Raven City

"Oh, nice. The item sold for 9K huh, not bad." Obcisor was happy his item sold for quite a bit. He could now teleport to Raven city without worry.

He closed the notification panel and walked towards the 'Temple of Radiance'.

'Wait' he suddenly thought. 'No way,' he questioned what he thought he saw as he opened the notification again.

"Huh. What? Huh? What is going on? 92K? not 9.2K? " He was flabbergasted.

'Why did it sell for so much? Was the item that good? or did someone make a mistake?' he couldn't understand. 'I should ask Michael.' he thought.

He put the money stuff to the back of his mind for now and made his way to the 'Temple of Radiance.'

He asked one of the priests how to use the teleporter, who gratefully took him to a separate room, from the one he arrived in.

This room also had a teleportation circle on the ground and a few people were constantly disappearing on it. No one, however, was arriving on it.

He understood. They must have 2 teleportation circles. One to send people, and one to receive people.

The priest took him to another priest who asked him about his destination. He gave the name 'Raven City'.

The priest happily took his 5000 Gold and asked him to stand in the teleportation circle.

Within a few seconds, he was gone.

When Obcisor opened his eyes again, he was in the same room he first appeared in the Blue Keep City. Worried that he might have been ripped off, he quickly went outside to check.

He was just worrying too much.

<'Temple of Radiance, Raven City' set as Respawn point.>

'Alright. I didn't get ripped off. And I'm in a new city.' He thought. 'First thing first, let's find Michael'.

He walked into the big city. The houses here were similar to the Blue Keep city. Unlike Blue Keep City, however, there was no massive castle in the middle of this city.

He asked one of the NPCs where the Alchemist Guild was, who told him quite unhesitatingly. The NPC was in fact even a little happy to answer his queries.

He didn't know if the NPC was just that friendly or his Charm stat was doing its work. Either way, he made his way to the middle of the city, the City Center.

The City Center was a place with a lot of in-game guilds and shops.

Obcisor reached the City Center. He looked around for a while before he found the Alchemist Guild.

'What did the kid say his name was again? Slow something?' he looked in front of the Alchemist Guild to see if he could catch the sight of anyone with the name 'slow' on him.

There weren't many people with green names on top of them. So he very easily found a boy with black hair wearing black pants and a red shirt with the name 'Slow Pyre' on top of him. It seemed he hadn't bothered changing his appearance.

He still looked like how he was before he awakened.

He went up to him and said, "Hey, Michael"

Slow Pyre looked at him and was surprised, "Uncle?". He couldn't recognize Obcisor. He had blonde hair and a different face from his real one.

"Yeah, it's me." Obcisor said, "Here, accept my friend request," He sent Slow Pyre a friend request.

Slow pyre accepted it.

"So, what do we do now Michael?" he asked.

"I don't know Uncle. You should probably go hunt. There are multiple dungeons outside the city.

"Nah. I don't feel like hunting right now. Hey, I needed to ask you something. How much would such an item sell for?" he asked Slow Pyre while giving a description of [Slime's Protection].

"Hmm... I don't really know the market value of items very well. My sister knows it better." Slow pyre replied," but if I had to garner a guess I would say about 8000?"

"Only 8000?" Obcisor frowned. 'Either Michael really didn't understand the market value of items or the person who bought it made a mistake.' He thought.

Slow Pyre saw his frowning face and mistook it as him not liking the answer he presented, so he elaborated his guess, "That's just my guess uncle. The item is very lucrative to Magic Damage dealers and Healers. The INT and Mana Regen will be very helpful to them for sustaining mana in battle."

"The Magic Amplification is great too. 10% Magic Amplification is the same as having 100 INT and increases your Base magic damage by 10%. Mages would deal more damage and healers would heal more. But best of all is the Magic Resistance. "

"Most items and passives don't have magic resistance in them. Instead, they have their specific type of resistance. For example, Fire Resistance, or Lightning Resistance. So, 20% Magic Resistance actually buffs up their defense against all those types and by quite a lot too. That's why I think the item would cost around 8000 dollars."

"Wait Dollars? What about gold? How much is that in gold?" Obcisor asked.

"Well the dollar to gold ratio is 1:10, so the item would sell for around 80K in my opinion. But no one would be stupid enough to sell such a good item for gold when they can sell it for dollars in the outside market where the reach is vaster than the in-game market ." Slow Pyre said.

"Is that so?" Obcisor lamented.

"Well I don't really know the market, so it might actually sell for a lot more," Michael replied unknowingly rubbing salt on his wounds.

Obcisor cleared his mind. 'It doesn't matter, I have enough money right now.' He thought.

"I have a lot of money with me. You know what I should buy??" Obcisor asked.

"Let's see," Slow Pyre thought," You need to get a Map of West Continent for sure. It shows a lot of the cities and hunting grounds in it. It costs quite a lot for beginners but it's worth it."

"You should also get a [Observe] skill if you haven't already. Besides those, you should also buy a lot of HP and Mana potions as they are very necessary for dungeon hunting at a higher level." Slow pyre said.

"Besides that, just buy items you would need."

'That's not a bad idea.' He thought. "You need some money," Obcisor asked

Slow Pyre hesitated but answered, "No". Obcisor didn't catch the hesitation.

"Alright, Let's go to a store. Where do I get the map?" he asked Slow Pyre.

"It's right over there." He took Obcisor to a rather busy spot in the City Center.

"This is where you buy Skills. You can also get maps here." Slow pyre said.

Obcisor went ahead and bought a map of the West Continent and the [Observe] Skill. They both cost him 25K Gold. The skill cost 10K, while the Map cost him 15K Gold.

He opened the skill and tore it.



Rarity: Undefinable

Level: 1 (MAX)

Type: Active

Manacost: 50

Cooldown: 20 Seconds

Target: Monsters

Target Type: Single

Function: 1 use: shows the HP and Level of the monster. 2 use: shows the stats of the monster. Does not work on monsters higher than 50 levels from you.]


'This is quite good he thought.

He then checked his map. The map was in his inventory. As soon as he touched the map, a panel showing the map of the entire west continent popped up.

He checked his current location on the map.

The map showed that they were somewhere around the upper right quadrant of the center of the West Continent.

"So this is where Raven City is located."