
< Welcome to 'Blue Keep'>

Once the light died down, Obcisor found himself in a different room than the one he was in previously. He had an inkling of what was happening when he got into the circle in the chapel.

And now, he had his confirmation.

He had been teleported. The familiar feeling of teleportation washed over him.

It was the feeling of dizzy and nausea from getting disoriented from a teleport.

He hadn't teleported in quite a while so the effect hit him a bit harder. 'It seemed the game developers found someone else with a teleport ability too.'

Obcisor slowly walked out of the circle. This teleportation circle was bigger than the one back at the chapel, way bigger. He could see quite a few players appearing on the teleportation circle constantly. But not all of them seemed to be newbies.

Quite a lot of them seemed to be players who were used to being teleported here. Looking at their equipment, they seemed to have already gotten a class.

These people were grumbling under their breath, talking about how they hoped they didn't lose any items or how they were so close to defeating those monster.

'Ah.' His puzzlement disappeared as he realized what these people were doing here. These were the people who had just died somewhere.

Meaning, this place was probably the place where the dead players came back to life.

He left the building and walked out.

< 'Temple of Radiance, Blue Keep City' set as respawn point.>

'I was correct.'

He looked around after coming out. It was noon and sun was in the sky. The buildings around him were tall, much taller than any buildings in the village. They also seemed to be made up of stones, instead of wood and mud like the ones in the village.

The houses were of different colors. But the most prominent house he could see was actually not a house. It was a castle.

The castle was far away in the distance and seemed to be made out of blue stones. That was probably why the city was called Blue Keep.

The entire city was surrounded by tall walls. He couldn't see what was beyond the walls.

"You lost brother?" somebody said behind him.

'Hmm' he looked back to see a tall man with long face and red hair looking at him.

"Sorry? Are you talking to me?" he asked the man.

"Yes. You seemed to not know where to go. You here to change class right? i can show you the way" the man said.

" Yeah I need to get my class. You know where the church is?" he asked

"Follow me brother, I'm going there too."

Obcisor followed behind the man. The man didn't say his name and had clearly hidden it. So he didn't bother introducing himself either. It was probably the natural thing to do in the game.

On the way to the church, two big announcements suddenly appeared on the sky very close to one another.

' It's only been a few hours since the game started, and they already found a way to enter the new place huh' he thought to himself.

The two people soon reached the church.

"Good luck brother." The tall man said and disappeared into the church.

Obcisor too slowly walked into the church.

Inside the church, he found a priest and told him he wanted a class change. The priest took him to a worker who then took him to a place where different new people were gathered.

A priest was on top of a podium. Once there were sufficient amount of players gathered, he started speaking.

" I know you all came for a class change. First of all, Anyone who wishes to acquire a production class, please go through this door. " He said as he pointed a door to his right.

A handful of people stood up and went out of that door. Majority of the players still stayed in the room. Almost all players wanted the fight the monster it seemed.

"To the rest of you, you will have to take a test. The test will be as follows."

"After entering through the door on my left, you will enter a single path dungeon. The dungeon will have 3 different types of monsters in it; Slimes, Rabbits and Goblins."

"These monsters will randomly appear in the dungeon. The further along you go, the stronger they will be. You will not gain any experience for defeating these monsters."

" Depending on your performance in the tests and your current stats, you will be given appropriate classes to choose from. The better you do, the better choices will be."

"Now, two things you will have to remember. First, you cannot use items in dungeons that you yourself didn't make or find."

" Meaning, if you bought the items or were given the item, you cannot use it. This includes the 'practice weapons' your trainers might have given you. It also includes any consumables such as Health Potion and Mana Potion."

"Secondly, If you die in the dungeon, you will start right from where you died. But your death will still affect your final result."

"You will all fight solo in the dungeon for 5 hours to complete the test. You can come out before the time is complete, but I would advise otherwise."

"You can choose your personal weapon from amongst the pile here. You can enter whenever you want. Good Luck." The priest left after that.

One of the players stood up and went to the weapon pile. She had a face of disappointment as she took out a bow and quiver and walked into the left door and disappeared.

One by one more people walked into the door and disappeared.

Obcisor walked to the weapon pile to see if there was any weapons in there that was good. He now knew why the players before him were disappointed.

None of the weapons had any extra stats. They were just that, weapons. Even enchanted staffs and wands had skills that did damage based on your own stat and provided no extra help to the user.

Obcisor decided to not use any weapons. His fists were enough.

Before entering however, he made sure he was prepared. He opened his status page.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Obcisor

Class: None

Title: 'Solo Hunter'

Level: 10 (2/300 Exp)

HP: 530/530

Mana: 210/210

STR: 47+10

DEF: 65

INT: 42

VIT: 53

AGI: 41+10

LUK: 5

Stamina : 100%

Hunger: 88%

Remaining stats: 30

- - - - - - - - - - - -

He had 30 extra stats that he could invest. He didn't know how to distribute them however. His STR and AGI were fine due to his [Fluffy Shoes]. It was a shame he couldn't equip [ Wolf's Armor]. He would have to wait until the test was over.

"Ah screw it. +5 to STR, +10 to VIT and +15 to DEF. " He was satisfied with his AGI; and he didn't have much requirement for mana so he didn't bother investing any point into his INT. It would grow on its own.

15 DEF gave him additional 3 Absolute Block for a total of 16. He didn't know exactly how much damage his defense reduced as the status didn't bother mentioning, but he figured it had to be a lot. He should research about it later after he logged out.

5 additional STR now made even his lowest attacks do over 85 damage. They also gave him some more stamina.

And 10 VIT gave him 100 more HP that greatly increased his survivability. Overall, he was satisfied with how he distributed his remaining stats.

He looked around and saw he was the only one left in the room. Having prepared, he entered the left door.