Blue Keep City

"What did you eat in the dungeon, uncle?" Mikaela brought up the question in the dinner table.

It was 8 pm and the four family were sitting around dinner table having spaghetti and meatballs. They had spent the day watching the 'hovi' in the living room.

He wanted to go out and roam the city, but after learning about the what he did, he decided not to. He just wasn't in the mood. His mood was back to normal after eating the delicious meal however.

He was eating his food as if it were his last dinner. He looked at Mikaela and answered, "Mostly nothing. The dungeon condition made it so that I didn't age, so I didn't need to eat either. Well I did occasionally eat fruits that I found in the wild though. Let me tell you, those were delicious. Not as much as this dinner though."

Mikaela didn't seem to expect this answer, "you didn't have to eat? Does that mean you didn't have to go to the toilet either?" she asked

"Micky! Not in the dinner table." Agnes said sternly.

"I'm just asking, mom"

Adler found this quite funny. He looked to Mikaela and whispered, "Nope. Well except that times I ate those fruits. Those times I just did it in the wild."

"Uncle!" Agnes chided.

"Alright, Alright. I won't speak anymore." He said as he laughed.

After dinner, everyone went to their own room. Adler had changed into his night dress and was now laying inside the V-Dive. While the game was still under maintenance for 2 more hours, he decided to watch a movie.

The movie was about a spy trying to steal nuclear codes from a different country. He would sneak around places, change his face and voices, charm ladies. Whatever he needed to do to get to those codes.

Adler floated behind the guy. It was as if he was there in person. He could watch everything that was happening in the movie at the same time.

He could float away to see what the heroine was doing or go see what the villains were up to.

It seemed the whole movie was shot in a virtual world.

'Man how far technology has come' Adler couldn't help but be amazed.

After the movie was over, he got out of that world. He checked the time and it was 3 past midnight. The game was back online. He opened the game, let his retina scan and closed his eyes. Soon, he entered the game.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Obcisor opened his eyes. He looked at the clock at the corner of his vision. It was 8 in the morning.

He looked around. He was back in the same place he had logged out of. He checked his stats once more.

'5 more exp, then I will be level 8. 160 till level 9 and 200 till level 10 huh.' He thought as he checked.

Experience requirement for the first 9 levels had a steady increment of 20 experience. Level 10 required a bit more as it was a milestone in a player's journey to getting stronger.

He made his way outside the village. He still had no weapon with him. He didn't bother getting any at the moment. His fists were enough to defeat most of the rabbits that were in the fields.

There were a lot more players here than yesterday. Seems everyone logged in as soon as the servers came back online. He decided to walk a little further towards the woods where there were less players. Thankfully he would find some rabbit soon.

He was worried he would garner attention once again with his pink shoes, but he was worried for nothing. The players were focused on fighting the rabbits and didn't bother with other people near them. Also, the tall grasses hid most of the shoes from other people.

He activated [Flurry] and easily reached a secluded place within a couple of minutes. He started looking for rabbits to fight. It wasn't long before he found one.

This was a easy fight for him. All he had to do was taunt the rabbits and he could easily deal over 50% of its HP in damage with his massive 50+ STR. The title [ Solo Hunter ] also increased the overall damage by 30%.

He killed the rabbit in 2 hits.

< You have leveled up>

Now that he was level 8, he didn't even need 2 hits to kill the rabbits. On a good roll, he could deal over 100 damage at once, without even proc-ing a [Consecutive Strike].

Very soon, he leveled up once more. And it wasn't long after that he leveled up once again.

He was now level 10. He tried killing a few more rabbits before returning, but he soon realized a problem. Now that he was level 10, the rabbits were no longer giving their full experience. From his experience, he was getting about 10% of the total experience.

It was time to change the hunting ground. But before that, He had to change his class. He activated Flurry and swiftly returned to the village.

He made his way to Tom, who was training the newcomers.

Tom saw him approaching and asked in an annoyed voice, " I thought I told you come after you reached level 10, boy. What are you doing here? Find it too hard to defeat the rabbits?"

"No. I reached level 10." Obcisor said nonchalantly.

"Hmm." Tom's eyes perked up. He looked closely at Obcisor. As he looked he got more shocked.

"Blessed Radiance!! I knew you were better than the rest of these newbies, but to think you would level up so fast. It seems I underestimated you."

Tom then reached into his pocket and brought out a piece of pen and paper. He quickly wrote some things on the paper. He then handed the paper to Obcisor as said, " Finish whatever remaining business you have in the village and head to the chapel. Tell them I sent you and that you want to go to the city."

He continued "Once you reach the city, find the church of Radiance and tell them you need a class change. They will test you. After the test is over, hand them this paper."

< You have obtained 'Letter of Recommendation'>

Obcisor thanked Tom and left. There weren't much things left for him to do in this village.

'Let's sell these rabbit pelts and meats before leaving.' He thought.

He visited the tavern and sold those meats to Aisha and in return got 10 pieces of seasoned bread. He also found out that he could sell the rabbit pelts at tailor shop down the road.

He got 110 gold from the tailor shop. The rabbits pelts sold for 60 gold, while the elite rabbit pelt sold for 50 gold.

After completing this, he swiftly made his way to the chapel. He told the priest inside that he was sent by Tom and that he wanted to go to the city.

He was brought to the back of the chapel where there was a big empty room. In the middle of the room was a circular marking, symmetrical in design. It was very descriptive in its design and was shining with faint white light.

He stood in the middle of the circle and waited for the priest to chant something. Suddenly, blue light emerged from the circle and everything turned white.

When the light died down, he realized he was in a different room from the one he was in before, and there were two sets of notification in front of him.

< Welcome to 'Blue Keep City'>