
Obcisor looked up the various different cities and villages all over the western continent. The whole continent was massive.

He could barely make out the figures of Raven city on the map.

He tried looking for Blue Keep City. It turned out to be at the very far east of the western continent. It was a little bit away from the great blue.

The Great Blue was the massive ocean that covered everything that was not a piece of land.

Unfortunately, the map didn't show any information regarding the frozen wasteland or the sand continent.

Well, that didn't matter to him right now. Since he was in the skill store, he decided on look at some skill he could learn.

Again, most of the AOE skills he needed were either mage class focused or didn't do much damage to be useful.

After searching through every single skill, he finally found one.



Rarity: Uncommon

Level : 1 (0%)

Type: Passive

Target: Enemy Units

Target Type: Single / Multiple/ Area

Skill Restriction: Warrior, Archer, Rouge

Function: On each hit, you have a 10% chance to shock the enemy with lightning that transfers to other enemies within 5 meters of the first one. Transfers up to 5 times. Deals damage equal to 60% of your INT.]


The skill had no cooldown. Meaning, that he could technically be able to proc the skill on every hit and do about 150 magic damage on each hit that would transfer to other enemies.

This was a much-needed addition to his arsenal.

The skill cost him 25K Gold. He tried looking for other similar skills, but couldn't find one.

He then tried looking for good weapons. He currently had none with him and really needed one.

Slow Pyre brought him to a weapon store. He looked through the different weapons in the weapon store trying to find one that fit him. He soon found one.


[Twin Dagger: Uncommon

Equipment Type: Weapon

STR: +50

AGI: +30

Accuracy: +15%


Twin Dagger separates into 2 different daggers, each dealing only half damage. Loses accuracy in split mode]


Returns the two separate daggers back to Twin Dagger]

Level restriction: 60


This was a weirdly amazing weapon. Not only did it have a total of 80 extra stats, but it also had the rare Accuracy stat.

The stronger you got, the more the Accuracy stat would become relevant. At higher levels, you didn't want to miss any of your attacks. Since bosses started showing up with evasion stat infrequently above level 50 and quite regularly above level 100, the accuracy stat was the perfect counter to that.

Also, the item had a level restriction of 60. But it didn't matter to him since one of the benefits of a mythical class was to lower level restrictions by 20 levels on all items.

The dagger cost 30K but it was absolutely worth it.

Another thing Obcisor desperately wanted to do was find a good shoe. He was still walking in those damn bunny shoes.

He found a lot of shoes, but none gave as much movement speed as the bunny shoe did, so he reluctantly kept it on until he found a better one.

"By the way Michael, how do I get quests? Ever since I left the beginner village, I haven't gotten a single quest," he asked.

"Well, you see uncle, to get a quest you have to ask NPCs for one. For example, ask them if they need anything or if you can help them in any way. Once in a while, they will need you to do something and give you a quest." Slow Pyre said.

"But that's not very efficient, so most players actually just hunt and don't bother with quests at all. After all, the only thing quests gave that normal hunting didn't were the Fame. And till now, No one has been able to tell what fame was really useful for" He said.

"Though still, there are quite a few people who like doing quests." Slow Pyre continued, "So, these people just join Hunter's guild."

"A Hunter guild?" Obcisor was intrigued. "Elaborate".

- - - - - - - - - - -

A man was out on his lunch break. He bought a small meal at the vending machine and was sitting on a bench, basking in the sunlight.

He was bored out of his mind with his slow and tedious work.

To entertain himself he took out his glasses from his pocket and opened a forum he regularly visited to. He sorted the posts by 'New' out of habit and checked what new was happening.

His eyes were immediately attracted by a new post that read 'Man solo clears goblin dungeon in less than 8 minutes '.

'No way,' he thought as he clicked on the link. The video led to a familiar site, Holotube.

The video started and he saw the dungeon gate info.

[Goblin Dungeon - Level 15

Recommended Level: 18

Recommended players: 3

Maximum Players: 5

Maximum Level Allowed: 30

Fastest Clear time: 11 minutes 22 seconds]

'He is going to solo this?' the man thought to himself.

The video changed as the player entered the dungeon. The grasses were green and vibrant and he could see goblin settlement a bit further away in the video.

The player immediately rushed towards the goblins.

'Is he stupid? He should lure the goblins out of the settlement one by one or use AOE spells and guerrilla tactics. Why is he running straight at them?' he was confused.

Then he saw the goblins shoot out arrows. So many arrows, enough to block out the sky.

He thought the player would die for sure, but he survived. Instead all the goblins died.

'What just happened?' he couldn't understand.

Before he knew it, the player had massacred all the regular goblins and was running towards the boss.

As soon as he reached the boss, he instead ignored the boss and went for another goblin behind the boss and killed it within a matter of seconds.

He took multiple hits from the boss and it's two lackeys, but seemed to be absolutely fine.

He got into a brawl with the remaining 3 monsters and in just a few minutes, he killed them.

The time it took him to complete the dungeon was 7 minutes 22 seconds.

The man took off his glasses. He couldn't believe what he just saw. The player had just rushed through a massive group of goblins and slaughtered them.

He checked the views on the video. There were only 5 views. It must've been one of these 5 that made the new forum post.

The man checked who the uploader was. The uploader had no profile picture and had 0 followers. The profile was just created a few minutes ago. About the same time the video was uploaded.

He read the name of the uploader. It said 'Juggernaut'.

' Juggernaut, an unstoppable force. Truly a fitting name.' He thought.

Without hesitation, he liked and commented on the video and followed the uploader. He shared the link among his guildmates.

The man realized that his lunch break was about to be over, so he quickly finished his meal and left.

The initial forum poster might have been the first piece of domino that fell; which led to the other pieces falling as well.

Or maybe not. Maybe he was the first drop of rain, among the many drops of rain that would inevitably fall down from the clouds.

Either way, the video uploaded by 'Juggernaut' was now making waves in the community.