Troublesome Skeletons

The skeletons were now blue in color.

'White, gray, and now blue? Are the next one going to be purple and orange?' he wondered as he realized that the skeletons were following the rarity color pattern.

White skeletons were Common.

Gray skeletons were Uncommon.

Now the blue skeletons were Rare.

[Skeleton Fighter: Level 65

HP: 5000/5000]

MP: 1500/1500

STR: 900

DEF: 300

INT: 300

VIT: 500


[Skeleton Archer: Level 65

HP: 3000/3000]

MP: 1500/1500

STR: 900

DEF: 300

INT: 300

VIT: 300

AGI: 500]

[Skeleton Defender: Level 65

HP: 9000/9000]

MP: 1500/1500

STR: 300

DEF: 500

INT: 300

VIT: 900


[Skeleton Mage: Level 65

HP: 3000/3000]

MP: 5500/5500

STR: 300

DEF: 300

INT: 1100

VIT: 300

AGI: 300]

[Skeleton Wizard: Level 65

HP: 5000/5000]

MP: 4500/4500

STR: 300

DEF: 300

INT: 900

VIT: 500


Once again, he was waiting for his stamina to restore.

The skeletons immediately started attacking.

[Bulwark's Revenge]

He used it as he ran forward and started attacking the wizard.

The wizard's slows were stopping him for half a second now.

That didn't bother him however as he started killing the wizards.

Once again, the mage, archer, and fighter killed themselves. But he also took a lot of damage.

He quickly killed the wizard and started attacking the defender skeleton.

He slowly attacked him and used [Bulwark's Healing] to restore his HP.

The defender now had high enough STR and AGI to heal him back to full after 5 seconds.

He stopped attacking and relaxed to get his stamina and mana back to full.

Although he couldn't use [Patient Mind] due to the skeleton constantly attacking him, he could just use the normal regeneration to heal as the defender was doing 0 damage.

At his current level of DEF, unless one had around 700 stats or more, they couldn't damage him at all.

So he waited until his mana, cooldowns, and stamina were back to full and then killed the skeleton defender.

The lich sent out 10 blue skeletons this time.

There were too many skeletons dealing too many damages for him to tank through at once and survive.

He backed away far so that only the ranged skeletons could attack him. And they did.

[Bulwark's Revenge]

[Wolf's Back]

At around 253 damage per hit, even less for the magic, the archers and mages died really fast.

He lost around 4K HP. The fighters were almost upon him as they had come towards him during the [Bulwark's revenge]'s activation.

Not wanting to take more damage, he immediately used [Bulwark's Healing] and healed back to full.

He ignored the fighters and ran towards the wizards. The wizards were always the first priority.

He killed them, then the fighters, and then slowly but surely, he killed the defenders too.

The lich then sent out 5 purple skeletons with +50 to all stats. Using the same method, he beat them. Same for when 10 of those came.

When the orange skeletons finally arrived, it became a little too hard for him.

The archers and fighters had around 1000 STR now, so they started dealing about 450 damage on each hit.

They also had higher DEF now, so they took less damage from [Bulwark's Revenge]. Plus they had more HP as well.

There were only 5 of them right now, so he started backing up to lure the ranged attackers into sending out their attack.

With [Bulwark's Revenge] and [Wolf's Back], he took around 360 damage from the archer and mage on each attack. He lost about 7K HP when the Archer and mage died.

The mage especially died earlier due to its low HP. He used [Bulwark's Healing] while killing the wizard.

After the wizard died, he used [Shield Bash] to stun the fighter and dealt as much damage as he could in 2 seconds.

After the fighter came back from being stunned, they had an all-out brawl.

Obcisor eventually won the brawl.

The defender had joined the brawl at some point, but it was the most useless skeleton of the bunch. It might have been good against other players who it could taunt or whose skills it could intercept.

But against Obcisor, it was helping him more than harming him. The next skeletons were going to be 10 of those orange skeletons.

'This is bad. I have to somehow survive their attacks next round' he was racking his brain to come up with an idea.

He delayed as much as he could and finally came up with an idea, that might or might not work.

After preparing fully, he killed the two remaining defenders. As expected, the lich threw in his final ring.

10 orange skeletons appeared where the ring landed.

'Oh god. I hope this works, or I am going to die', this was the most risky plan he had come up with yet in the game.

'Here goes nothing' he thought as he took out a potion and downed it while at full health.

He chose the middle of the group, an archer, and launched a [Shield bash] on them. He had already switched to Padded shield instead of the double daggers.

As soon as he landed on the archer, however, he switched back to the double daggers and taunted a mage.

At the same time, he used [Wolf's Back] to block 20% of all damage from the back.

The stunned archer could not do anything as he started barraging it with attacks.

The taunted mage went into close combat, so their damage was pretty much nonexistent.

The remaining 2 fighters, 1 mage, and 1 archer started attacking him.

He quickly switched his attacks to all of them and hit them at least once to start the poison damage.

The health potion he drank earlier helped him fight for a few more seconds.

As soon as he was near death, he used [Bulwark's Healing] and continued attacking the archers.

He made sure to get both archers and soon they were on their death bed.

Both the stunned and taunted skeletons were freed from their debuffs and were already at half their health. Some even more.

When the [Bulwark's Healing] expired. He immediately used [ Bulwark's Revenge].

The mages and archers immediately died upon taking the return damage. They were already dying and the returned damage just solidified their death.

The fighters were also in very low health. He used air slashes at close range to quickly dispose of one of the fighters.

He ignored the wizards this time and kept on fighting the remaining fighter. Although the wizards tried to heal the fighter, they couldn't recover faster than his 2 poison DOT damage and his relentless attacks were doing damage.

He quickly drank another health potion and started attacking the wizards.

He quickly killed one of them and subsequently killed the other one as well.

After that, he finally started fighting the defenders. Although they had good defense, they still died in a relatively short time, but not before all of his HP, mana, and stamina were back to full.

After he killed the last defender, he looked at the lich. The lich slowly floated down and with a flick of his hand erased the barrier.

It was now time to fight the boss of the dungeon.