Hunter's Guild

The video aptly titled 'Clearing a dungeon in 8 minutes' had more than a 100K view in a few hours.

It was shared through multiple forum posts, guild chat groups, and other private 'POG' communities.

-Yo! Is this real? How is he not dead after taking so many arrows?-

-How are all the goblin archers suddenly? Dead?-

-LOL. Do you guys think ASAGE got hacked?-

-Anyone knows who this player is?-

-He is using the disguise function in the recording. That's not what the actual person looks like.-

-I think he is a high-level player showing off by beating low-level monsters.-

-Are you stupid? The dungeon clearly has a Level 30 restriction. It's the first thing you see in the video.-

-Why is the boss so weak in this dungeon? Does anyone know where this dungeon is? I should tell my brother who is new to the game to hunt there.-

-Don't bother dude. It's actually a really hard boss. The goblin wizard in the back that the player immediately killed buffs the boss' speed, damage, defense and also heals it from time to time. Also if you try to go near the wizard-like player, the wizard will immediately curse you and all the remaining 3 goblins will jump you.-

-Yo 'Juggernaut', what's your in-game name? I will add you as a friend.-

-You need to meet him first to add him as a friend dude.-

-Is that so? I'm new to this game.-

-Man, I remember dying to the boss. The goblin wizard's curses were so annoying. Feels good to see it get killed so fast.-

-You guys think he's got a Unique Class?-

-Maybe. Who knows.-

There were a lot of comments on the video. Some wondering if this was a High leveled player in a low-level dungeon. Some wondering if some hacker got into ASAGE's server and enhanced his stats. Some even wonder if this was a very rare class.

Some very close to the truth, while some couldn't be further away from it.

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Somewhere in the sand continent,

A group of girls was resting in the middle of the desert, next to a beautiful-looking oasis.

"Yo leader, didn't you once say you came from the 'Blue Keep' City?" one of the girls in the group asked.

The leader was a beautiful girl with long, bright pink hair and a small cute looking face with no emotion visible on them. She wasn't too tall but wasn't very short either.

She was sitting on a small rock with her bare feet in the water.

She looked towards the caller and answered, "Yes". She didn't like to talk very much it seemed.

The other girl didn't mind this. They were used to her being quiet outside of when she was commanding them in the dungeon.

"Oh, then do you know about a 'Goblin Dungeon' in there?" the girl asked once more.

"Yes." She replied once more.

"Then check this video." She said as she posted a link in the guild chat.

The pink-haired leader watched the video silently. The more she watched, the more her eyes got wider. After finishing the video, there was finally an emotion on her face.


The other girls looked at her surprised. They had never seen their leader show so much emotion from anything.

"What's wrong, leader?" one of the girls asked.

The leader ignored her and opened her status page to check the titles page.

'It's gone!! This person really did it.' She was shocked once again.

"Uhh.. Leader, you don't have to think much about the video. There are people saying it actually might be a fake vi-"

"It's real." The leader interjected.

"What?" the girls got surprised to see the leader talk so fast and loud.

"I was the one with the previous record holder of this dungeon. I got a temporary title from it for solo clear. Now It's gone. This was a hard dungeon to clear for me. Even with my Unique class, it took me almost 37 minutes, but this person somehow was able to clear it in less than 8 minutes. This person is strong." She said. She slowly pushed back the hair, that had fallen to the side of her face, behind her ears revealing their pointed shape.

The girls were now thoroughly shocked. Not only had they never heard their leader talk so much before, they had also no heard her praise someone before.

The leader turned back to look at the girls, her face back to its original emotionless state again, and said, "C'mon. Enough resting. We need to clear the dungeon again."

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Obcisor was amazed at the different people walking in and out of the giant room.

Slow Pyre had decided to stay behind in the Alchemist Guild and let him come here alone.

The room was large and at the end of it were clerks who were talking to other players.

A few players were hanging in front of a board on the right side of the room. Obcisor walked up to the board to see what was written on it.

'Oh,' he thought. It made sense. He was in Hunter's guild after all.

He walked to a clerk who, almost like she was programmed to, asked "Do you wish to join the hunter's guild.?"

"Yes," he replied.

She took out a form and passed it along, "Please fill this up." She said.

The form only asked for his Name and Age. So, he wrote his in-game name and put his age as 23. After it was done, he gave back the form to the clerk.

The clerk took the form and brought out a sticker. She split the sticker in two and put one of the splits on the form he just wrote.

"Put this on your chest." She said and gave it to him. He did as she told him.

The sticker was a small white circle with the number 118 written on it. The clerk gave back the form to him. Its sticker also said 118.

"Please, go through that door. Give this form to Jack and wait for your turn. I wish you luck" she smiled and said.

He walked through the door into a long hallway. At the end of the hallway was an open space, where he could hear a lot of sound coming from.

There were many people standing around an enclosure with two people inside it, fighting. One of them had a white name on top of him 'David', while the other didn't have any name signifying that he was a player.

'Is this the test?' Obcisor thought.

He walked up to an NPC named Jack. He was a tall, bald and beefy dude with a short beard and mustache.

"Hello, I'm here for Hunter's test." He said to Jack.

Jack turned around to look at Obcisor. "You filled the form?" he asked.

"Yes. Here." Obcisor handed jack the form.

"23 huh. That's Acceptable. Sit around, kid, it's currently 94's turn. Your turn will come soon." Jack said as he turned around and no longer gave Obcisor another glance.

"Alright," Obcisor said and went back to watching the fight.

The fight soon ended with nobody's victory. It seemed it was more of an assessment than an actual battle.

Number 95 stood up and went inside the enclosure. It was their turn now.