Lich's Tomb

Obcisor was outside the Arachnid's lair resting before going to fight inside once again.

He had already defeated the dungeon once.

He had returned back to the game at around 8 pm after having dinner.

The competition was going to take place a day later, which was around 5 in-game days.

He wanted to get a few more items before the competition.

He currently had 6 items equipped. Out of those 6 items, he had 2 he needed to change immediately.

It was the [Wolf's Armor] and [Goblin King's Bracer]

Although they were 'Rare' items, they had level 10 and 20 level restrictions respectively.

They were very outdated by now.

His first dungeon clear today brought him no new items, so he was getting ready to go in again.

In the second clear he got another mask.

He kept on clearing the dungeon a few more times for some new items. The items he got were mostly common or uncommon, and they weren't something he wanted to use.

However, he did get something good. In fact, he got 2 good things.


[Poison Resistance

Rarity: Rare

Level: 1 (MAX)

Type: Passive

Function: Resist 50% of the incoming poison damage]


He now blocked 75% of the incoming poison damage.

[Bulwark's Resistance] blocked 50% of the poison damage and [Poison Resistance] blocked half of the remaining 50% of the poison damage.

Now, he didn't even need to use his health potions against Spider-mother.

The next good this that happened was, on the 4th run he accidentally reached the Boss room in around an hour and a half.

After defeating the boss, and thus defeating the dungeon in about 1 hour and 42 minutes, he had gotten another temporary title.


[Arachnid's Nightmare: Temporary Title

Deal 20% more damage to Arachnid monsters like Spiders, Scorpions, etc.

The title doesn't need to be equipped to use the effect.

The title will be removed if someone beats your record in 'Arachnid's Lair (Raven city)']


Similar to the title he found in 'Goblin Dungeon', this too gave increased damage against similar monsters.

He had managed to capture a video of this dungeon clear too. He was quite happy about it.

Soon, he grew tired of fighting the spiders.

He had been fighting in the same dungeon for above 15 hours today.

Besides, thanks to [Poison Resistance] he could no longer take much damage either, so the dungeon became less useful for him to complete this

So, he gave up. It was time to change dungeons.

He had been playing for about 15 hours now. But it wasn't even midnight in the real world yet.

There were 4 different Dungeons he could go to.

Kobold Dungeon, Slime Dungeon, Lich's Tomb, and Alligator Swamp.

From what he had heard from people recruiting, Alligator Swamp was the hardest out of all of them and had a recommended level of 75.

Out of the remaining 3, he decided to start with Lich's Tomb.

He had fought slimes previously and didn't think he had enough damage to quickly kill off the slimes.

As for kobolds, he could've chosen them, but he decided with Lich's Tomb for no other reason than he wanted to.

He made his way to the Lich's Tomb.

He had to go back towards the city gate first before taking a separate path from there that lead to Lich's Tomb.

There were still many people asking others to join their parties or let them join other's parties.

'I should bring Michael with me next time. He needs to level up as well.' He thought.

He quickly found his way to the dungeon.

[Lich's Tomb- Level 60

Recommended Level: 65

Recommended players: 8

Maximum Players: 10

Maximum Level Allowed: 70

Fastest Clear time: 1 hour 26 minutes 43 seconds]

The dungeon gate was in a small tomb up a couple of stairs. Many people were going in and out of the dungeons at parties.

Very few people were playing solo.

He slowly walked up the stairs and disappeared.

He showed up in a narrow corridor, about 3 meters wide and 4 meters tall.

The walls along the corridors had torches on fire, lighting the otherwise dark corridor in yellow light.

The bricks along the walls felt very cold. He couldn't tell if the yellow color was its natural color or just seemed like that in the torchlight.

Soon he found a monster in front of him.

It was a humanoid monster made up of bones, holding a single rusty sword.


[Skeleton Soldier: level 59 4000/4000 HP]

He took his two daggers, [Spider Fang] in his right hand and [Twin Dagger] on his left.

He hit it once to check the damage.

<[Poison Laced] inflicted on 'Skeleton Soldier'>

<[Poison Laced] dealt 160 damage to 'Skeleton soldier' >

<[Poison Laced] inflicted on 'Skeleton Soldier'>

<[Poison Laced] dealt 80 damage to 'Skeleton soldier' >

'Woah. Does this guy not have any defense?' he thought.

The skeleton soldier attacked.

The skeleton attacked slowly, but Obcisor didn't dodge. He needed to take the damage.

<'Skeleton Soldier' dealt 94 damage>

'This guy must have a lot of STR to go past my defense' he thought.

He let the guy continue to hit him until [Observe] was ready again.


[Skeleton Soldier: Level 59

HP: 3840/4000]

MP: 1000/1000

STR: 700

DEF: 200

INT: 200

VIT: 400


Aside from its STR and VIT, everything else was very bad.

He wanted to let the skeleton continue hitting him, but decided it was better to just redo the dungeon rather than waste time on a single skeleton for damage.

So he went onward.

The skeletons were so weak that all of the next 3 he found were killed with 10 hits.

Sometimes it didn't even take that long because his passive skills would activate increasing his damage.

In just a few minutes after entering the dungeon, he had killed 4 skeletons like they were nothing.

This only made him frown more. The enemies in the dungeon were way too easy for it to be such a high leveled dungeon.

Soon he came to a dead end. Or so he thought.

He looked closely and saw there was a door in the wall ahead of him.

He slowly opened the door and entered it.

On the other side of the door was a huge room.

'A Boss room? No way. This is way too soon.' He thought.

He had been here for no more than 10 minutes and he already found a boss room? That was a little unbelievable.

Almost as if his suspicions weren't enough, a rather big figure in a clock hovered down from the ceiling.

The figure was hidden in the shadows of its own cloak, but he could make out its hands in the shadows. They were bones.

On the fingers of the figure, there were 10 different rings.

He used [observe].

[Lesser Lich: Level 75 15000/15000 HP]

'This is a boss room. Wow', he thought. He was really curious why this was happening?

Had he gotten lucky and found the boss room by chance?

Just as he thought that the lich cast a skill.

Suddenly, a transparent blue cubic barrier appeared around him.

The barrier was large enough to be a boss room by itself. But the lich was outside of the barrier.

The lich slowly pulled out the ring from his pinky on the left hand and threw it inside the barrier.

As soon as the ring landed on the ground, it started glowing.

In a bright flash of light the ring disappeared, and in its place were 5 new standing skeletons.