Lesser Lich

The Lich slowly floated down and hovered a meter or so above the ground.

The lights on the torches started to change. The fire on the torches started burning white instead of yellow now.

They started shinning brighter too.

Soon the entire boss room looked like it was out in the middle of the day.

The Lich slowly took off its cloak, its body now fully visible.

Its entire body was as expected, a skeleton. It had a robe hidden behind its massive cloak, with gems attached to the end of the robe.

There were armlets on either side of its skeleton arms. It was wearing a crown on top of its skeleton head, with its hollow eyes glinting a tiny bit on the inside.

But there was one thing that made the Lich stand out from the rest of the skeletons. This was the thing that worried Obcisor the most.

The lich's Skeleton, now properly seen under the white light, was fully pink in color.

'So this is the Mythical Skeleton eh' he thought.


He checked the Lich. He had already checked It before, so now [Observe] showed all of its stats.

[Lesser Lich: Level 75

HP: 12000/12000

MP: 8000/8000

STR: 450

DEF: 450

INT: 1600

VIT: 1200

AGI: 450]

The lich's stats went in line with the rest of the skeletons that came before it. It had +50 stats on all of its basic stats.

Except, since it was the boss, its VIT and INT were massive comparatively.

'Hmm... Its level is higher than the spider-mother, but its HP is lower. I should be able to kill it soon then.' He thought

Still, the lesser Lich was, if his understanding wasn't wrong, a mythical skeleton.

He decided to start attacking.

[Air Slash]

5 green slashes shot forward towards the Lich.

However, just before they reached the Lich, the Lich flicked its hands and an invisible barrier appeared in front of it.

The 5 slashes all hit the barrier and disappeared. Not a single one managed to hit the Lich.

He equipped the padded shield and used [Shield Bash]. The Lich once again flicked its hand to create another barrier.

The barrier couldn't stop Obcisor's physical body. Obcisor landed on the Lich and stunned it for 2 seconds.

He took advantage of the 2 seconds and started attacking the boss, but he soon realized something.

None of his [Zap] or [Poison Laced] procs were doing damage.

He checked his notifications to see if they had any answers.

As long as he passed through the mana barrier, he couldn't do any damage to the Lich with his magic.

Thankfully, he was doing around 105 normal damage on each hit.

When he proc'd [Consecutive Strike] and [Critical Strike], he was doing a lot more.

Suddenly two javelins made up of fire appeared on either side of the Lich and shot towards him.

[Bulwark's Revenge]

<'Lesser Lich' dealt 2x520 damage>

<[Bulwark's Revenge] Dealt 1300 damage>

He was afraid that the returned damage would be 0 for the Lich.

He remembered that [Bulwark's Revenge] returned the same damage type as the damage. So the Lich could very well take 0 magic damage if the magic nullification was still active.

Thankfully, due to his beyond amazing status resistance, the magic nullification last no more than 2 seconds.

So by the time the Lich was out of his stun, Obcisor's nullify was also over.

The fire javelins hadn't knocked him at all, so he kept attacking the Lich.

Now, the magic damages from his procs were also working, and soon the lich's HP reached down to 6000.

The Lich immediately flew up. It was now floating high up in the air, beyond his reach.

The Lich took a skeleton staff out of nowhere and then started to wave it in front of itself.

The places the staff went through started shinning as tiny embers started forming. Soon the embers turned into the same fire javelins he took before.

The Lich now had 15 fire javelins lined up in front of itself.

The Lich immediately fired off the 15 javelins, and once more waved its staff.

'Sh*t.' Although the root only lasted for 2 seconds, that was enough for all the fire javelins to hit him.

He took out his shield and turned around.

[Wolf's Back]

He had around 1.5K HP now.

The Lich once again waved its staff in front of itself.

This time instead of fire, 20 different black balls appeared that were constantly throwing off black smoke in the air.

The Lich immediately threw the balls towards him.

Obcisor tried to dodge now that he was no longer rooted.

But it seemed these were targeting him and attacked him regardless.

[Bulwark's Healing]



His HP went back to full.

The Lich was still flying in the air, so he decided to attack it once more with [Air Slash] just in case.

As expected the Lich easily blocked it.

After those two attacks, the Lich glided down and finally touched the floor.

It then waved its staff one more time. This time, instead of something forming in front of the Lich, something appeared below Obcisor.

It seemed like a magic circle and it shined bright immediately. Obcisor saw a notification that scared him.

'Goddammit.' He immediately used [Shield Bash]

The Lich was stunned for 2 seconds. He started hitting the Lich.

He needed to kill it in under 20 seconds.

He did about 1K damage before he recovered and immediately created a mana barrier.

He was once more doing 0 magic damage.

The Lich waved its staff and a gust of wind came out of nowhere sending Obcisor far away from the Lich.

He stood and ran back to kill the Lich, but the Lich once again waved its staff.

Suddenly a blue barrier appeared around the Lich.

He tried attacking the barrier. The barrier slowly started to crumble under his continuous attacks.

But that gave the Lich enough time to use another Skill.

Blacklight appeared around the Lich as his HP started going up once again.

The Lich was healing.

Its HP was at around 6.5K when he finally destroyed the barrier.

There were now 10 seconds remaining on the death timer.

He started attacking once more. He was doing both magic and physical damage.

He did a lot of damage, and soon the boss's HP was at around 2.5K.

'I'm not going to make it.' He thought when suddenly, the boss started glowing red.

It had entered Berserk mode.

The boss immediately sent out another gust of wind sending him away.

He immediately stood up.

There was 1 second remaining on the death timer.

"Oh no"




'What?' Obcisor was confused.

He didn't understand how he resisted the curse of death. So he checked his class information.

He finally realized why what happened, happened.

He read it out loud, "Resist all Insta-Kill skills .. huh"