Skill And Item Slots


[Spider Fang: Uncommon

Equipment Type: Dagger



[Poison Laced:

Deals 20% of player's INT as poison damage for 5 seconds. Must wait for the enemy's poison to expire before applying another one]

Level Restriction: 65



[Spider Face: Rare

Equipment Type: Mask



Magic Resistance: +10%


Hides all items and their effects when the mask is worn. Also changes the user's hair to random color every time it is put on.]

Level Restriction: 70


Obcisor looked at the dagger. Its stats were pretty good.

However, when he saw the skill, he was surprised. The name of the skill was the same as his. But the effect was obviously worse.

'Is this because it's an uncommon item? Is that why the skill is worse than mine?' he wondered. Could there be other skills of the same name but of different quality out there?

He equipped the item into his right hand and the twin dagger, that was worse, into his left hand.

He tried killing a few spiderlings outside and learned a few things.

1. Unequipped hands always dealt full damage on each hit.

2. Equipping a weapon meant you could no longer use your other unequipped arms to hit.

3. Finally, if you equip 2 weapons at the same time, the one on the off-hand or the non-dominant hand, always dealt half the damage. Although you got all of the stats.

The attack speed on all of these would change so that you dealt equal damage using all of these if none of the items had extra stats.

He then looked at the mask.

' Hmm.. oh... OH!!!' he finally realized what he just read.

The stats were good, but nothing new. But the skill, the skill was what he needed but didn't know he wanted.

'Disguise. I no longer have to show these hideous shoes to anyone.' He thought as he equipped the mask.

As soon as he equipped the mask, his appearance changed.

While his physic remained the same, the clothes he was wearing became extremely plain and all of his items were hidden.

Happy, he went into the dungeon once more.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Adler got out of the capsule. It was around 6 pm in the evening

After his last dungeon clear, he had gotten another [Spider Fang].

He put the item into a 1-day auction for $5000 and went to the living room.

Agnes was home already, and both siblings were also already out of the game.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just watching the hovi." Mikaela replied.

"Oh right Uncle, are you over level 50 yet? Can you take part in the competition?" she asked

"Yeah. I'm doing my Class Advancement Quest." He said.

He then asked them, "Can you guys help me buy some items and skills? I need to prepare for the competition."

Hearing this Mikaela got excited and quickly opened the market on her own wricon.

"What sort of items do you want Uncle?" she asked.

He thought for a while and replied, " Any that would fit a Level 50 defense-focused warrior class. I want to get as many as I can."

Mikaela got a little perturbed and asked, "Any? Do you not have items right now uncle? "

Adler replied confidently," I do, but I want to get as many as I can."

Mikaela got a little curious and asked, "How many items do you have uncle?"

"Uhh... Maybe 10 total, I don't know" he replied.

"No, how many do you have equipped," she asked.

"Oh. Let's see... Uh, shoes, bracer, armor, mask, and 2 daggers so..6. I have 6 equipped items" he replied

"Then do you know you can equip only 1 more items uncle?" she asked nearly laughing now.

"Huh? 1 more? Why? " He asked

"Because of your limited item slots, of course." Mikaela was openly laughing now.

Michael was also giggling a little now, while Agnes was curiously listening to their conversations.

"What do you mean by 'item slots' exactly? " He asked hesitatingly. Item slots, he had seen that name for the first time today on his quest rewards.

"Basically, item slots determine how many items you can have equipped at the moment." She explained.

"You start with 2 item slots at level 1, and with every 10 levels, you gain 1 more item slot. Honestly, uncle, it's written in the equipment page's description" she said.

She then thought of something and asked, "Do you know what skill slots are uncle?"

"Uh..No. Is it something similar to item slots?" He was getting a little fearful now.

"Yes. In fact, it's pretty much the same. You can have up to 7 different skills at level 50. The only difference is, Skill Slots only take up by actual skill scrolls. So if you get skills from your Class or randomly learned it somewhere without a skill scroll those don't count." She explained.

"These are all in the description section of your skill page uncle. What else do you still not know about the game?" she asked jokingly.

Adler got a little embarrassed.

"So, what sort of items do you want uncle?" Mikaela asked.

"None. I will look for items in the game now. That might be the better choice now that I have learned these." He said seriously.

He started counting all the skills he learned using the skill scrolls.

'Let's see . . [Critical Strike], [Zap], [Shield Bash], [Observe], [Air Slash] and [Poison laced]; that is 6. That means I can only learn one more skill huh.' He thought to himself.

"Okay. And yeah, make sure to hide your items in the hunting grounds. There may be Player Killers (PKers) who might kill you because your item is too good." Mikaela seriously suggested.

"Hide my items?" he questioned her back with confusion.

"Don't tell me?" her eyes went wide, "You don't know how to hide your items too?" she was shocked.

Michael looked at Adler weirdly and asked, "Uncle, do you like the pink boots you wear?"

Adler was angered by that question, "I hate it. I absolutely hate it. I hate the fact that I had to walk around with such a stupid shoe on my foot. I found another pair of shoes that are just as bad. You mean to tell me I could've hidden it?"

"Yes. It's quite easy actually. You just have to tell the system to hide your equipment, and it will change it to its neutral form." Michael replied

'No way. He thought he was finally freed from the curse of wearing those stupid shoes outside. But to think he could've done that the whole time. The people must've thought he seriously liked pink bunnies. ' He thought to himself.

He had never been this embarrassed, angry, and sad at the same time.

He thought he had learned many things about the game from the Internet, but it seemed he didn't even know some of the basics still.

Speaking of the Internet, he remembered something.

He opened the holotube and went to his goblin dungeon video.

He wasn't expecting the video to do well, but what he saw shocked him.

"HOLY SH*T" he shouted softly.

There was over a million view and a couple of thousands of them had followed him.

Although it felt like forever ago to him, he had only uploaded the video at around 12 pm in the afternoon.

He didn't expect his dungeon hunting to get such good views.

He thought for a while and said to himself, 'I should probably record the Arachnid's Lair's hunting as well.'