Hunter Test

Obcisor watched at the one just fighting came out of the enclosure. The person had 93 on them.

Out from behind somewhere another person came out to the fighting stadium, this person had 94 on them.

The person with 95 that just left went and disappeared the same place 94 came from.

'Ah. They are testing 2 players at a time.' He understood.

He didn't know what happened during the first test. But the second test was for all to see.

In the second test, you had to fight 'David'. David seemed to be extremely strong and could handle any of the attacks the players threw at them.

He could dodge any sword swing, tank any magic, not get affected by the curse. He was exactly what you wanted your characters to be.

He would also hit from time to time and see how you handled those stuff.

After waiting a while, 116 finished his battle with 'David'. He seemed to be quite happy about his assessment and walked out with a smile.

Obcisor stood up. It was his turn.

He walked up to the NPC in charge of letting in the test candidates. The NPC saw his number and silently opened the door.

Obcisor walked into the enclosure. He saw number 117 come out from behind a wall.

Obcisor went to the same wall and was quickly out of sight from everyone outside the enclosure.

Behind the wall were 2 separate rooms.

A man with a stack of paper was waiting in front of one of the rooms. He saw Obcisor walking his way and said," This way candidate."

He took Obcisor to the first room.

Inside the room was a wooden puppet, not unlike the one he saw in Village K.

The NPC took out a mechanical stopwatch and said, " You have 30 seconds to deal as much damage as you can to the puppet. You have 10 seconds to prepare. 10, 9 .." He started counting as he readied his stopwatch.

'Physical activity to test one's stats huh, that's almost nostalgic.' Obcisor quickly took out his Twin Dagger and split it into two daggers, one in each hand.

"3, 2, 1" click. The NPC started the timer.

Obcisor immediately used [Air Slash].

5 green slashes appeared in front of him and shot out forward to strike the puppet.

Obcisor immediately dashed behind the slashes and started hitting the puppet relentlessly.

He didn't have any skills to improve his damage. So he could only attack normally. [Zap] and [Consecutive Strike] proc'd from time to time helping his deal a bit more damage than just plain normal attacks.

His [Solo Hunter] effect didn't work against the puppet since it wasn't a monster. So his overall damage took a massive 25% dip.

After 30 seconds, it was over. For some reason, he couldn't see the damage values popping up on top of the puppet or on his notifications. It seemed the test didn't tell you how much damage you dealt.

The NPC recorded something into his stack of paper and said, "Good job on this test. Now, onto the next one."

The NPC took him to the room adjacent to this one.

Inside the room, Obcisor found something else that was familiar to him.

Just like the ones from Village K, in front of him was a spinning wheel with 4 sticks attached to it.

"Stand right here. I will turn on the wheel. You will get hit until you take damage." The NPC said.

Obcisor stood at the spot and braced for the pain to start. The NPC looked at him and asked, "You don't need to equip any shields?"

"Oh, we can use shields?" he asked.

"Of Course, you are already using so much equipment. Why ask now?"

Obcisor looked a little embarrassed and took out his Padded shield and said "Ready".

"Alright, here we go, 3,2,1" Click. The wheel started spinning at a steady rate.

Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam.

They hit Obcisor's shield one after another. He didn't feel anything at first but quickly felt the force behind each hit get stronger.

It seemed it was starting off slow and steadily getting stronger until the player started taking damage.

10 seconds later, No damage.

20 seconds later, No damage.

30 seconds later, No damage.

The NPC perked up his eyebrows. 'Not bad' he thought.

It took 64 seconds before Obcisor took 1 damage, at which point the test ended.

He probably could've increased the time a little more if he turned around and used [Wolf's Back] from his Wolf Armor, but couldn't think of it in time.

"Good Job. Your test here is done. Follow me" he said and walked out of the door.

"Now, go and fight David, he will take your next test." The NPC said. Then the NPC went back to the spot in front of the first room, waiting for the next candidate to enter.

Obcisor walked by the wall and saw that number 117 was still in battle with David.

It had been a little over 2 minutes and 117 was still not done.

117 was a female player that seemed to be an archer class. She was sending out arrows after arrows, but David didn't seem to be phased.

He was still relaxed and easily dodging those arrows.

He looked towards Obcisor and smiled.

'Ah. That man was waiting for my test to finish before sending the other candidate away.' Obcisor was surprised. No wonder he was fighting so unenthusiastically.

After he saw Obcisor come out of the testing room, David started going on the offensive.

He started off slow. He went forward, swung his sword a little, and got back.

Little by little, he started doing that faster and more often. Number 117 was starting to find it hard to keep dodging.

Even with her high AGI stat, the onslaught of the swords was too fast for her to dodge, and eventually, she got hit with the flat side of the blade.

Even though it was the flat side, David still dealt a lot of damage to her.

He hit her a couple of more times and as soon as her HP reached 50%, he stopped.

"The test is over. Please leave." He said to the girl.

The girl picked up whatever unbroken arrows were behind David and left.

An NPC came up to David to note down the assessment of the girl.

Seeing the girl leaving, Obcisor walked onto the fighting platform.

He stood in front of David and greeted, "Hello".

David smiled a little and nodded in greeting.

Obcisor could see David's features a little better up close. He had tanned skin with short black hair. He had a clean-shaven face without a single bad spot on his handsome face.

He was wearing a simple blazer and pants, but it couldn't hide the well-built muscle that it was supposed to hide. He was holding a simple metal sword in his hand and seemed to be wearing no other equipment.

Obcisor was unable to determine how old he could be, but David seemed to be on the younger side of most fighting NPCs he saw.

"What's your class type? Warrior? Mage? Archer?" David asked.

"I have a defense-type warrior class," Obcisor said.

"Alright then, take out your shield. Let's start" David said readying his sword.

"I will be using these daggers if you don't mind," Obcisor replied.

David got a little surprised, he asked, "You sure kid?" to which Obcisor replied with a simple nod.

"Very well then. Be my guest. Now, come hit me"