Summon Skeletons

The Lich was now in 'Berserk' Mode. It held its staff in front of it and slowly raised it up with both hands.


In a single swift motion, it hit the ground with the end of the staff. A massive magic circle appeared on the surface of the ground.

He looked towards the Lich. 'Oh no,' he startled.

The Lich was starting to recover its HP now. It seemed the same magic that was hurting him was healing the Lich.

He immediately went forward and started hitting the Lich.

The Lich used mana barrier but did nothing to stop him from attacking otherwise.

After 2 seconds of attacking, his [zap] and [Poison laced] started proc-ing and doing damage.

Another gust of wind sent him away. The Lich waved the staff and created 15 fire javelins once more. Now that he did that, the fight was pretty much over.

Obcisor took out a health potion and downed the entire thing. He watched the Lich send the javelins his way and turned away. Just as it was about to hit him, [Bulwark's Revenge]

The Lich died.

He was transported outside. He rested by the side as many people walked past him in parties to challenge the tomb.

He looked at what he got. He was excited to see another skill scroll drop, but not as much as before.

After all, he only had one more skill slot, and he was not going to waste it with some random skill. Besides, he didn't even know if the class restriction allowed him to even learn it.

He decided to check the items.

The [Femur Staff] was an uncommon staff for clerics and mages, and it boosted dark magic.

The [Dark Robe] was a common robe that gave some INT and very slightly increased defense as well as dark magic.

He ignored them both. He would sell them later. He then checked the scroll. He started reading the skill information.

The more he read, the more his eyes popped out. 'This…' he was very close to physically shaking.

The skill was called [Summon Skeleton]. It was probably the same skill that the Lich used to summon his skeletons.


[Summon Skeleton

Rarity: Legendary

Level : 1 (0%)

Type: Active

Mana cost: 1000

Cooldown: 2 hours

Function: Summons 5 different skeletons that can gain experience and level up.



He expanded the function information.


[More information on Summon Skeleton

-The skeletons you summon are Warrior, Archer, Mage, Support and Rouge.

-Every 75 level the skeleton get 2 class upgrade choices.

-When summoned, skeletons take 75% of your Experience.

-They can only equip 1 item every 50 levels for a maximum of .

-Need the same amount of experience as normal players to level up.

Total Skeleton Stats = (Skeleton Level/Your Level)* 50% of your Total stats (Item stats doesn't count)

Stats are spread among the skeletons in following ratio:


Warrior - 3:2:2:3:2

Archer - 4:1:2:2:3

Mage - 1:1:4:3:2

Support - 1:2:4:2:1

Rouge - 4:1:2:1:4

Stats ratio may change upon class change



There was nothing but SHOCK on his face. "This is way better than what I have. Mine can't even level up," he said out loud.

He stood up and walked away from the tomb.

He couldn't bring out the scroll out in the open. After finding a secluded place, he took out the scroll. As expected, It was orange.

He looked at the Legendary scroll, almost in awe, and ripped it.

This was the last skill he could learn until he completed his class advancement quest. But he didn't care. He regretted nothing.

He rested where he was at right now until he recovered to his peak. He ate some bread he had brought and filled his hunger as well. After enough time had passed, he left the area.

He wanted to check the skill but didn't know where to go. 'Oh,' he thought. 'The slimes would be a good one for them. Assuming the slimes work the same way as in the test.'

He soon found his way to the slime hunting grounds. There were mostly solo players in this hunting ground. As the slimes dealt barely any damage, most people here liked fighting alone.

This should have been easy, but he could hear quite a few people grumbling about how the damn slime just wasn't dying.

He soon found a lone slime. Unlike the slime he saw before in the test dungeon, this one was blue. He got curious and used [Observe]

[Water Slime: Level 60 10000/10000]

'Woah, That's a lot of HP' he thought. But he didn't attack. He waited 20 seconds to go by, and then used the [Observe] skill again.

[Water Slime: Level 60

HP: 10000/10000

MP: 2000/2000






"Wow, that defense is no joke.". He started attacking the slime and soon realized that not only did this slime have 600 DEF, it also has 50% magic resistance.

"No wonder the people were all grumbling about the slimes. Also, it seems it heals quite well too." Thankfully, his damage output was enough to kill the slime.

Just before he killed the slime, however, he stopped.

[Summon Skeleton]

5 skeletons appeared to the side where he wanted them to. All 5 skeletons had white bones. Each of the skeletons could be easily recognized what class they were by their summoned equipment.

The Warrior had a rusty, almost disintegrated sword. The archer had a molding wooden bow. The Mage had a rag for a cloak. The rouge had stone daggers. And the support skeleton had a small stick that could barely count as a wand.

He checked their information and was surprised. Similar to his own status page, they also had a Skills and Items page. They however didn't have titles.

Their stats were hilarious to Obcisor. Their stats depended on how close they were to his own level and could get half of his total stats at best.

Since they were at level 1 right now and he was at level 50, they were getting a hundredth of his total stats.

He currently had about 1800 total stats, so the skeletons each only had 18 stats to them.

Plus, they didn't have his [Mythical Class] advantage so, right now they had less than 50 HP and mana.

After they were summoned, he quickly killed the slime.

Since the skeletons use 75% of his total experiences, they now had 180 experiences each. This leveled them up to level 4 at once with some extra exp.

They now had about 72 stats in total. This was better than when he was level 1.

The slime didn't drop anything, so they went onward.

In an hour or 2, he managed to kill quite a few slimes. The skeletons were now around level 20, each and had about 360 total stats. These would get better the better his own stats got.

Finally, he was in front of the gate that lead into the slime dungeon.