Morning Training

Obcisor cleared the slime dungeon a couple of more times. By now, his skeletons were all level 50.

He had decided to log out after they reached Level 50.

During the few dungeons clear, he had killed almost 600 different slimes. He also got 2 new items that he liked and equipped.

One was called [Slimy Ring] and another one was called [Rainbow Pants]


[Slimy Ring:

Rarity: Rare




[Slime wall:

Creates a wall that has 80% of your DEF and Magic Resistance and 50% of your HP.

Lasts 10 seconds or until the HP reaches 0.

Mana cost: 250

Cooldown: 40 seconds]

Level Restriction: 65



[Slimy Ring] gave good stats, but the best thing it gave was actually the skill. 80% of his DEF and 50% of his HP were no little joke.

He could use it to save his butt a lot of times. Imagine using it against the Lich when he uses some spells or against the 10 legendary skeletons.

He really liked the ring.


[Rainbow Pants:

Rarity: Rare


VIT: +60

INT: +40

[Color Change:

Change the color of your pants to one of the eight different magic colors.

Gain 50% extra amplification and 20% post Magic resistance based on the color of your pants]



[Rainbow pants] were also very good. While its stats were almost the same as [Slimy Ring], its skill was just way too different.

It gave him a 50% increase on all his magic damage. He could use green pants and shoot out 50% stronger [Air slash], then go into close contact and do 50% more poison damage on [Poison laced] with purple pants. Same thing for [Zap] as well.

He unequipped [Goblin King's Bracer] and equipped the two items. He had now filled his item slots completely.

As such, he logged out.

- - - - - - - - - -

Adler woke up at around 8 am. To him, it felt like he had been away for days, but it was only a night of the game.

'This is so disorienting' he thought.

He went to the bathroom and took a long cold shower to freshen up. Even though he had slept quite fine inside the capsule while gaming, he still felt like he was quite refreshed after the shower.

He walked out of his room and was about to make his way to the living room when he saw something out of the corner of his eyes.

On one of the walls, which was previously empty, was now a huge opening. Almost as if someone carved a door out of it. He went to the opening to check what it was and found a set of stairs leading down.

'There's an underground floor in this house?' he was surprised. He had been staying here for a few days and didn't know such a thing existed.

He walked downstairs and could hear 2 people grunting and shouting.

Hiya. Hyah.

He soon found a very open place underground, with many types of equipment lying about. There were 3 people in the room currently.

Michael was staying by the side, a little out of breaths. While Mikaela and Agnes were fighting with each other.

He walked up to Michael and asked, "Hey Michael, what's going on here?".

Michael started a little, "Oh good morning uncle. We're just training. Mom is teaching us how to fight."

"You do this every day?" he was a little surprised. He had never woken up this early to find them doing this.

"Well, I only started today, but yes. Mikaela and Mom do this every day. They have almost never missed a day since she awakened. I joined starting today since I awakened too." Michael said.

At this point, Mikaela and Agnes had both seen Adler and had stopped the training.

"Good Morning Uncle," they both said as they came towards him.

"Good Morning. You two seem pretty active this morning." He replied.

"Hehe uncle, we are always active. I have been training for a long time now." Mikaela said with pride.

"You want to train as well uncle?" Mikaela asked suddenly.

Adler didn't know what to say so he just told the truth, "I don't think that would be good. I have never had proper training in my life. Everything I learned is from fighting monsters. "

"It'll be fine, uncle. I will be your training partner, come." She said as she went to the middle of the room.

Adler was quite curious to try the training as well and followed her. "So, what am I supposed to do now?" he asked her.

"It's simple. You try to attack me and I'll try to block or dodge, and vice versa." Mikaela said as she got into her battle stance.

"You ready uncle?" she asked.

Adler had never had any training, so he had no battle stance. He just casually stood there and said, " Yes".

Mikaela immediately shot forward and started punching him. The punch was quite slow and was meant to be a warm-up move.

Adler spun his upper half and dodged the punch easily. He also sent out a slow punch to test the waters.

Mikaela too dodged the punch. She then tried to kick him in his arms. Adler saw this coming and took one step back, dodging the move by the breadth of a hair.

Seeing this, Mikaela stepped forward with the leg that just landed and attacked him on his shoulder bringing her leg in the opposite direction now.

This too he simply dodged. Mikaela got a little irritated now. She started attacking him faster and faster. Adler dodged every move like he had seen it coming.

He dodged kicks and punches coming from directions he couldn't even see.

Mikaela got angry now. She started moving faster and faster. Still, with her AGI at B-rank, she couldn't move very fast.

Mikaela kept the offensive and sent out attacks in completely random order. Adler on the other hand had no trouble dodging the attacks. He was even smiling now.

Maybe it was just pure happenstance, or maybe it was some cornering technique she learned from her mother, at some point, she started throwing punches that he could barely dodge without revealing his actual speed.

At this point, he decided to just block the punch. But, it seemed he had underestimated both his and Mikaela's strength.


"AAAAHHHH" Mikaela shouted out loud. She had been hitting him with full power blows that he had been consistently dodging.

So, when he did block her attack, it was like she hit a dense metal wall at full power and broke her fingers and wrist.

Although there were no cuts, he could see blood slowly pooling inside of her hand, as it started to swell and turn purple.

Agnes and Michael immediately ran up terrified at what just happened. Agnes screamed when she saw the wound and started to call one of her healer guildmates when she heard,

"[Major Heal]". Green lights poured out from Adler's hand and landed on Mikaela's broken wrist and fingers. As the green lights landed, they slowly started fixing the broken parts.

Within seconds, the entire hand was healed and was back to normal. Agnes and Michael gawked at what had just happened. Mikaela slowly started opening her eyes, which were full of tears, as she started noticing that there was no more pain coming from her hands.

"Hello? Mrs. Agnes? Are you there?" Agnes woke up from her stupor as she realized the person on the call had answered.

"Sorry, I called you by mistake. I'm so sorry." She said as she immediately ended the call.

"I'm fine?" Mikaela said confusedly. One moment she could feel so much pain that she wanted to faint, and the next moment there was none.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blocked your attack. My defense is too strong and you ended up hurting yourself." Adler said apologetically.

Mikaela was stunned. 'I got hurt just because I hit him?'. "How strong are you uncle?" she couldn't help asking.

"Well, it's hard to tell. I haven't had to use much of my strength in forever. After a while, I could defeat everything in the dungeon with a few attacks. But, I should be one of, if not the strongest person alive."

"As I expected," Agnes said in a blank look.

"What do you mean as expected?" Adler couldn't help but ask.

"Ever since you returned, people in the higher-ups have been very curious about you. They have seen your data in the Dungeon Association but don't believe that at all. Many people want to meet you, but I've been keeping them away saying that you haven't been here for long and that you need some rest and time to adapt."

"Otherwise, you would've gotten multiple calls and visits from higher-ups in every guild in the world," Agnes replied.

"Why do they want to meet me?" he asked confusedly.

"Well for one, you are a hero's brother, so everyone expects you to be strong in general. So they want to meet you to talk to you about the dungeon or to recruit you into their own guilds." Agnes said.

"Is that so? I don't want to go back to hunting anyway. Just tell those people I will meet them at the AAC." Adler said.

The group stopped training and went to have some food.

Today was the day when the competition started, so Adler went back to the game to grind.