Surprising Result

Obcisor was back in the room, inside the church. He was one of the last few to enter the dungeon, so it seemed he was one of the last ones to leave as well.

The hall was filled with people with different facial expressions. Some happy, some sad, some excited, some disappointed, some nervous, some tired.

He could hear people's murmur all over the room.

"What level monster did you reach?"

"I can't believe I died twice to the same level 6 rabbit."

"It was so hard to defeat the level 7 goblin."

"Due to my low STR stat, I couldn't even deal a single damage to a Level 7 slime"

"I'm so happy I found level 8 monsters. Although I died to them."

"The goblin dealt so much damage. I nearly died to a level 6 one."

"I hope I get a rare class."

"I did so bad in the test I would be happy if I could get a uncommon one."

"I heard a guy got a unique class a week ago. He was boasting in the forums"

"You think the rumor about Legendary classes existing is true?"

Obcisor could hear people speak all around him. Every one seemed to be worried about how they did and what result they would get.

"Yo brother!" someone said

Obcisor turned around to find the red haired tall fellow from before.

"You were here as well?" he asked the man.

"Yeah. How did you do in the test?" he asked

"Not bad I would say. I think I will get a good class." Obcisor told the man frankly.

"Love the optimism buddy. Its good to be optimistic. I didn't do very well myself, I only got to a level 9 slime. The time ran out as I was killing it. I doubt I could've killed it though" The man said as if his result was very bad.

The people around him, who heard him, commented in low voices calling him 'braggart', 'show off' and some such names.

Obcisor snickered a little and replied, "Seems your luck was very bad brother. I myself killed 2 level 12 monster."

The people started calling Obcisor the same thing they called the red haired man.

"Yo brother. Chill. That's not how you brag. You have to make it sound believable. Otherwise, people will know you are just lying." He said.

"But still brother, you seem like a fun guy, mind if I add you as a friend?" he asked

"Sure" Obcisor said and told him his name.

< Player "Red Blaze" wants to add you as a friend. Please confirm.>

Obcisor clicked on accept. His friend list opened with the single name, 'Red Blaze'. He couldn't see level or class though, it seemed he had kept it hidden. Well he did the same too.

"So tell me brother-O, where did you really reach?" Red asked.

'Brother-O?' what a weird naming sense.

He was about to answer when a priest walked though the door on the right. It was the same priest who told them about their test.

"Please gather around. It is time to reveal your results."

"First of all, to those who didn't reach far in the dungeon, don't worry. There are far more variables to getting a class than just defeating some monsters. However, getting far in the dungeon is still a very important variable. So, I hope you did your best."

"Without any further ado, lets analyze your achievements and give you a selection of classes to choose from befitting your achievements."

He put his in the air and closed his eyes. A white light dropped down from up above upon the players as the priest said, "May the goddess Radiance shine upon you".

Suddenly, a string of notifications started running in front of Obcisor's vision.




<'Letter of Recommendation' found>

Finally, the barrage of notifications in front of his face was over. He finally got a class. But, why was there only one?

He tried to read what class it was but, all it said was unreadable.

He looked around to see people already taking out their scrolls. Some took out few. Some took out many.

The priest spoke, "Now that you have gotten your scrolls, please carefully choose which class you want to pick, because once you change your class, the other scrolls will disappear."

"Unless you get lucky and happen upon another class change, there is no going back. Once you know which class you want to change to, open the scroll and tear it."

He saw many people with mostly just white scroll. They were probably scrolls for common class.

He saw some with gray scrolls for uncommon classes.

He only saw one blue scroll in the entire hall representing a Rare class. It was with the person right by his side.

'So he wasn't lying about reaching level 9 monsters, huh.' It was Red who got the rare class.

He wanted to say something to him, but it seemed he was too busy learning about his new class.

Obcisor focused on his own situation. He got a single class and didn't even know what it was.

From what he could tell, it shouldn't be a bad class. He wondered if it was a unique class, since he did reach further than Red, who got a rare class.

He swiftly took out his scroll. He was hoping to see a purple scroll. He really wished his was a unique class.

But when he took it out, it wasn't purple. Or blue. Or gray or white. It was actually pink.

He got surprised. He hadn't heard of any rarity being associated with pink.

'Are the devs messing with me again? Can't be. Why would they target a newbie like me.' he thought.

He didn't understand the meaning of a pink scroll. He tried to read what the class was now, but still wasn't able to. It still kept saying 'Unreadable'.

So he stopped worrying and opened the scroll. The scroll was blank inside. He then took the scroll and ripped it in half.

The scroll turned into pink light and floated away, hidden amid the numerous white and gray lights. Nobody seemed to have noticed it.

Suddenly, Obcisor felt something changing. It was as if his body went through a sort of meta-physical transformation.

This sort of feeling. He had only felt it once, over a 100 years ago when he had awakened.

A Notification appeared in front of his eyes.

<"Even a legend wishes he was a myth">