The Spider Mother : Part 2

As soon as he stunned one of the little spiderlings, he started attacking the one.

With two blades in his hand, he was stabbing the spiders left and right.

These spiders were smaller than the ones outside the boss room, and around half in stats comparatively.

But, there were more than a hundred of them, so it started getting a bit overwhelming for him.

The spiderling's bites themselves weren't doing any damage to him. Due to his high Absolute Block, 0 physical damage was getting through.

However, the poison damage was different. He could only block about 50% of the damage.

So, he was taking around 65 poison damage every second. Although the poison ended every 2 seconds, the spiderlings were constantly attacking him, so the poison never stopped damaging him.

Thankfully, all the little spiderling's poison counted as a single one, so he never took multiple poison damage. Otherwise, he would've been dead already.

At level 50, he had around 7K HP, and he was constantly losing it.

He was also relentlessly attacking the little spiderlings.

Every so often, lightning would flash among the massive group of little spiderlings lighting them up.

This was the [Zap] skill showing its true purpose. On such a compact group of monsters, this was where it truly shined.

He was also a little worried. Not from the spiderlings, they could do him very little harm.

He was worried about the massive black mass hanging overhead, the spider mother.

Ever since going into battle form, her fighting style had changed.

Her normal mode felt like it was a giant, who had an annoying fly running around that it would just swat away.

In its battle form, however, the giant had retreated and let its children take care of the problem.

What would happen, if he killed all of her children.

'She did throw that poison spray, however' he thought.

As if on cue, the spider-mother sent out another one.

The blanket of poison was the same size as the last one. Except, this time he couldn't escape.

He wanted to use [Shield bash], but there were just too many spiderlings and he couldn't use it to escape since they were right on top of him.

So instead he braced himself for damage and used [Bulwark's Revenge]

<[Bulwark's Revenge] dealt 300 damage to 'Spider Mother' >

<[Bulwark's Revenge] dealt 130 damage to 'Spiderling'>



The boss was still overhead so he used [Air Slash], but the boss easily dodged it.

It was much more mobile on the ceiling than it ever was on the ground.

'Does she get movement bonus on her webs?' he thought.

He went back to focusing on the spiderlings in front of him while keeping an eye out on the spider mother's attack.

He slowly started killing more and more spiderlings.

[Zap] was for sure the MVP among the skills he had.

While [Critical Strike] and [Consecutive Strike] did no small damage, they weren't as good as [Zap] which dealt 60% of his INT as damage and was magic damage, which these little spiderlings couldn't block.

Plus, it constantly proc'd as it had no cooldown unlike [Consecutive Strike], and it did damage to multiple spiders, unlike [Critical Strike].

He was really happy to have gotten this skill.

As the spiderlings were dying a bit more quickly now thanks to [zap] reducing their HP before he even got to them, the spider mother once more threw out the poison.

This time however instead of taking the damage, he used [Bulwark's Healing] and his HP went back to full.

He constantly fought using this method.

Every time he killed a few more of the spiderlings, the spider-mother would send out sprays of poison.

Depending on whether he was low on HP or not, he would switch between using [ Bulwark's Healing] and [Bulwark's Revenge].

As the last bit of spiderlings was dying, he used [Bulwark's Healing] to heal back to full. And killed all the remaining spiderlings.

After all the spiderlings were dead, the boss once again jumped down to the ground.

Then in a single swift motion, it spat out its poison again.

He got ready to return the damage or dodge it, depending on what was possible. But the poison never came towards him.

Instead, it fell to the ground in front of him and got soaked into the ground.

'Great. Now even the ground is poisoned'. He grumbled.

He needed to attack the boss now.

[Air Slash]

5 green slashes appeared in front of him and shot off towards the boss.

The air slashes were him most damaging single target skill he had. They did 120% of his INT as the damage for each hit.

Meaning, even with the boss's incredible 50% magic reduction, it still took about 600 damage with a single [Air Slash].

While [Zap] was good against a crowd, [Air Slash] was good against single enemies.

He immediately tried to follow the [Air slash] with a [Shield Bash], but instead, he just got a notification.

He checked his mana quickly. He had about 2500 Mana max at level 50. He currently only had 160 mana, while [Shield Bash] used 200 mana.

He needed this mana to heal or deal damage. So, instead, he just ran towards the boss and started hacking at its legs.

The boss had around 7000 HP remaining, while he had about 6.5K.

The boss started taking damage, so it started hitting him too.

Instead of swatting him away like the previous times, however, it stomped on him with its leg.

<'Spider-Mother' dealt 165 damage>

As soon as it stomped him, it took back the leg.

Out of nowhere, another leg came down and stomped on him again.

<'Spider-Mother' dealt 155 damage>

The boss was starting to use all of its legs to attack him now.

In a panic, he used [Bulwark's Revenge]. He wanted to use [Bulwark's Healing], but his mana wasn't back yet.

<'Spider-Mother' dealt 155 damage>

<'Spider-Mother' dealt 169 damage>

<'Spider-Mother' dealt 158 damage>

<'Spider-Mother' dealt 168 damage>



The boss got away from him.

He too quickly stood up and stepped backward. He had lost about 2.5K HP.

His HP was down to around 4000 and he only had about 80 mana right now. So he couldn't even use [Bulwark's Healing] to survive.

He remembered and quickly took out one of his lesser health potions. These potions gave 1500 HP.

He drank one and his HP shot up to around 5500.

He started to look for the spider mother. He was confused.

Why did It leave instead of attacking him? It had left after the damaged return was over.

Then he saw it standing a little further away, near one of the trees, and understood why.

Its jet-black fur now had a mild shine of red. Its 8 eyes were also slightly glowing red.

'This is bad.' He thought.

The boss had gone into 'Berserk' Mode.