
The test dungeon was a narrow cave like dungeon. Unlike most dungeons that formed in a cave, this one had a single straight corridor like path. The space was around the size of a small room and went on forever.

Obcisor looked at the dark cave. While dark, he could see everything clearly. It seemed there was some sort of ambient light shinning in this place, lighting up the things.

He could make out a small green humanoid monster around the height of a 8 year old child. This was obviously a goblin.

A little further beyond the goblin was a rabbit, not different from the wild rabbits he fought before in the beginner's village.

He went forward to attack the goblin.

Seeing him come towards it, the goblin started. It then started running towards the intruder, fist ready to attack.

Obcisor easily side stepped the attack and hit the goblin straight in the head.

'That was easy.' He was surprised. 'That was probably because it was a level 1 goblin'.

He walked forward towards the rabbit. The rabbit too started and started jumping towards him to attack him. At this point, he was already used to these rabbit's attack pattern.

His hand extended further than the rabbit's. Using this advantage, he hit the rabbit before it could hit him.

< You have defeated a 'Lvl 1 Rabbit'>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

These monsters didn't drop any loot or give experience. Still, the satisfaction of seeing the kill notification was no less.

The monsters below level 4 couldn't even touch him. Before they even got close to him, he would punch them and they would die. Rarely did it take him more than one punch to kill the monsters.

It seemed the monsters were divided into 3 aspects. Damage, Defense and Speed.

Goblins were the ones that did the most damage of the 3. But they had average speed and very low defense. If you could surprise them, you could easily defeat them before you even took a hit.

Slimes were the sturdiest of the bunch. They had almost no speed and damage, but could tank a lot of damage.

Rabbits were the fastest of them all. They boasted incredible agility. They also had low defense but could deal moderate damage. Due to being fast, they could also dodge your attacks if you were slow. Plus, if you couldn't deal with them in one hit, they would definitely get a hit on you and chip away your HP.

Rabbits were definitely the hardest to deal with.

But, that was to normal players. Obcisor had no problem hitting the rabbits below lvl 3, and they each died in one hit. They started to dodge more and more at around level 4 and 5, but the damage they dealt still couldn't overcome his incredible defense.

He steamrolled through the dungeon until level 7. It was then the rabbits started dealing some damage to him.

<'Level 7 Rabbit' dealt 3 Damage>

At this point in the test, he would regularly need 2 hits to kill every monster. Some slimes actually needed 3 or even 4 hits to die.

He still could kill them in one hit if his [Consecutive Strike] proc'd. While he himself wasn't getting experience, his skill was getting better due to the constant proc-ing. It wasn't far away from upgrading to level 2.

Around level 8, the rabbits were starting to become an annoyance. He could still handle goblins and slimes, although goblins were also starting to get their hits in. And they hit much harder than the rabbits.

<'Level 8 Goblin' dealt 12 Damage>

<'Level 8 Rabbit' dealt 7 Damage>

Thankfully, these damage weren't big enough for him to worry about his HP yet. Once he defeated one monster, by the time he reached another one, he would've recovered all of his HP he lost in the last battle.

So, right now, the monsters were more annoyance than problems.

Level 9 was where he had to deal with the monsters carefully. The slimes now took way more than 9 hits to kill them. Their damage was also starting to bypass his defense. They were still no problem for him though.

The goblins at level 9 dealt somewhere between 15 and 20 damage to him. During the entire battle, they managed to hit him at least 5 times now.

The rabbits were the worst. They started doing 10 to 15 damage by now. They were also very fast now, so he had to constantly use his [Vocal Taunt] to keep them in a place. It started taking him more than a minute to deal with the rabbits.

These battles were also longer, so he started using up a little too much stamina. Thankfully, he would just use his [Patient Mind] to regenerate his lost HP and MP, and bring back his stamina at the same time.

He was worried that he would be in problem once his hunger reached below 30% and he couldn't eat anything to bring it back up as all consumables were banned. But, it seemed like the developers kept that in mind and made it so your hunger level didn't drop down in the test dungeon.

Every monster started becoming a problem once they became Level 10. Once they hit level 10, each monster got a unique trait.

Slimes now had incredibly high defense. They also started to show up with increased regeneration making them much harder to kill. The now took more than a few minutes to die.

Rabbits were now incredibly fast. They also had a natural 10% evasion rate now. Every 1 out of 10 hit that landed was now considered a miss making them much harder to kill.

Goblins dealt more damage now. And to make it worse, they started to show critical hits. 30% of their attacks now dealt 200% damage. This made them incredibly dangerous to get hit by.

Obcisor was starting to struggle a little. He needed to be careful on his fights now. If he was even a little careless, he could lose a bit too much HP and would have to end up wasting more than a few minutes recovering his HP and Stamina.

There was about 2 hours left in the test. Slowly but surely he defeated each of the level 10 monsters. Time to time, he would have to sit around and wait for him to get back to his best.

Slimes were the easiest of the 3 to defeat, but they too were taking more than a few minutes to die now. After every encounter with a Level 10 Slime, he would have to wait around for his stamina to recover.

Goblins died the fastest, but they dealt too much damage to him now. After every encounter with a level 10 goblin, he would have to wait for his HP and Stamina to recover.

Rabbits were just the worst. They didn't deal high damage. But they survived the longest of the 3 due to their speed and evasion, so the little damage that they did started to become just as much of a problem as the goblins. After every encounter with a Level 10 rabbit, he had to wait for his HP, MP and Stamina to recover.

In conclusion, he had to wait around a lot after each battle.

Obcisor fought his way through the level 10 monsters. They were tough but with a bit of luck and patience, he successfully defeated all the monster he encountered.

Half an hour passed. There was now no more than 90 minutes left of the test. This was when he encountered his first major problem.

He encountered a level 11 Elite Slime.