Leveling Up

Finally, the tutorial was over. Obcisor looked at the sky, he had entered the game at around noon. Now it was nearly 3 pm. It took him about 3 hours to complete the tutorial. Any other games, this would be considered a bad thing, but for this one, Obcisor didn't really mind it.

In fact, he was quite happy as he got a new skill, a new equipment and a new title from just completing the tutorials. He opened his stats to check how much progress he had made.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Obcisor

Class: None

Level: 1 (0/20 Exp)

HP: 350/350

Mana: 120/120

STR: 29

DEF: 30

INT: 24

VIT: 35

AGI: 23

Stamina : 59%

Hunger: 33% (Please eat something.)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

He hadn't realized, but he was really hungry. In fact, he didn't need the status page to tell him he needed food, he could feel himself getting hungry as well.

He looked at the gold coins in his inventory. There were 10 of them. He didn't know if they were a lot or not, all he had heard from Mikaela was that gold coins were the only form of currency in 'Path of Glory'.

He slowly made his way to the tavern pointed to him by Tom. The tavern didn't have a name, and It looked like it was the only tavern in Village K.

The inside was as he had expected. There were wooden chairs and tables all over the tavern. Both NPCs and Players were inside munching on their food. Seemed like this was a very active.

Obcisor made his way to the counter, whereupon a small, maybe 15 year old girl was taking orders.

" Welcome sir. Would you like to order something?" the girl asked politely.

"What can I get to eat for 10 golds?" he asked the girl.

"10 golds? You can get 10 pieces of stale bread, 5 pieces of seasoned bread or 2 servings of rabbit soup." The girl replied.

He didn't know if a single piece of stale bread would be able to fill his hunger. Besides, it was stale, there was no way he was gonna eat a stale bread.

"Give me a piece of Seasoned bread and 1 servings of rabbit soup." He asked.

"Yes sir. Let me go get your food." She said as she ran to the back of the tavern. She returned very fast, but was empty handed.

"I'm so sorry sir. It seems we are out of both seasonings and rabbit meat. We only have stale bread left." The girl said with a sorry look.

Obcisor sighed, 'Just my luck.' "Alright, just get me 2 stale breads." He said as he handed her 2 gold coins. The girl quickly came back with 2 stale bread.

The bread really lived up to its name. Just looking at the bread made him want to vomit. Alas this wasn't real life and he couldn't stop his hunger level from getting worse. He quickly bit onto one of the bread and started chewing on it. The bread was really hard to chew and had no taste to it at all. It felt like he was chewing on a flavorless chewing gum, except he couldn't throw out this one.

Thankfully, that one bread was enough be bring his Hunger back to 100%. He would've probably quit the game if he had to eat another one. He looked towards the girl and asked, "When can I get the seasoned bread Or the rabbit soup?"

" I don't know sir. The outer meadows are getting harder and harder to roam for my mother. She can't go very far away from the village. We don't have anyone to bring back the wild seasonings and rabbits for us."

Suddenly, she looked towards him and her eyes glowed with a sign of hope. "You sir seem strong. Would you mind finding some seasoning and rabbit meat for us?"


< Quest: Gather Materials

Collect 20 'Wild Spice' herb and 20 pieces of 'Rabbit Meat', and return them to Aisha.

Reward: 50 gold.>

"Sure. Where do I have to go?" he asked.

"Anywhere outside the village, sir. The rabbits roam all around the village and the spices are hidden in the tall grass." Aisha replied

- - - - - - - - - -

Obcisor was now out of the village looking at the open meadows. They were quite vast and it would take him at least 15 minutes if he wished to enter the jungle beyond the meadows. He could see many players fighting rabbits in the meadows. It might be hard for him to find some rabbit to kill here. So, He walked a bit further away looking for the spice and rabbit.

After a little while, he found a little yellowish plant hidden in the green grass. As he got near it, the name 'Wild Spice' floated on top of it. Apparently, this was the plant he was looking for. He picked up the spice and got a quick notification saying,

<1/20 Wild Spice gathered>

He finally saw his first lone rabbit after he had gathered about 5 wild spices. The rabbit was slightly gray in color and was munching on the green grass. It's name 'Wild Rabbit' was written in green color and by its name was a HP meter that showed 100/100 HP.

Obcisor quickly took out his 'Practice Sword' and equipped it. He swung his sword at the rabbit, but the rabbit easily dodged it. He tried attacking the rabbit once more, but it dodged it again. He didn't know how much AGI the rabbit had, but it had to be higher than his.

He tried again, but the result was the same. He looked around and saw that the other players that were fighting against the rabbit were also struggling to hit it.

The rabbit jumped towards him and hit him square in the chest while he wasn't looking at it.

<''Wild Rabbit' dealt 5 damage>

Obcisor was surprised. He got careless and took damage. Even though he had 30 DEF, he took 5 Damage. Even after removing the 6 damage that his absolute block would stop, the reduced damage was still 5 damage.

'Damn. That hurt.'

He looked at the rabbit who now had a smug look on it's face. If it could speak it would probably say, 'You can't afford to divert your attention when fighting with me boy.'

This ticked him off. He swung his sword a few times again, but didn't manage to hit the rabbit a single time. Instead he got hit 3 more times by the rabbit. The rabbit snickered a little and started running away from him.

Obcisor started. The rabbit wanted to run away after hitting him four times? This got him angry. So much so that he started shouting, "You little shit. You think you can get away from me after hitting me, you bastard. Come back here. I will kill your whole family if you don't come back here you little shit."

The rabbit seemed to have understood what he had just said. It looked back at him with an angry face.

"Yes you, you stupid little rabbit. Come and fight me if you dare. Stop running away like a coward. If you run away, I will turn your entire family into rabbit soup and eat it in front of you"

The rabbit started running back towards him.

< You have successfully taunted the 'Wild Rabbit'>

< Congratulations on learning a new skill [Vocal Taunt]>

It seemed he had just learned a skill, but there was no time to rejoice. The rabbit came running at him with full intention of hitting him. It seemed it had lost all sense of reasoning and was only focused on attacking.

Obcisor readied his sword and swung it just and the rabbit jumped towards him. It hit the rabbit right in the head.

< You dealt 40 damage to 'Wild Rabbit'>

<[Consecutive Strike] dealt 4 x 22 damage to the 'Wild Rabbit'>

< Congratulation of defeating 'Wild Rabbit'>

< You leveled up>