Elite Monster

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Name: Obcisor

Class: None

Level: 2 (3/40 Exp)

HP: 295/370

Mana: 130/130

STR: 31+2

DEF: 32

INT: 26

VIT: 37

AGI: 25

Stamina : 83%

Hunger: 92%

Remaining stats: 5

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'Nice.' One rabbit had allowed him to level up. Given the difficulty, this was good. He saw that he had stats he could allocate to the others, but decided not to. He didn't know exactly what class he wanted to play or what he would get. It would be better to allocate them after he was sure.

He then remembered that he got a skill during the hunt. He quickly opened to check the skill.


[Vocal Taunt

Rarity: Common

Level : 1 (0%)

Type: Active

Mana cost: 20 MP

Cooldown: 2 Minutes

Target: Enemy Units

Target Type: Single

Function: Taunt an enemy into attacking you for 5 seconds.]


'Oh. So this was why the rabbit didn't dodged the last attack. This is quite powerful if used wisely. And it's only common ranked?' This was an amazing skill.

He went on to look for more spices and rabbits.

- - - - - - - - -

It had been 3 hours since he came to the meadow, by now he had found all 20 'Wild Spice', fought against 7 rabbits and got 15 'Rabbit Meat'. He also had collected quite a few 'Rabbit pelt'.

He needed 3 more 'Rabbit Meat' to complete the quest. It was already past 6 o'clock and it was starting to get dark. He needed to hurry up. He didn't know what he would do once it got dark.

He searched for rabbits in the area but there were none. Suddenly, he heard some rustling from the long grass a few distance away from him.

'Finally a rabbit.' He said as he went to look for the rabbit. Just as he reached the rabbit, the rabbit also seemed to have heard him coming and jumped out of the grasses.

Obcisor looked at the rabbit and found it different from all the ones he had seen before. This rabbit was at least 3 times larger than the regular rabbits, and was quite muscular. The rabbit had red eyes and were staring straight at Obcisor.

Obcisor looked at the rabbit's name and was surprised. It's name was still 'Wild Rabbit' except there was one word in front of it's name, 'Elite'. Its name was now written in orange color and it also seemed to have 500HP.

The rabbit suddenly jumped towards him and tried to punch him. He hurriedly ducked and barely managed to dodge the attack.

'That was close.' Had he not leveled up a few times, he would've probably got hit right there. The rabbit quickly jumped back towards him, punching at him once again. He too swung his sword at the rabbit.

<'Elite: Wild Rabbit' dealt 18 Damage>

'Shit.' He felt the wind getting knocked out of him.

This elite rabbit was a lot stronger than he thought. A normal rabbit did around 3 to 4 damage to him, due to his high defense. But just one hit from the elite rabbit made him take 35 damage. Considering how much defense and absolute block he had, it would easily do 50+ Damage to a normal player.

By the time he thought of this, the elite rabbit was already hitting him again.

<'Elite: Wild Rabbit' dealt 20 Damage>

'Shit', He got careless. He needed to focus on the battle right now. He dodged the third attack from the rabbit and hit it once more. The rabbit hit him back too.

He once again swung his sword, but the rabbit dodged it instead and hit him in return. At this rate, his ~400HP would disappear faster than he could deal 1000 damage to the elite rabbit.

This brought in him a feeling that he had long forgotten. Every since he could solo high level monsters and demons in the dungeon, he had forgotten this feeling. Only now that he was in this virtual game that he finally got the feeling back.

This feeling stemmed from his feeling of fear and pain. Fear of fighting against a stronger opponent. Pain from getting beat by someone stronger than him. But he wasn't exactly scared. No. By now, he was smiling from ear to ear. He was excited.

'Finally, Something fun.' He thought to himself. He swung his sword at the rabbit, who tried to dodge it once again. But just before it could dodge, he used [Vocal Taunt].

< You have successfully taunted 'Elite: Wild Rabbit'>

<[Consecutive Strike] dealt 4 x 18 damage to 'Elite: Wild Rabbit'>

<'Elite: Wild Rabbit' took more than 10% HP as damage and is now 'Stunned' for 2 Seconds>

'Nice.' He had hit the rabbit square in the chest. Getting taunted just as it was about to dodge, it couldn't run away. Seeing that it was stunned, he got 2 more hits in.

The rabbit was now back to normal and started hitting him once more. He had 2 minutes on his [Vocal Taunt] cooldown, so he just had to dodge most of its attack and try to get hits in when possible.

After fighting for 10 or so minutes, he finally got the elite rabbit's HP down to below 200.

Suddenly, the rabbit started glowing slightly red. Its muscles got a little bulkier and there was a really angry look on its face.

< 'Elite: Wild Rabbit's HP is below 20%. It is going into 'Berserk' mode>

< 'Berserk Mode': Increased STR by 1.5 times, AGI by 1.2 times and DEF increased by 1.5 times>

'This is bad.' The rabbit jumped at him to hit him. This time it was kicking him instead of punching him. He tried to dodge, but the rabbit was just too fast.

<'Elite: Wild Rabbit' dealt 33 Damage>

His HP was below 200 now. The rabbit kicked him once again. He knew he couldn't dodge in time, so instead he tried to block the kick with his wooden sword, using it as a shield.

< 'Practice Sword' durability reduced to 0>

< 'Practice Sword' has been destroyed>

< 'Elite: Wild Rabbit' dealt 14 Damage>

Now that he had lost his weapon too, this was really bad. The rabbit jumped and kicked him once again. Knowing that he couldn't dodge, he thought, 'Screw it. If I can't dodge it, I will hit it.' And so, he punched the incoming rabbit.

<'Elite: Wild Rabbit' dealt 30 Damage>

< You dealt 28 damage to 'Elite: Wild Rabbit'>

He was taking more damage than he was dealing. His stamina was dropping to below 40% too. He had to do something fast or he would have to face the penalty of reduced stats when his stamina dropped below 30%.

"Invest all remaining stats to defense" he shouted.

< Are you sure?>


< Done. +15 to DEF>

<'Elite: Wild Rabbit' dealt 18 Damage>

< You dealt 31 damage to 'Elite: Wild Rabbit'>

Finally, he dealt positive net damage in the fight.

The rabbit kicked him. He punched it back. The rabbit kicked him again. He punched it back again. It was an all out brawl. They were both on their last bit of HP, when suddenly.

< You dealt 30 damage to 'Elite: Wild Rabbit'>

<[Consecutive Strike] dealt 4 x 15 damage to the ' Elite: Wild Rabbit'>

< You leveled up>

< You Leveled up>

< You Leveled up>