Slime Grinding

Obcisor was in front of the slime dungeon. He had unsummoned his skeletons just before reaching the dungeon.

It had been 2 hours since he previously summoned them, so he could summon them once more if he wanted to.

From fighting all the slimes, he came to understand a few things.

First, there were 8 types of slimes available in the hunting ground, which was probably true for the dungeon as well.

They were Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, lightning, and Poison Slimes.

Second, all the slimes had a natural 50% magic resistance. And the 8 different slimes had a 25% extra magic damage reduction related to their type.

For example, a Fire Slime took 75% reduced fire damage.

He figured this out when a poison slime was taking ridiculously low damage from [Poison Laced]. He tried [Air Slash] on a wind slime to confirm this theory.

He was now looking at the information in front of the Dungeon gate.

[Slime Dungeon: Level 60

Recommended Level: 40

Recommended Players: 1

Maximum Player: 5

Maximum Level allowed: 60

Fastest Clear: 1 hour 22 minutes 36 seconds ]

Looking at the information, he laughed a little. The requirements were so low that as long as 25% of your damage was better than the slime's Absolute Block, you could kill the slimes.

He entered.

He was transported to an open field with no trees or bushes, just some grasses here and there.

In front of him were slimes, as far as he could see. Some blue, some red, some green, some brown, some yellow, some black, some white, and some purple.

Each color representing a type of slime.

Far away in the distance, he could be a massive slime in rainbow colors. The colors were constantly shifting around its body.

This was probably the Boss of the dungeon.

He had never seen a Boss of the dungeon out in the open like that. He didn't understand the purpose of it.

'How has nobody finished the dungeon in less than an hour yet with the boss out in the open?' he wondered.

But he wasn't going to attack the boss here. There was no reason to. His main purpose for coming to the dungeon was to train his skeletons.

[Summon Skeletons]

5 skeletons appeared all level 20. Once they were summoned, Obcisor started attacking the slimes.

The skeletons were still too weak so he just had them sit around while he killed the slimes.

Killing slimes was incredibly easy, but it took a while. He killed one slime after another.

Some slimes like Lightning slimes and Poison slimes took a little longer to kill due to their resistances to lightning from [Zap] and poison from [Poison Laced] respectively.

After killing hundreds of Slimes, he was in front of the boss.

Up close he could see the boss' different colored body parts constantly moving around.


[Slime Lord: Level 70 30000/30000]

He waited for a bit longer.

After 20 seconds, he used [Observe] once more.

[Slime Lord: Level 70

HP: 30000/30000

MP: 2000/2000






The boss was unmoving with 0 agility, but it had a truly monstrous DEF and VIT.

He started hitting the Slime boss.

<[Poison Laced] is dealing 40 damage per second to 'Slime lord'>

<[Poison Laced] is dealing 20 damage per second to 'Slime lord'>

<[Consecutive Strike] …>


<[Critical Strike…]>

Many of his skills proc'd as he kept hitting the slime lord. The slime lord did nothing but stay around.

He didn't hit back or use skills. It just stood there and took the damage.

When its HP reached 50%, it shined once to represent that it went to 'Battle form' but it still didn't do anything and keep tanking the damage.

At around 20% HP, it entered 'Berserk' mode. Its defense went up by 50%, and it still kept tanking.

After some time, Obcisor finally brought the slime down to 0% HP. But he saw no notification of victory.

'Oh no. Not again' he worried. The elite slime in the 'Test Dungeon' had revived after being killed. He was really worried that the same would happen to this Slime Lord too.

Instead, something different happened. On the dead body of the Slime Lord, a split formed from its center.

The split slowly spread all around its body, and soon there were two giant blobs of slime.

They started moving. The colors on them started shifting the same rainbow as the boss, but they were far less vibrant.

Obcisor used [Observe] on one of them.

[Half Slime Lord: Level 70 15000/15000]

He started hitting the other slime, keeping the first slime to check its stats.

The first slime was taking way too much damage. Even more so than the normal slimes. It died before he could even use [Observe] a second time.

He was really curious why this was happening, so he used [Observe] on the first slime.

[Half Slime Lord: Level 70

HP: 15000/15000

MP: 2000/2000






It truly lived up to its name as a 'Half' Slime Lord. All of its stats were half of what the Slime lord had. Even the magic resistance was halved.

He quickly killed this one as well. But still, there was no notification.

The Half Slimed Lord was going through the same change as the Slime Lord did after death.

The 2 Half Slime Lord turned into 4 Quarter Slime Lords. They had even worse stats than before.

He quickly killed them as well. Finally, he saw the notification.

Obcisor was now out of the dungeon and so were his skeletons. He didn't bother hiding them as he went into the dungeon once more.

Inside the dungeon, he started to freely check his loot.

He had obtained 2 different things from the boss. He looked at [Slime Lord's Nucleus] and realized it was just a material.

Maybe the Hunter's Guild had a quest for it, or maybe Michael could use it. Anyway, it was no use to him, so he moved to the next item.


[Slime Mail:

Rarity: Unique

DEF: +100

VIT: +100

Magic Resistance: +20%

HP Regeneration: +50

Class Restriction: Warrior

Level Restriction: 70



'Woah!', he was surprised. He hadn't expected to find a Unique item out here in the Slime dungeon.

In fact, he hadn't expected to find items at all. He had come here to grind levels for the Skeletons, who were now level 33.

The item didn't have any skills that could benefit him in some way, but just the raw stats were good enough to be one of the best items he had right now. Probably even the best.

With the [Spider Mask] and this, his magic resistance had already crossed the max cap.

He looked at his DEF which went up by almost 20%, and his VIT which increased his max HP to above 10000 now.

He took off his [Wolf's Armor] and handed it to the Skeleton Warrior. Then he wore [Slime Mail] and went back to grinding levels for the skeletons again.