

She took the materials in to the back. After a while, she came back out.

"Here you go." She said as she handed him 50 gold coins and 5 pieces of bread.

< Congratulations. Quest 'Gather the materials" has been completed>

< You received 50 gold coins>

< You received 5 pieces of Seasoned Bread>

"I had kept that bread as dinner for myself, but since you brought the spices back, mother said she would make fresh bread for me. So you can have those." Aisha said with a bright smile.

"Thank you" Obcisor said and left the tavern.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

'That's right.' He suddenly remembered. After getting angry at the stupid looking shoes, he had forgotten to check about the remaining things he had gotten. 'Rabbit pelts' still had no description to them. One could only assume it would be useful to make cloths. He would have to check that soon. He looked at the next object in his inventory.

'Rabbit's Foot - Consumable'

Effect: Eat to find out.

'What sort of stupid description is this? I have to eat a rabbit's foot?' He took the thing out and looked at it. It was big and hairy, and was as big as his palm.

'Those developers are telling me to eat this?' he didn't know whether the game seriously wanted him to eat it or not.

'Whatever. Here it goes.' He closed his eyes and bit on it. Suddenly, it disappeared into specs of lights in the night.

< +5 to LUK>

< Congratulations on opening the LUK stat.

You are one of the first 100 people to open the LUK stat.>

< You obtained the title [Lucky]>



Rarity: Rare

Drop rates of non-common game elements are doubled.

Title doesn't need to be equipped for effects to work]


'Wow. Thank you developers. Sorry, for cursing at you guys so much.' He quickly opened his status page to check the new LUK stat.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Obcisor

Class: None

Title: 'Solo Hunter'

Level: 7 (135/140 Exp)

HP: 58/470

Mana: 46/180

STR: 41+10

DEF: 57

INT: 36

VIT: 47

AGI: 35+10

LUK: 5

Stamina : 100%

Hunger: 88%

Remaining stats: 15

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