The Alchemist

"There are two ways," Red said.

"First, the easy one. You just teleport to a new city. You can pay 5000 gold to the priests at the 'Temple of Radiance' where you first teleported into. From there, they will teleport you to a city of your choice. Most new players don't use this method since it's so expensive for them."

"The second option is you take a carriage at the east or west gate and they take you to the next city for 10 gold. This is probably the better one for a player anyways since you can fight monsters on the road while moving to the next town. But the problem with this method is that the carriage will only take you to the next town. If you want to go to a different town, you will have to change multiple carriages."

Obcisor thought for a while. "I see. Thank you, Brother Red. What will you do?" he asked.

"I will probably take the carriage. I want to see the road. Also, I need to level up a summon of mine. I suggest you do the same as well Brother-O." Red said thoughtfully.

"Alright then. I will think about it. See you later brother Red." He said

"Goodbye, Brother-O" Red disappeared among the chaotic crowd.

Obcisor thought for a while. Should he take the carriage? But that was counter-intuitive, since he was so high level, he doubted he could find any monsters that could give him experience, unlike Red's summon which was probably low level right now.

Teleporting to a new city, however, was a much better choice. He could go to a relatively high-level city and quickly level up there.

"Okay. I will use the teleportation method." He decided.

He required two things to use the teleportation device.

The first was 5000 Gold. He currently had very little gold on him, but the different loot he gathered at the wolf dungeon would probably sell for that amount.

The second thing he needed was the name of the city he needed to go to. However, no city came to his mind that he wanted to go to.

'First thing first. He decided to just sell the loot on him for now.

The vendor seemed to be very excited to see wolf materials. He was happier now than when Obcisor brought him the goblin materials.

The vendor happily gave 4000 gold for the entire loot.

'Shit' he thought. 4000 gold was a lot of gold. It was more than 4 times the gold he got from the goblin dungeon. But, it wasn't enough to use teleportation.

He needed to find some more gold somehow. 'Do I go hunt the goblins for some loot? Or do I have to take the carriage?' he thought

Suddenly he remembered, 'How could I forget!! The auction. I will probably get more than the 2000 gold I set for the item.'

He looked at the time and saw that only 7 hours had passed since he had auctioned the item.

There was nothing left for him to do except wait for the item to get sold. Thinking so, he logged out.

- - - - - - — - — - -

In a certain city, a young teenage boy was sitting in a well-lit room. Aside from black pants and a red shirt the boy only had an oversized belt on him.

In front of him was a table with many materials laid on top of it.

There were some monster ears, some stones, some flowers, some grass, and many other things.

The boy one of each of the materials and put them in a hovering system panel. Once he was done putting all of them in the panel, he pressed the button, 'Produce'.

'Another failure'. The boy sighed. He had bought 10 sets of materials and 3 of them resulted in failures.

He tried once more. He put all the materials in the panel and hit 'Produce'.

[Lesser Mana Potion: Common

Type: Consumable

Recovers 1500 Mana over 5 seconds.]

'Finally.' The boy thought.

He continued making potions. By the time he was done with all 10 sets, he had made 11 'Lesser Mana Potions' and got an overall 5500 Exp.

The 'Lesser Mana Potions' sold on the market for 1500 Gold each.

He had bought the 10 sets for around 10K gold. He had profited a bit this time. He put up 10 potions in the market and kept 1 for himself, just in case.

He looked at the clock. He had played the game for 2 days straight. That was about a night of sleep in the real world. It was about time for him to wake up.

He checked his status to see how much he progressed in these 2 days.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Slow pyre

Class: Alchemist

Title: 'Hardworking'

Level: 73 (8700/9800 Exp)

HP: 1880/1880

Mana: 2440/2440

STR: 166

DEF: 168

INT: 448+40

VIT: 186+20

AGI: 206

Stamina: 70%

Hunger: 73%

Remaining stats: 0

- - - - - - - - - - - -

He was close to leveling up. A few more potions and he would reach level 74. He smiled a little and logged out.

Michael got out of the capsule. It was 9 in the morning. It seemed he played a little more than usual.

He freshened up and went out of his room.

His sister and mother were already in the living room.

"Are you guys already done with training?" he asked

"Yeah," Mikaela replied.

"Michael, now that you are awakened you need to start training too. Starting tomorrow, you will join your sister every morning." Agnes said.

"Okay, mother." He replied. He didn't really want to train though. After all, these were peaceful times, what was the use of hunters except for gathering mana stones. Since the dungeon battles were so regulated, there wasn't any threat to someone's life. So Anyone with an A-rank or above could do that. He didn't have to join guilds.

Still, he didn't voice his opinion and just agreed to what his mother said. He had always secretly wanted to awaken. Now that he had, he wasn't going to complain about the hard stuff that came afterward.

"Alright. Let's eat. Michael, go check if the uncle is awake. If he is still sleeping, let him be." Agnes said as she went towards the kitchen.

Michael walked up to the guest room where Adler was staying and asked, "Are you awake Uncle?"

He heard some rustling inside and suddenly, the door opened. "Oh good morning Michael," Adler said.

"Good morning, Uncle. It's time for lunch. Do you want to eat or ..?" he asked. He wasn't sure if he had woken up Adler or if he was already awake.

"Oh, I'm eating. Let's go." Adler said as he got out of the room. "I finally woke up on time today," Adler said as he laughed a little.

'On-time?' Michael looked at his clock, 'But, it's 9 already. Michael thought his uncle must think 9 AM to be early in the morning since he had woken up at noon the past few days, but quickly he dismissed the thought.

At the dinner table, they all had their meals.

It was then Mikaela brought up something that interested Adler a lot.