Different Skeletons

5 skeletons appeared where the ring had previously been.

These skeletons were all different from one another. They each had their own different clothing making none of them look similar at all.

Obcisor looked at these white skeletons carefully.

He was about to use [Observe] when he realized he could already view the skeleton's names and stats for some reason.

He checked them carefully.


[Skeleton Fighter: Level 65

HP: 4000/4000]

MP: 1000/1000

STR: 800

DEF: 200

INT: 200

VIT: 400




[Skeleton Archer: Level 65

HP: 2000/2000]

MP: 1000/1000

STR: 800

DEF: 200

INT: 200

VIT: 200




[Skeleton Defender: Level 65

HP: 8000/8000]

MP: 1000/1000

STR: 200

DEF: 400

INT: 200

VIT: 800




[Skeleton Mage: Level 65

HP: 4000/4000]

MP: 10000/10000

STR: 200

DEF: 200

INT: 1000

VIT: 200




[Skeleton Wizard: Level 65

HP: 4000/4000]

MP: 8000/8000

STR: 800

DEF: 200

INT: 800

VIT: 400




'A full party' he thought. This was a perfect party to fight against enemies.

He got ready to fight.

A slowness rushed over him making his whole body feel lethargic. It however went away as fast as it came. He looked at the Skeleton Wizard. 'I will need to kill it first,' he thought.

He immediately shot forward and used [ Air slash] at the skeleton wizard. The skeleton defender got in the way to stop the slashes, but the job was done.

Obcisor immediately used [Shield Bash] and smashed into the wizard, stunning it for 2 seconds.

All the other skeletons immediately started attacking him. Skeleton Fighter hit him with his sword. Skeleton Defender tried to taunt him by banging its shield.

Skeleton Mage started throwing fireballs at him and Skeleton Archer shot arrows at him.

[Bulwark's Revenge]

Both the Mage and Archer had really low HP and died at once. The fighter also died a second later after hitting him 4 times.

The wizard stopped getting stunned and started backing away as the defender got in the middle to block.

He started hitting the defender. Even though it had a lot of HP, it couldn't stop the onslaught of [Zap], [Critical strike], [Consecutive Strike], and 2 different [Poison Laced].

After the defender died, he walked forward and killed the wizard in a few more hits.

'That was easy. ' He thought. He looked at the lich hovering outside the cubic barrier.

The lich slowly lifted its right hand and took out another ring from its left hand. This time it was the ring finger.

He then threw the ring once more and the ring changed into skeletons. Except, there were 10 white skeletons this time instead of 5.

There were now 2 of each. Obcisor looked at the lich still floating near the ceiling. His hands still had 8 more rings.

'This is bad' he thought.

If all of the lich's rings were to be turned into skeletons, then he couldn't afford to waste mana a lot.

He had a bunch of potions in his inventory, but he needed them to fight the boss after the skeletons were dead.

He decided to only use the two [Bulwark's Healing] and [Bulwark's Revenge] for now. Once again, he needed to get rid of the wizards in case it buffs up the other skeletons.

He didn't use [Shield Bash] this time and instead just ran up to them. The 2 skeleton defenders ran up to intercept him. He didn't care about them and just ran past them.

As soon as he went past them, he started hitting the wizards. In about 5 seconds, one of the wizards died.

The other wizard tried to slow him but it didn't last at all. He ignored the downpour of arrows, swords, and magic, and went for the other wizard.

Soon, that wizard died as well. He then shifted to the mages. The other skeletons had no way to stop him from doing that as he ignored all of their attacks and taunts.

Especially the taunts. They didn't even last .2 seconds and were practically useless. After killing the mages, he started attacking the fighters instead of the archers. He was losing a bit too much HP under their relentless barrage and needed to heal.

[Bulwark's Healing]

Every single arrow and sword strike, he recovered more than a thousand HP. He was back to full before he even knew it.

He left the fighter and went for the archers. In a few hits, both the archer died too. The poison and skill procs were too much for them to handle.

He then finished off the fighters and lastly, after some fighting beat the defenders too. He rested for whatever little time he could to restore his stamina.

The lich once again took off another ring from his left hand, one from the middle finger, and threw it right into the barrier.

The ring glowed brightly.

'God! I hope there aren't 15 skeletons now.' He was worried the numbers would keep on getting escalated until there were 50 skeletons.

The light faded and 5 skeletons were standing.

'5?' he got confused. He looked around to see if there were any other hidden skeletons, but he couldn't find any.

Then, he noticed something. It was a little hard to notice in a room with yellow light, but the skeleton's bone color seemed to have gotten a little darker.

Almost as if they were now gray instead of white. 'Oh no.' He didn't like what that insinuated.

He checked their stats and was shocked. Every single stats of theirs was increased by 50.

They now had 250 base stats instead of 200 and +50 to other bigger stats. He waited for them to attack this time, trying to restore as much stamina as possible.

After a few seconds, the mage and archer started shooting arrows and fireballs. As soon as he saw that, he started running forward.

[Bulwark's Revenge]

This was the perfect skill to counter the ranged damage dealers. Once again, both of the skeletons died from the returned damage.

He ignored the defender and started attacking the fighter to take advantage of his active skill. As he was attacking the fighter, a green glow started appearing around the fighter healing him.

'I really do have to kill the wizard first' he thought He stopped attacking the fighter and went for the wizard.

The wizard tried to slow him down but it didn't work. After taking a dozen or so hits, the wizard died.

Obcisor then killed the fighter and then after a bit of attack killed the defender as well. Obcisor rested to restore his stamina.

The lich took off another ring, this time from his index finger of the left hand, and threw it. Obcisor took out a health potion and drank it.

He watched the ring turn to 10 skeletons, all gray in color.

Again, he waited for the skeletons to start attacking before he went to fight them. He rushed straight to one of the wizards and used [Bulwark's Revenge].

The archers and mages died within 2 seconds and the fighters died a bit after.

All from returned damage.

He quickly killed off the wizards.

Against the defenders, however, he slowed down.

Instead of killing them immediately, he slowly whittled down their HP, waiting for his hp and mana to recover as well as have the [Bulwark's Revenge]'s cooldown be up.

Eventually, he killed them.

The lich now threw down the last ring he had on his left hand.

5 new skeletons appeared where the ring landed, and all of them were blue.