Test Complete

<'Level 12 Goblin' hit you with a [Fireball]>

<'Level 12 Goblin' dealt 65 Damage>

'I knew it'. There really were Level 12 monsters. Once he saw Level 11 monsters pop up, he assumed there would be higher level ones as well.

He was right.

'This is bad.' The goblins had now started to use magic spells instead of simple arrows.

The spells even had a knockback effect too. Meaning, every time he was hit with the spell, he would get thrown back a few meters.

He couldn't afford to get hit with it.

Obcisor stood up. That was a lot of damage. Thankfully the skill had a 5 second cooldown, so the goblin couldn't spam it.

Still, if he got hit, he would be knocked back and give the goblin enough time to use the skill again.

He activated [Flurry] and started running towards the goblin. The goblin sent a [Fireball] towards him again.

He tried to dodge to the right, but out of nowhere, the flying fireball changed its direction last second and hit him.

This time he was thrown into the wall.

<'Level 12 Goblin' hit you with a [Fireball]>

<'Level 12 Goblin' dealt 65 Damage>

'Shit. I made a misjudgment. That [Fireball] skill must be a targeted skill. The first one made me think it was a skillshot.' He thought

Skillshots were skills that you threw in a general direction or at a certain location.

Targeted skill however, were skills you targeted an enemy with and it would land at them wherever they went.

Skillshots did more damage but were easier to dodge.

Targeted skills did less damage, but were nearly impossible to dodge.

There were only few ways to dodge a targeted skill. Obcisor, however, didn't know of any.

'This is bad.' By the time he stood up, the cooldown on the skill was almost done. He ran forward again. With [Flurry] still active, he made quite a bit of distance before a fireball was shot towards him.

There was no way to dodge the fireball. So the only thing he could do was wait for it to hit him.

'Wait a minute. If It is going to hit me anyway…' he thought of something.

Throwing caution to the wind, he ran towards the side of the cave and used the wall as support to jump really high.

To match his position, the incoming fireball also started moving upwards.

As soon as he came to the ground however, he quickly slipped under the fireball. The fireball made a quick U-turn and hit him in the back.

<'Level 12 Goblin' hit you with a [Fireball]>

<'Level 12 Goblin' dealt 65 Damage>

This time however, instead of getting knocked back, he got knocked forward. His last minute ditch effort showed fruit.

He was near the goblin right now. Before the goblin could throw out another fireball, he used [Vocal Taunt]. He then quickly ran towards the goblin.

The goblin was taunted. Unlike bow and arrow, a [Staff] wasn't a weapon that could be used to attack.

So, the goblin let go of the staff and went into close combat in his taunted state.

Once both of them got close, they started throwing punches after punches. Obcisor dodged whenever he could and hit the goblin when possible. It was an all out brawl.

The fight lasted quite a few minutes before Obcisor defeated the goblin. He had nearly died. His HP was less than 40 when he managed to defeat the goblin.

Huff. Huff.

He sat on the ground waiting to recover his HP and stamina. That was an intense fight.

When he was done recovering, he looked at the time remaining. 5 minutes. 'Should I wait or go forward and see what monster I can find next?' he deliberated.

In the end, he chose to move forward.

Just after a minute, he heard some noises.

these were the sounds of a rabbit. But he couldn't see it. He looked around but all he could see were the dark rocks in the dungeon.

'Where is the rabbit?' he thought. Those were definitely rabbit noises. He wouldn't mistake them at this point. But where was it then.

Suddenly, something hit him in the back.

<'Level 12 Rabbit' dealt 35 Damage>

'Ouch.' He immediately turned back to see a white rabbit behind him. This was the rabbit he heard just before. But where had it come from.

He braced himself for another attack from the rabbit, but suddenly, it disappeared.

The rabbit was gone. He looked around everywhere, but the rabbit was nowhere.

'Are you F**king kidding me?? Stealth skills?? On a rabbit? These developers are f**king nuts!!'. He internally cursed at the developers for making such a hard enemy.


He heard something from his right. He immediately turned and braced himself to take a hit, but instead the hit came from behind him.

<'Level 12 Rabbit' dealt 36 Damage>

'Shit. I forgot about it's [Double Jump]. How the hell am I supposed to defeat this beast?'

Fwoosh fwoosh

All he would hear were sounds the rabbit was making around him. From the first time, he realized he couldn't trust on these sounds.

The rabbit could be anywhere and it could attack from anywhere.

<'Level 12 Rabbit' dealt 40 Damage>

At this rate, all he could do was stand around and let the rabbit chip away at his HP.

He started swinging his fists every where. Constantly turning around, making sure there was no place the rabbit could surprise him from.

<'Level 12 Rabbit' dealt 41 Damage>

The rabbit hit him straight at his chest this time. He saw the darkness fading off of the rabbit.

It seemed to be waiting for its concealment skill's cooldown to be over.

He immediately use [Vocal Taunt].

The taunted rabbit started jumping towards him and didn't disappear into the darkness.

It seemed its concealment skill was a passive one that worked like his [Patient Mind], in that it only worked when it was staying still or not being attacked.

He punched the incoming rabbit on the face.

<[Consecutive Strike] dealt 5 x 72 Damage to 'Level 12 Rabbit'>

'Now we're talking' he finally got to hit the damn rabbit. Twice too. He wanted to hit once more but the rabbit dodged the attack and used [Double Jump] to run away. It was in stealth mode once more.

There wasn't much time left to the test, he could only use his taunt once more before the test was over.

He had to wait for the perfect timing. He had to wait 2 more minutes to properly smack the rabbit once more.

While waiting, he managed to hit the rabbit a few more times. It would run away as soon as he hit it once and conceal itself in darkness.

At 5 seconds left on the timer, the rabbit attacked him once more, but this time, it couldn't run away.

[Vocal Taunt]

As soon as the rabbit got taunted, he started barraging it with his fists.

-4 seconds left-

< You dealt 88 Damage to 'Level 12 Rabbit'>

-3 seconds left-

< You dealt 88 Damage to 'Level 12 Rabbit'>

<[Consecutive Strike] dealt 5 x 75 Damage to 'Level 12 Rabbit'>

-2 seconds left-

< You dealt 88 Damage to 'Level 12 Rabbit'>

-1 seconds left-

< You dealt 87 Damage to 'Level 12 Rabbit'>

He had done it. Just by a split second, he managed to defeat the rabbit.