Quest Rewards

Obcisor frowned.

'1.5 million damage? Post reduction? How the hell am I supposed to do that fast?' he started raging on the inside.

'The developers are definitely targeting me.' He didn't know how correct he was.

"Ok let's see, if I somehow managed to take 15000 damage in the spider dungeon, then I would still have to ..uh 150? I will have to complete the dungeon 150 times? What the heck? This is bulls**t!'.

He grumbled as he got up and went back to the city.

He quickly found his way to Hunter's guild.

He walked inside and found a free clerk.

He walked up to the clerk and said, "I'm here to report by completed quest."

The girl looked up from her desk and asked, "Your hunter card please."

"Right here," he said as he handed her his hunter card.

She took the card and turned the card to check a mark at the back.

She took out a bundle of quest papers and quickly found the corresponding quest.

She read the quest and said, "Please provide the Spider-mother's venom fangs".

He opened his inventory and quickly located the venom fangs. He took it out and handed it to her.

The girl brought out a cloth and slowly wrapped the fangs before taking them to the back.

She came back with a different sack and handed it to him.

She took a stamp and stamped it on the same location as the mark, making a complete, fancy-looking letter D.


[Makes the Impossible, Possible:

Rarity: Unique

Fame: +5000

You gain 20% more experience from monsters

The title doesn't need to be equipped for effects to work]


"WOW," he said out loud. The title was fantastic.

10% extra damage and 20% more experience from the monsters were really good.

'Such a shame the experience is wasted for now' he thought to himself.

'But why impossible?' he thought to himself?

'Even if it's hard, anyone with D-rank should be able to do this quest' this was really confusing.

'Unless..' He thought. He remembered one of the hunter candidates saying something about hoping for a D-rank after reaching 80.

'Unless, under the normal condition, you could only get D-rank above level 60, which was the max level allowed in the dungeon. So normally this would be a quest no one would be able to do', he really felt like he cracked the code.

The girl was about to hand his card back to him when he asked, "Can I take another quest now?"

"Yes," the girl said as she gave him another bundle of papers.

As the list of quests floated up in front of him, he started searching for one that would be helpful to him.

It was then something caught his eyes.

Quest participants: 1

Kill spiderlings and gather 200 spider legs

Due Date: 5 days after taking the quest

Reward: 30K Gold, 5K exp, and +100 Fame

Failure Penalty: 10K gold>

The quest asked for 200 spider legs, which He already had.

Each spiderling dropped about 2-3 spider legs. For him who had the LUK stat and the title 'Lucky', it dropped more.

And he had fought over 100 spiderlings just in the boss room alone. He wondered if what he thought would work.

He decided to ask.

"Umm... Can I take this task's reward if I already have what it asks for?" he asked.

"Yes, but the quest will only count towards your completed quests if you did it solo.", She informed him.

"Yes I did it by myself, with no other help", he told the clerk.

"Okay. You can take the quest completion too." She accepted his answer without a single doubt or hesitation.

'Was that the CHA stat at work?' He wondered.

"Alright, here." He said as he handed her the quest and asked her, "Where do I drop all the Spider-legs in?"

The clerk took out a small pouch and handed it to him.

He wondered what he was going to do with such a small pouch, but as soon as he held the pouch, an inventory-like screen appeared in front of him.

Except it was all empty.

He understood what he had to do. He took all the spider legs from his inventory and transferred them into the empty one.

He then handed the bag back to the clerk.

She did the same thing as earlier. She brought him his rewards and gave him another stamp on the back of his card.

He asked to check the quest list another time.

He soon found another quest that required him to bring 150 venom sacks. He got the reward for it too.

After that, he didn't find any quests that he already had items for.

The Under 50 competition was soon coming up, so he didn't want to bother himself with other quests.

He walked out of hunter's guild with 120K Gold.

He needed some items for himself but decided against buying anything right now. He didn't want to log out of the game to buy anything.

He would do that a few hours later when it was time for dinner. It was better to take Mikaela's advice.

She knew the most about the game out of everyone in the house.

For now, he would just hunt.

He bought some more Health Potions as well as a few mana potions for around 10K Gold and went back to Arachnid's Lair.

He wasn't worried at all this time knowing that there was nothing in the dungeon that could seriously damage him outside of the boss.

Without a single hesitation, he entered the dungeon.

He hunted the spiderlings the same way for all of them, hit them when they show up.

Due to his new skill, [Poison Laced], he was now killing the spiderlings much faster than before.

Also, thanks to his new shoes, it was like having [Flurry] activated the entire time.

He was very swift.

It took him about 2 and a half hours this time before he reached the boss' room.

He entered without hesitation.

Similar to the last time, the spider-mother jumped down from the ceiling.

He immediately used [Air slash], followed by [Shield Bash], and relentlessly started hitting the leg of the boss.

The spider-mother would swat him away, but he would come back immediately and start hitting again.

Eventually, the boss' HP came down to 50% and left towards the ceiling.

The numerous spider eggs started to hatch and the little spiderlings all swarmed him.

The boss too threw up a blank of poison on top of him. But unlike last time, he didn't leave.

This was the perfect moment to damage the boss.

He immediately used [Bulwark's Revenge]. The boss took about 2K damage from that.

That reminded him, his own poison dealt damage based on his INT amount.

'Is that why all the spiders have so much INT? Just so their poison can deal more damage?', that was the answer he came to.

What he didn't know what that the spiderlings also used their spells when the players were in a party. Similarly, spider-mother too would use the poison spray ability more frequently against players in parties.

Alas, he wouldn't know as a solo hunter.

He used [Bulwark's Healing] to heal back to full from the constant biting of all the spiderlings.

After the boss used another poison spray, he used [Bulwark's Healing] once more. The boss lost another 2K HP.

It was now hovering around 3.5K. 500 more damage and the boss would go into 'Berserk' mode.

But he wasn't going to do that.

He had killed a lot of the spiderlings by now, and only a dozen or so were left.

He quickly finished the rest too.

Once the spiderlings were dead, the boss came down to poison the ground.

Obcisor had been saving up his mana for a while now and it was time to use it.

He went forward and started stabbing at the spider-mother.

As soon as she was around 20%, he used shield bash. It only stunned the boss for 1 second, but that was enough to get 2 more hits in.

Just as the boss was getting out of the stun, he taunted the boss immediately.

The boss started to bite him as he used [Bulwark's Revenge].

[Air Slash] was now dealing around 180 damage with each of the 5 slashes.

The boss quickly lost another 1500 HP.

The boss had less than 500 HP now and had gone into Berserk mode.

That didn't matter though.

Now that the boss was in its death door, killing it was a walk in the park.