Meeting a Friend

It had been nearly 24 hours since the competition started. A night had gone by and today was a new day.

Obcisor was inside a forest now. He had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He was simply walking around killing monsters that tried to attack him or grab some herb/flowers he found in the ground. The competition to him felt very boring.

His skeletons, aside from the support, were still out there gathering points for him. The reason support was not with them was because it had died to someone.

He didn't know if it died to a player or a monster. But it had died, and he hadn't summoned it after that. Though he should have expected support to die as it had pretty much 0 offensive capabilities.

During the 23 hours, he had met quite a few more players, but most of them usually ignored since they didn't want to be in trouble on the very first day. One of the players had even come to ask him for a party, but he simply declined.

He was in a very dense forest right now, and the forest was unusually wet.


A giant black crow swept down from the sky trying to attack him. Obcisor didn't dodge, instead, he tried to grab the crow's claws. He stuck his dagger into the crows' legs trying to make a holding place in the claws, but the dagger just tore through the leg, and he fell back to the ground.

The crow was now angry and started furiously flapping its wings. A massive gust of winds started appearing from the wings that moved towards Obcisor. As the winds hit him, Obcisor realized that the wind was very sharp and that the gust was unusually powerful.

[Bulwark's Revenge]

He tried to return the damage back to the crow and kill it. But the crow did not die, instead, its black feathers started turning blue.

The crow once more flapped its wings, but this time instead of sending out normal winds, it started sending out drops of waters that hit harder than bullets.

Obcisor was surprised. 'A monster that changes forms in battle?' he had never heard of such a monster. This was the first time he had seen such a monster, outside of …

"Wait a second."


[Storm Crow: Level 70 5820/12000 HP]

"Ah! No wonder. It was a wild boss. Haha, here I was trying to ride it." Obcisor found it quite funny.

He didn't know what to do now though, the monster was too far up in the air, and …

"Hmm... That can work" he thought

He started running towards one of the trees. As soon as he reached the tree, he stepped on it. Then he put another step on it, then another, then another.

[Spider Walk]

This was an ability that his [Spider Shoes] provided. It gave him the ability to climb on walls for 20 seconds.

After he reached the highest possible point in the tree, he jumped towards the crow. The jump however was still too short, and he couldn't make it as far.

[Shield Bash]

He immediately used [Shield bash] to cover the remaining gap and bashed the crow. He tried to hold onto the crow but couldn't and started to fall.

The crow too, now stunned, started to fall. He could now grab the crow.

Obcisor quickly climbed on top of the crow and started to stab it a lot. The crow came out of being stunned and started flying. But there was no way to get rid of Obcisor now. And before soon, it died.

"That was easy," Obcisor thought.

Thankfully, there were no other players around. If they had heard what he had just said, they would have called him insane.

"Since there is a Wild Boss here, does that mean there is something it's protecting as well?" Obcisor thought.

He quickly looked around. He even summoned Skeleton Support to look around. They separated to search on their own. Obcisor looked around a while but couldn't find anything.

Suddenly something was happening. The trees, the grass, the stones, everything started shining vibrantly. And then suddenly, everything turned white.

When his vision came back, Obcisor was greeted with a notification.

"So I got teleported eh." He said. He tried to look around to see where he was, but he didn't expect to see all 5 of his skeletons in front of him.

Aside from the support skeleton, all the other four skeletons looked really weird. Throughout their bodies, wherever possible, there was either grass, leaves, flowers, or fruits stuck inside them.

The skeletons seemed to have noticed him and came forward to hand over everything. As Obcisor took all kinds of stuff, he started getting notifications.

< You have obtained … >

He got notifications after notifications as his skeletons handed him all the stuff they had gathered over the entire day. Finally, the Skeleton support walked forward and handed him a single apricot.

'So this guy ended up finding the item the boss was protecting huh' he really patted himself on the back for sending these guys a way to look for stuff on their own.

"Alright. Good job. Now go find some more for me. Except you, support. You can go back." He said as he unsummoned the support skeleton.

The other skeletons seemed to be jealous of the support skeleton, but it was hard to tell as they showed no emotion on their face-less face.

Obcisor, now alone, finally looked around to see where he was. He was on top of a hill with short grass growing on it. He could see a large grassland at the bottom of the hill and a massive forest far away in the distance.

He slowly walked down the hill. Surprisingly, there were no monsters in this hill. Maybe there were little ones that hid inside the grass, but he didn't notice a single one.

He made his way down the hill and finally reached the plains. He was about to walk towards the forest when he heard someone screaming.

He looked around and saw a girl struggling to run away from a massive snake slithering in the grass. He decided to ignore the girl but made a sharp turn towards the girl when he saw her face.

He swiftly walked forward and stabbed the snake. In a few hits, he managed to kill it.

Seeing a stranger randomly arrive near her, the girl got scared. She tried to slowly back away.

Obcisor saw this and laughed. "You don't have to run away. I won't harm you." Obcisor said.

"Who... Who are you?" the girl said with a tremble in her voice.

"Hmm... Ah! My bad" he said, as he took off his mask. His items all returned back to their original state and his red hair changed back to blonde.

"I didn't expect to see you here. How are you doing, sister Pink Star?"