Skeleton Classes

Obcisor logged in inside the city. He had some 60 hours of grinding left before the competition started.

He checked his progress on the Class Advancement Quest. He was making 0 progress since he went into the slime dungeon. And he was happy about it.

He had realized something quite exciting last time. As long as he didn't complete the Class Advancement Quest, he would forever be at level 50.

However, that would mean that every monster was always stronger than him. And every time he beat a monster higher level than him, he had a chance to acquire a random stat.

The chance got higher, the higher the monster's level was. When fighting a slime, who was around Level 65, he had a 75% chance of acquiring a stat.

Meaning if he kept up the grinding, he was going to be very strong, very soon.

He went back to the slime dungeon. It was time to level up the Skeletons and get their first class.

Soon, he reached the slime dungeon and entered it. He had entered this dungeon quite a few times now but, still couldn't beat the record.

But the record didn't matter to him as much as the skeletons leveling up did.

[Summon Skeleton]

5 Different skeletons appeared in front of him. The Skeleton Warrior was now holding a [Padded Shield]. The Skeleton Archer had [Goblin King's Bracer] on its arm, and the skeleton support was wearing [Wolf's Armor].

He had given the [Fluffy Shoes] to the rouge.

Most of the items he found in the dungeon had at least level 60 level restriction. So, he had to quickly level them up.

He held his two daggers in his hand and started attacking the slimes. Due to his increased stats, the fight against the slimes was starting to become easier.

After killing about 20 slimes, the skeletons leveled up.

He checked the information given to him. Every single one of those classes did something different.

[Fighter] was more damage-focused and had more STR. [Defender] was more defense-focused and had more DEF.

[Ranger] dealt less damage but had better attack speed. [Hunter] attacked way slower, but each of its attacks dealt a lot of damage.

[Summoner] as expected summoned other beings. In this case, they would only summon skeletal beings. [Nuker] was a class mostly focused on dealing magic damage. They had a very high INT and gained a lot of class skills.

[Scout] was very fast and was used to scout on people or the path, so they had good DEF and VIT. [Assassin] was similarly fast, but was more of a glass cannon with high STR but very low DEF and VIT.

[Healer] as expected had healing spells. [Curser] on the other hand used curses to afflict status conditions on the target such as 'Root', 'Stun', 'Slowness' etc.

He easily chose [Fighter], [Hunter] and [Assassin]. He had enough defense and only needed to worry about damage, so he chose those 3 classes in a heartbeat.

For the Mage and Support, however, he was puzzled. While a summoner might not be as good right now, a legendary summoner skeleton could end up being very powerful.

But a Nuker, who could deal a huge burst of magic damage, could also be very useful.

He contemplated for a bit and decided to go with [Nuker].

Between [Healer] and [Curser], it was a hard choice, but still not as hard as the last one. In the end, he needed a healer in general, so he took [Healer].

"Ooh. That was nice." He thought.

He looked at the skeletons, who were now looking a bit better. Their bones were pure white, while their equipment had changed to a proper one, instead of the broken and ragtag version they were using before.

Seeing this, he continued with the dungeon. He was now making the skeletons attack as well. While they weren't doing a lot of damage, they were still quite a bit of help.

After a while, he realized something. These skeletons weren't just mindless zombies who only did what they were told to. These could think for themselves.

For example, after using a fire spell on a Fire slime and realizing it didn't take much damage, the Skeleton Mage changed to other types of magic damage and never used fire once more.

Soon, it realized the correlation between color and damage type resistance and fully stopped using any magic it could block.

Learning that they could function on their own, he started mechanically attacking the slimes while reading up on the skeleton's new skills.

[Fighter] gave the warrior some passive skills that increased the damage output. It had 2 great skills. One skill allowed it to efficiently use any melee weapons and another made it so its attack dealt 2% Absolute Damage.

Currently, it was doing 5~8 Absolute Damage, but that would change soon as he increased his own stats.

[Hunter] gave the archer unlimited arrows and was dealing a lot of damage at every single hit. It also had a skill that turned part of its AGI to STR permanently which further increased its damage.

[Assassin] gave the skeleton stealth skills and movement increasing passive. It also had a passive which dealt 5% of its AGI as Absolute Damage.

[Nuker] gave the mage 8 different damage skills, each its own type. It also had skills that made barriers that protected it from damage based on its mana.

[Healer] just gave the support skeleton healing spells as well as status removal skills. It also gave some skills that would buff up a user's stats.

All in All, they all had fantastic skills and Obcisor was beyond happy about it.

Another thing the Class Advancement quest helped him in was that since he couldn't level up for a while now, the skeletons were getting higher level than him.

So, the skeletons who should have theoretically 50% max of his total stats, now we're starting to have more.

He almost wanted to die here just so he could reset the Class Advancement Quest. But he knew not to do that.

The dungeons had a minimum level requirement that they did not say on the front of the dungeon. This was done to not let low leveled players accidentally enter a high-level dungeon.

The minimum level was usually 20-30 levels below the dungeon's level. Meaning, if Obcisor continued to get stronger the way he is, he would soon end up in a situation where he could not enter the high-tiered dungeons.

Similarly, the hunting grounds and cities too had level restrictions. They were more lenient than a dungeon, but the restriction was still there. Besides, monsters in hunting grounds were usually weaker than the ones in the dungeon, so overall they were the same as the dungeons.

If that happened, he would never be able to complete his Class Advancement Quest and would forever be stuck at level 50.

Thinking as such, he made up his mind to complete the class quest after finishing the competition.

He then went ahead with his skeletons and killed the boss of the dungeon.