Competition Starts

Adler was having dinner along with the rest of the family. It was around 8 PM, and that was because he left the game too late.

They had waited for him. He was grateful to them for that. And to the delicious food too.

After dinner, he was sitting in the living room, looking at his wricon.

"Don't you need to go prepare uncle?" Mikaela asked.

"I am preparing. I am buying items on the market." He said.

"What sort of items? Do you need my help? She asked.

"No, I'm fine. You can go play your game."

Mikaela went away. After finding a few items he too went back into the game. He had around 15 hours before he had to take part in the competition.

He hunted the slimes for another 10 or so hours. By now he had already had many different items, which the skeletons were using. Each skeleton could use 2 items, so he gave them each 2.

Skeleton Warrior had a [Spider-Fang] and [Slime mail].

Skeleton Archer had [Spider-Mask] and an uncommon bow he got from the real world market.

Skeleton Assassin had a [Spider-Fang] and [Spider-legs]

Skeleton Mage had [Femur Staff] and [Rainbow Pants]

Skeleton Support had a common wand that dropped from the slime and [Dark Robe] he got from the lich.

'Hmm... That should be fine.' He thought. The skeletons were each around level 65 after almost 3 days worth of grinding. The most change however was actually on his stats.

"Status," he said as he opened his profile.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Obcisor

Class: Bulwark's Vengeance

Subclass: None

Title: 'Solo Hunter'

Level: 50 (5000/5000 Exp) (Capped)

HP: 8020/8020

Mana: 326/2960

STR: 412+230

DEF: 632+190

INT: 458+120

VIT: 526+210

AGI: 419+130

LUK: 55

CRM: 100

CHA: 150

Stamina: 96%

Hunger: 82%

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"What the hell? How did I get so strong? I have better stats than most of the dungeon bosses now." He was surprised. He didn't know when he grew so much.

'I really did kill a lot of monsters huh.' He thought. He quickly counted how many stats he had, and realized they were around 2450.

He quickly calculated in his head and realized that his skeletons now had about 1600 stats each. A level 50 player had around 800 base stats. His skeletons had double of that.

Of course, his skeletons were level 65, which was a lot higher than level 50, and also a player was much more versatile with their skills and items which gave them quite a few advantages.

On paper, each of his skeletons was better than all of them. He was quite happy about that.

He then checked his items and made sure they were all equipped.

He had [Spider Legs],[Spider Mask],[Spider Fang],[Twin Dagger],[Slime Mail],[Rainbow Pants], and[Slime ring].

He then checked his skills. He had 3 types of skills. Ones he obtained from the system, ones he obtained from the class, and ones he obtained from the scrolls.

He had 4 skills he got from the system, and they were [Consecutive Strike], [Vocal Taunt], [Patient Mind], and [Poison Resistance].

He had 4 skills he got from the class and they were [Bulwark's Revenge], [Bulwark's Healing], [Bulwark's Growth], and [Bulwark's Resistance].

And at last, he had 7 skills he got from the scrolls, and they were [Air Slash], [Observe], [Zap], [Shield Bash], [Critical Strike], [Poison Laced], and [Summon Skeletons].

[Summon Skeleton] acted as 5 different skills, each summoning a different skeleton, but was still considered a single skill.

There was a massive countdown in the sky that had appeared at some point. And soon, the countdown reached 0.

A notification appeared in front of him. "Yes," he said and saw a notification saying he was registered.

After 5 or so minutes, a massive hologram appeared in the sky. It was a hologram of a man who was completely hidden in a white robe.

The man started to speak, "We have tabulated everyone who wished to join the competition and have gotten over 150 Million registration."

"150 million!! So many"

"Does the game even support that much?"

"I heard there was a massive influx of players after the recent expansion. This game is going places."

Multiple murmurs could be heard in the crowd who were listening to the man.

The man continued talking, "Hello everyone, my greetings. You can call me the host. I will be in charge of this competition, along with many of the GMs that will help manage the competition."

"In under 10 minutes, we will be starting the competition, so why don't I take this time to explain to everyone what the competition will be about."

"First of all, The competition will take place over 5 days from now. The competition will be split into 2 segments. The first segment 'Free-Fight' will take place for 4 days, and the second segment 'Round Battles' will take place on the last day."

"We will talk about 'Round Battle' on the day it takes place, so let us talk about 'Free-fight' for now. "

"When the competition starts, you will all be sent to a different, massive landscape. Everyone will be separated and all forms of communication will stop working. Also, you cannot progress your Class Advancement Quest in the competition, so don't worry about accidentally ranking up to level 51."

"Now, In this competition, you will be ranked off of points you earn in there. You can earn points in 3 different ways."

"You can earn points by finding rare materials. You can earn points by killing monsters out in the open. And Finally, you can earn points by killing other players."

"Finding materials and killing monsters will always give you a certain amount of points. Players however will give you 100% of the points they had gathered themselves."

"If you die in the competition you are out of this segment, but based on the points you have earned you might get a chance to take part in the 'Round Battle'. Let's see since we have 150 Million participants, if you land above 134,217,728 in the ranking, you can take part in the 'Round Battle'. "

"Since this is called a 'Free-Fight', you are allowed to earn points however you want. You are free to party with other people or sneakily kill off high-ranking players. All are free for you."

"Now let's see… there are 3 more things I need to tell you about. First, every day you will be randomly teleported to a new location on the map, and the size of the map will be halved."

"Secondly, There will be random Wild Bosses out in the open, that you will find more often than in the normal game. Be careful around them as they can be very easily aggro'd and are all Level 70. You might want to party up to defeat them. I hope you defeat them cause they give a lot of points."

"Lastly, you are free to logout if you want to, but be careful as your player won't disappear in the competition if you logout"

"As for the reward, the First 10 people in the ranking will get a Unique chest, the next 100 will get a Rare chest, The next thousand will get an Uncommon chest, and the next 10000 will get a common chest."

"Prepare yourselves, you will now be teleported to the competition land."






Everyone registered in the game disappeared.