
Obcisor was looking around shops in Blue Keep city, hoping to get a good set of skills.

But to his disappointment, the skills he found were either really bad for him or weren't for his class. Most of the AOE skills he found were restricted to mage class. The ones that weren't, he didn't like.

He found a few really good ones that he wished to buy, but they asked for an inordinate amount of gold for it.

He decided to look for items instead. He visited shops that sold items. They didn't cost a lot but were mostly Common ranked.

This wasn't what he wanted. He had about 900 golds on him right now. He couldn't waste it on a bunch of common items.

Instead, he decided to check the market.

Inside the market, there were two options for him to choose from, normal market or auction.

He opened the normal market.

Only 2 sorts of players sold their items on the normal market instead of auctioning them.

The first were people who desperately needed some gold right away and couldn't wait for an auction to end.

The second were people who knew exactly how much price an item would sell for, so they didn't bother auctioning them and instead just sold them on the regular market.

Of course, there was also the occasional third type of people. These were players that had a lot of money. So they didn't bother to auction anything and just sold them normally as they didn't need the extra money they might get from the auction.

It had just been a few hours since he had put up his 'Unique' item for auction, so he didn't bother checking it. He needed to look for some shields right now.

He quickly searched for shields. He sorted the settings by price.

The highest shields being sold were around 90K Gold. He was surprised. He checked the information on the shield and was shocked once more.

The shield was only a common rarity shield. But it had ridiculously good stats. He looked at the level restriction and realized why the stats were so good.

The level restriction on the shield was 180. The highest leveled player right now was still under level 200.

'No wonder he thought.

He flipped the sorting system so that the cheapest showed up first. The cheapest shield was a 200 Gold shield with no restriction. But it also had a total stats of 15 with no skills.

He kept scrolling until he was around the 800 gold range. The shields were much better now, but not to his standard.

Still, he decided to get one. He looked up a shield for 870 gold and hit buy. He now had some 30 gold on him and he couldn't look for anything else, so he closed the market.

The shield he bought got transferred to his inventory.


[Padded Shield: Common

Equipment Type: Shield

DEF: +20

Absolute Block: +5

Magic Resistance: +5%

[Attract: Active

Pulls 10 projectiles closest to you, flying towards your party members, towards yourself


Level Restriction: 15]


The shield wasn't very good, but still having a shield made him stand out less amongst the players.

Once he was ready, he walked to the southern gate. He hoped to find some monsters that gave him experience in the southern side.

When he walked to the southern gate, the sight he saw, absolutely shocked him.

There were thousands of players outside the gate, almost 2-3 times more than the entire goblin hunting ground. And most of them were just standing around shouting.

"I am a level, 26 Healer. Looking for a party"

"We need one damage dealer. Anyone want to join?"

"Looking for a defensive class."

"Level 28 Assassin looking for a party"

"I have an uncommon warrior class, we need a healer for our party."

"Looking for a level 25 and above ranged damage dealer."

Everyone was looking to join a party or looking for new members for their own party.

He was deliberating whether to go hunt or join a party to see what it was like. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice.

"Brother-O? Hey!!! it is Brother-O" Red was also among the group of people shouting.

"Hey brother Red" he greeted back.

"Where have you been Brother-O? I haven't seen you in nearly 4 days." Red talked as if he hadn't seen him in a long while.

'4 days? We just met for the first time yesterday.' Obcisor was a bit confused. But then he realized, 'Oh!! That's right. The game runs at 5 times the speed of the real world. Wait, does that mean this guy played the game 4 days straight??'

"Oh I had something to do, so I came back a little late after I left." He made something up. He didn't want to tell him that he just came back a few hours ago and jumped up to level 31 in that time.

"Oh yeah, Brother-O. I forgot what class you said you got. It was defensive right?" red asked expectantly.

"Yes. It's a defense-focused warrior class." Obcisor replied.

"Great. Brother-O, join our party please." Red asked with great excitement.

Obcisor thought for a while. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get an experience of what a party was like in the game. He wasn't expecting It to be any different from dungeon hunting in the real world, but still, he wanted to find out.

"Okay." He replied.

"Haha. Alright, I will send you the request."

He clicked on accept.

The party was set so that there was no leader and the items and drops would be equally distributed to everyone when possible. If not possible, the loot would be left for players to decide how to separate them.

There were 2 other party members in the party aside from Red. Their names were 'Pink star' and 'Charming Irene'.

"C'mon brother-O, I will introduce you to the rest of the party members," Red said as he brought Obcisor to two ladies.

"Hey Red, I saw the party notification. Is that the new member?" one of the ladies said to Red.

She was wearing a red cloak and was holding a staff. She had dark skin and had a confident look to her. She looked to be in her early 20's, but who knew how much she had modified her character.

Next to her was a petite-looking girl with white skin in a white dress. She didn't say anything but waited for Red to answer the lady.

"Yes. This is Obcisor, the new member of our party. Brother-O has a defensive class, just what we needed." Red then turned to Obcisor and said, "The lady in red is 'Charming Irene'. Sister Irene is a Mage. The lady in white is 'Pink Star'. Sister Star is a healer."

"Good to see you, ladies." Obcisor greeted the ladies.

"Hello," Pink star replied curtly in a soft voice. It seemed she was not used to being around new people.

Irene, on the other hand, didn't care. "You are a tank? Good. Perhaps we won't die this time." She said.

'Die?' he looked towards Red with a confused look. The latter of which gave him an embarrassed look.