The Spider-Mother

Obcisor walked into the boss's room.

The boss room was filled with spider web just like the outside, perhaps more so than the outside.

The 18 trees surrounding the boss room were massively tall and wide.

There were lumps of spider webs hanging from spider threads along the sides of the trees.

There was only a small patch of ground in the middle of the room where there were no spider webs.

He looked around the dungeon room. He looked left, he looked right and he looked behind him. There was nothing there.

He was in the dungeon room, but there was no boss. 'Does the boss have stealth? Can't be.' He thought.

He looked up, but could only see a dozen meters or so up before the webs totally blocked his views.

He was starting to assume that there had been some sort of mistake when suddenly,


A massive sound shook the earth. The sound was of something big falling to the ground.

If he didn't know any better, he would have thought it was one of the massive trees falling down.

He looked at the massive black mass in front of him.

The black mass was about the size of a 2 story house. Then, the black mass slowly starts to stand up and its height got higher than anything Obcisor had seen in the game as of now.


[Spider-Mother: Level 70 15000/15000 HP]

'Yikes. I don't even reach its legs, how do I fight this monster' Obcisor was shocked by the sheer size of this creature.

He started running toward the boss.

[Air Slash]

5 green air slashes appeared in front of Obcisor and shot out towards the boss. The boss was just way too big to dodge that.

Since he couldn't reach the main body, he started attacking the Spider-mother on its legs.

Slash slash.

He was just getting a few hits in when another leg came out of nowhere to hit him.

He wanted to dodge but instead decided to use the momentum to create some distance between him and the boss.

<'Spider-Mother dealt 158 damage>

"Holy shit. My fighting style against the spiderlings won't do many wonders here". Still he decided to give it a try before fully throwing the strategy out the window.

With the padded shield, he got near to the spider-mother and used [Shield Bash].

The spider-mother was a boss, so she would have 50% natural Status resistance. Meaning, he had 2 seconds to attack.

He immediately split his dagger and started attacking the boss. While the physical damage didn't do a lot of damage, he managed to get 2 [zap] procs.

[Air Slash], [Shield Bash], and [Zap]

These were his 3 main sources of damage against the spider mother since physical attacks did barely any damage to the beast.

After the stun was over, he immediately used [Vocal Taunt] and [Bulwark's revenge].

Another massive foot came towards him and he braced for impact.

<'Spider Mother' dealt 168 damage>

<[Bulwark's Revenge] dealt 275 damage to Spider Mother>

He stood up after being flown away. He ran back to the spider mother.

He started hitting the spider's legs once more. The spider leg came to attack him again.

[Bulwark's Healing]

This time however he wasn't knocked away.


He finally used Observe a second time on the boss.

[Spider-Mother: level 70

HP: 13538/15000

MP: 4500/4500

STR: 700

DEF: 450

INT: 1000

VIT: 1500

AGI: 350 ]

'Again with the massive INT but no use. Why?' he pondered.

Spider Mother only did the one thing ever, hit him with its legs. it didn't move from the spot or try to bite him as all the other spiderlings did.

So, he started slowly chipping the boss' HP down until it was 50%.

Then, the Spider-Mother went into Battle Mode.

As soon as its hp reached 50%, it immediately threw out white spider webs from her mouth onto him.

He was standing in the one spot where the spider webs weren't and he was finally getting his speed back. But now, he was back to the slow-moving him from a few hours ago.

In fact, this time his Attack speed was being dropped by 30% too. Which meant, his damage output was gone down by a similar amount too.

He looked around for the spider-mother but couldn't find it. So, he decided to look at the ceiling.

The Spider-Mother was hanging by its own spider webs and looking at him with all of its 8 eyes.

Suddenly, it screamed. It was more screeching than screaming.

Rustle. Rustle.

He started hearing some noise from somewhere in the boss' room, but couldn't figure out where.

It was almost as if the sound was coming from all around him and not any specific location.

He had a terrible premonition.


Suddenly, one of the white lumps hanging off of the massive trees cracked.

Slowly out of the crack came out a small arm. Small relative to the spider-mother that is.

One by one all 8 legs came out of the white lump and slowly a body rose with the help of the 8 legs.


[Spiderlings: Level 40 2500/2500 HP]

These spiderlings had half the stat of the spiderlings he fought in the dungeon before coming to the boss' room.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

Suddenly, more of those white lumps started cracking and spiderlings started hatching out of it.

Obcisor looked at those lumps once again and thought, 'Those are all spider eggs?'

He slowly turned his head around the room to see that there were nearly a hundred eggs,

Crack crack crack

And they were all starting to hatch.

At first, the new spiderlings randomly moved around the dungeon with no sense of destination. But after one shout from the spider-mother, all their heads turned towards him.

His face in over 800 different eyes.

Slowly, they started to climb down the trees. He was going to have to fight them all.

He didn't have any AOE skills other than [Air Slash] and [Zap] both of which only attacked 5 enemies at once. He was going to have to fight over a hundred spiders now.

He was ruminating on how to fight these spiderlings. The spiderlings were now 20 meters away from him when he suddenly heard movement from above.

The spider-mother seemed like it was ready to throw up ... and it did.

It threw up a 10-meter wide all-encompassing blanket of pale green liquid.

As soon as he saw the pale green liquid falling from above, he understood. This was poison from the spider-mother.

Obcisor needed to move. But there was nowhere no go.

All four directions were surrounded by the spiderlings. The sky was nothing but green poison. And the ground was not something he as a player could use.

There was no way out.

'So, what?' Obcisor thought, 'If there is no way out, then I will make one.'

His speed was slower than before by 30% so he couldn't move away in time. But he did have a skill that provided movement ability.

[Shield Bash]

He immediately used the skill and bashed one of the spiders within a 10-meter radius from him. He hadn't bothered taking out Padded shield so the spiderling was stunned for 2 seconds only.

But that was enough.

That was enough for Obcisor to come out of a pincer move. And now, it was his turn to attack.