Wolf King

The party was getting the hang of things.

Obcisor would block any wolves that came towards the party. Tiny and Red would attack them with their swords and spears respectively. Irene would spam her magic skills. And Pink Star would heal Obcisor, as he would be the only one that took damage.

The party was resting, waiting for Red's mouse to return from scouting.

"Hey, brother Red. Didn't you say you had a bear? Why aren't you summoning it? " Obcisor asked.

"Yes, I do. But I can only summon one monster at a time. So, I can only summon the bear once I take back the mouse. And since we need the mouse, I can't summon the bear right now." Red said.

"What about switching them in battles then? Take out the bear while we are fighting and the mouse while we need scouting." Obcisor said.

"I wish I could do that Brother-O. But, the summon skill has a really long cooldown. I can't constantly summon and unsummon them as I want to." Red said shaking his head.

Soon, the mouse returned to the group and spoke to Red. Red's eyes lit up. He immediately unsummoned his mouse and summoned the bear.

The bear was about 2.5m tall and standing on two legs. Its body was full of blood-red fur. The most surprising thing about the bear was the two demon horns on its head.

'So that's a hell bear.' Obcisor thought. 'But why summon it now? Unless..'

"The next path has to forks. It's straight ahead. At the end of the path are 2 wolves, slightly bigger than these normal wolves. Beyond that is the boss's room." Red informed the group.

Everyone got a little straighter. The boss. This was the monster that killed them brutally in their last run. They still had slight bits of fear from the last run.

But most of it was overshadowed by the excitement they had as they wanted to kill it. They no longer thought they could lose, as they now had a fantastic tank on their party.

The group walked forward in the same manner as previous battles.

Although these two wolves were much stronger than the previous ones, they weren't much of a hassle.

After defeating the two wolves, they entered the boss's room.

Obcisor was surprised to see light inside the room. Unlike the gloomy and dark cave outside, the boss room had an opening on the ceiling and the light from outside lit up the room bright.

The room was round and on either side of the walls were rocks protruding from them. Starting from the door of the room, the protruding rocks got higher and higher, until they reached the back of the room. In the back, was a massive platform at least a dozen meters high cast with shadows from the ceiling.

On top of that, was the sleeping Wolf King.


The door closed behind the five people. Slowly, the wolf king opened its eyes.

The wolf king didn't put any of them in its eyes, as it was the king of this dungeon. To him, the group of intruders looked like a bunch of little rats.

It jumped off the platform and landed a few meters away from the group. Obcisor finally saw the Wolf King in full light.

The Wolf King was massive. As big as an elephant. Its fur silky smooth shining with bright silver color. Its head looking straight at them. Not a single sign of fear in its eyes, only arrogance.

The group got ready for the battle. They didn't fear the wolf king. No, they didn't have the luxury to.

The boss had 10K HP. They needed to kill him fast.

"Hah," Obcisor shouted and went forward to meet the king in battle. The Wolf King swung its paws towards him and hit him on the shield.

<'Wolf King' dealt 145 Damage>

'Holy S**t'. 145 damage. It didn't seem like a large amount. To Obcisor, it wasn't a large amount.

But you have to remember, Obcisor had a Mythical Defense Class. At Level 33, including his items, his total DEF stats would be over 300. Meaning, he easily had over 150 Absolute Block.

Still, the Wolf King dealt him 145 Damage after reducing the damage and removing it with Absolute Block.

This Wolf King was without a doubt the strongest monster he had met yet.

'No wonder they said they were torn to shreds' he thought.

He immediately used [Vocal Taunt] to keep the boss in place. Tiny swung his giant sword down. It was shining slightly as if Tiny was using a skill right now.

Red had also started attacking the wolf along with his Hell bear.

Irene shot a magic skill at it and was seemingly channeling a very strong spell.

The taunt lasted on the boss for half the amount due to its inherent status resistance.

The Wolf King stopped attacking Obcisor and moved towards Tiny.

"What?" everyone was surprised.

The boss... had an Aggro system.

'Only Level 50 and above monsters have Aggro system added to them. But the dungeon's level was 40. ' Obcisor thought. Suddenly a haunting revelation came to his mind.

The boss was Level 50.

'Shit. No wonder the system recommended all 6 people for the dungeon.'

To check the levels of monsters in the fields or dungeons, you needed to get a skill called [Observe]. It had a good supply in the market, but it also had a high demand.

So the skill consistently costs over 10K Gold. Obcisor wanted to buy it, but he didn't have the money.

It seemed no one had bought the skill in their group either. They thought they had prepared enough, but oh how wrong they were.

The Wolf King was almost at Tiny. Obcisor wasn't worried about himself. If he fought the boss one on one, he had no doubt he would come out on top.

But, the rest of the party were different. They had already died to the boss once. The second time wouldn't be any different either.

Obcisor had two choices now. Either Out-Aggro the rest of the group and reveal he had a beyond rare Class, or let the rest of the group die, solo the Wolf King and therefore reveal he had a beyond rare Class.

'Screw it' Obcisor decided to ditch the shield and start brawling with the boss.

Just then, the boss slowed down. Tiny managed to dodge the boss's attack by a hair's width.

Everyone was shocked at what just happened. They looked back and saw Pink Star with her staff. She had just used the same curse as the Goblin Wizard.

Obcisor immediately got out of his stupor and started hitting the boss with both his hands. By the time the Wolf King was out of the curse's effect, Obcisor had managed to out-aggro his entire party.

The boss started attacking Obcisor who already had his shield up again. Tiny also started attacking the boss, but this time managed to keep his aggro lower than Obcisor.

Irene completed her casting and brought out a massive thunder blast that took a massive chunk of the Boss's HP away.

The Wolf King had high Damage and Speed, but his defense was low. With this blast, his HP reached below 50%.

'Oh no,' Obcisor realized something.

"Prepare yourselves" He shouted to the group. "The Boss is changing forms."