
Red had an embarrassed look on his face as he started explaining.

"You see brother-O, I met sister Irene and Sister Star while hunting goblins. We joined parties with another player, Brother Tiny, and went to the 'Goblin Dungeon'. We easily defeated the mass goblins with sister Irene's high power AOE attacks."

"Brother Tiny and I fought Goblin king and the rest while Sister Irene and Sister Star provided support from the back."

"Seeing how easy it was to fight in a dungeon with the 4 of us, we came to the wolf dungeon."

"But we were very wrong. Unlike the goblins, the wolves didn't cluster inside the dungeon. So Sister Irene couldn't do the same amount of damage as in the goblin's dungeon. And without a defensive class on our side, we were torn to shreds by the boss within a couple of minutes."

Red continued, "It was after this, that we realized how bad our party composition was and just how lucky we were in the goblin dungeon. So we were waiting around looking for a defensive class to join us."

Obcisor understood. They got overconfident. What worked in one dungeon, didn't necessarily work in the other dungeon. All monsters had different attributes. Some were fast, some were strong, some could take a lot of hits, etc. Each dungeon required its own party composition.

They didn't need a tank for the goblin's dungeon, but they definitely needed one for the wolves.

"Where is this brother Tiny now?" he asked.

"He still hasn't logged in yet. Should be anytime soon now." Red said.

Obcisor thought of something.

"Wait, if you guys didn't have a defensive class, how did you guys survive the Goblin King?" he asked. He had forgotten for a moment how strong the Goblin King's hits were. Especially after the wizard buffed him.

"Oh, I used my summon, a hell bear for defense. Its defense was enough to survive the Goblin King's hit with Sister Star's healing. Alas, The Wolf King was just too strong."

'Ah. That's right. He is a summoner. Forgot about that for a second there.'

"Alright. So do we wait, or go attack the dungeon." Obcisor asked.

"Honestly brother-O, I think we should wait. We might have you for defense, but our offense is still lacking. We should wait for Brother-Tiny". Red said.


So they waited for about half an hour before this Player Tiny showed up.

"Sorry. Sorry. I'm late. Something came up, so I couldn't login in time." A person with more than 2m in height showed up. He had big beefy muscles and tanned skin. His black hair was short and gave a militaristic look to him.

"Oh are you our new tank?" he asked Obcisor after noticing him in the group.

"Yes. I'm Obcisor" Obcisor said holding his hand out.

"Good to meet you brother Obcisor. I'm Tiny Army." He vehemently shook his hand.

"You have such a hard-to-pronounce name, Brother Obcisor," Tiny said

"Well, it is demon tongue after all," Obcisor said off-Handedly


"Nothing. Now that we are all here, let's go." Obcisor quickly changed the topic.

15 minutes later, through an uphill path of rocks and trees, the group of 5 reached in front of the wolf cave.

[Wolf Dungeon - Level 40

Recommended Level: 35

Recommended players:6

Maximum Players: 6

Maximum Level Allowed: 40

Fastest Clear time: 1 hour 21 minutes 52 seconds]

This was definitely harder than the goblin dungeon, that was for sure.

Obcisor took out his new shield and held it in his left hand. Tiny Army took out a giant sword that Obcisor recognized. It was the goblin king's great sword. It seemed to have changed its size to better match the player.

Pink Star and Charming Irene held their staffs at the ready.

Red used his summoning skill and brought out a small mouse.

"You guys ready?" he asked the lot. All of them nodded.

"Alright," he said and entered.

- - - - - - - - -

Obcisor found himself inside a dark and gloomy cave. The cave was dry and he could hear wolves howling somewhere inside.

As he was looking around, he caught the sight of Red sending his mouse somewhere.

"What's that mouse brother Red?" he asked.

"Oh, it's a scouting mouse. I sent it ahead to find monsters for us. This cave is like a maze, honestly. It takes forever to find the Boss if not for the mouse." Red said.

The mouse came back soon and relayed some information. Red looked towards the group and said, "There are two paths forward. The one on the left is a fake path that ends further down the road. The one on the right has 3 wolves."

He then looked towards Obcisor and said, "Brother-O, our lives are in your hand now."

"Okay," Obcisor said and went forward. Soon they found a wolf.

The wolf looked no different from a regular wolf in the real world, except it was about 2 times larger in size.

As soon as the wolf saw the group, it lunged forward trying to bite the very first person in the group, Obcisor.

Obcisor however wasn't worried. He brought up his shield to block the wolf and hit it with his right fist from the side.

At the same time, Tiny swung his sword down at the wolf. In just 2 attacks, the wolf lost more than 40% of its HP. It tried to back away, but Obcisor immediately used [Vocal Taunt].

The wolf started attacking Obcisor once more. This time Irene and Red also started attacking the wolf.

Irene used a Lightning skill and hit the wolf. Red brought out a Spear and started hitting the wolf from the back. And then, Tiny once again swung his greatsword and finished the wolf.

"Haha, that's what you get for fighting us, you sh***y little dog," Irene shouted from the back.

"Damn. The game suddenly became so easy." Tiny said.

"Let us move forward. That was just one monster, there are still 2 more along this path." Obcisor said as he moved forward.

They soon met the two wolves. Both of them came running towards Obcisor.

Obcisor brought up his shield and shouted, "Everyone, hit the one on my left first."

The rest of them did as so. Irene once again used the lightning skill to hit the wolf on the left. Red and Tiny also started hitting the wolf on the left.

Star cast healing on Obcisor who was tanking all the damage. Obcisor also hit the wolves from time to time. But it was hard to hit the wolves with a shield in his hand.

'I should have bought a sword to increase my reach.' He thought to himself.

As soon as the first wolf died, the second one didn't take long to die either.

Star once again cast healing on Obcisor. He didn't really need the healing as he hadn't taken much if any damage. But he wouldn't reveal that here to these strangers.

Red sent his mouse to scout the road once more. Meanwhile, the rest of the party rested to get what little stamina they lost back to full.

Red's mouse soon returned.

"We take the middle route at the next fork in the road. There are 5 wolves there."

Obcisor stood up and started moving. The rest of the party followed behind closely.