More Points

"Hahaha… if you have gotten some points, then it's time you handed it over to me, along with your life." The young man said arrogantly.

"Kid. Just go away. It's been less than 3 hours since the competition started. There are more than 90 hours remaining. You don't have to butt heads with me and die right now." Obcisor said trying to send the kid away.

The young man started laughing even louder when he heard this. "You think you can kill me? Hahaha, that's the best joke I have heard all day," the young man said as he brought his weird-looking sword forward.

"See how I kill you now," the young man said as he charged forward and hit Obcisor with his sword.

Seeing the sword coming, Obcisor simply brought out his left hand to grab the blade.

<'1,635,875' dealt 92 damage>

Obcisor was shocked. 'This guy managed to deal damage to me? But he shouldn't be able to even if has 600 STR. Was it his class then? Doesn't seem anything unique though. It seems like an uncommon, maybe 'rare' warrior class at best.' He couldn't figure out why he took damage.

'Unless…' he looked towards the young man and asked, "What's up with your sword kid?" The young man seemed to be in no capability to speak. His eyes were wider than goose eggs, and his mouth so open you could fit an entire orange in there.

Obcisor's shock was as expected, but when compared to the shock the young man was feeling, it was nothing.

After changing his class to a rare rank warrior class, the young man had gone out to level up and accidentally found a hidden dungeon.

For finishing the dungeon, he had gotten a reward. That reward was his weird sword. The sword had good stats, but that was not the main reason why it was good.

There were 2 main reasons in fact. First, the sword could level up along with the user, giving the user better stats the higher its level was. Second and the best reason, the sword dealt 10% of its raw damage as Absolute Damage on enemies.

This was also the reason why he got to join the 'Devil's Edge' guild at such a low level and obtained the various benefits.

The reason he was so shocked right now was that, despite having 10% Absolute Damage on attacks, the person in front of him had only taken 92 damage from his strike right now, and they were all Absolute Damage.

Meaning, he only took the 10% damage and managed to reduce all of the other 90% damage. That meant the man in front of him had enough DEF to stop 600+ STR of his. That was just too monstrous.

"Hey Kid", Obcisor asked once more," I asked you, what's up with your sword?"

The young man finally heard him and woke up from his stupor. As soon as he saw the masked man in front of him, he stood up and run away.

"You think you can run away after attacking me? You are testing your luck kid, and all I can say is, you have really bad luck today."

[Shield Bash]

He immediately bashed into the back of the young man. The young man was stunned for 2 seconds. He made a few cuts with his dagger and quickly poisoned the kid to near death.

"Don't kill me. I am from the 'Devil's Edge' Guild. If you kill me, my guildmates will come after you and make your life hell for you. Believe me, you don't want my guildmates to make your life hell." The young man started to threaten him.

However, the words the man used irked Obcisor the wrong way. He stopped making minor cuts and immediately stabbed the young man through the head.

"Don't act like you know what hell is."

- - - - - - - -

The spectators were watching the competition, and keeping track of the ranking. There was not a single dull moment for them as they just switched to another player if their battles got boring.

The ranking board was changing once every 5 seconds, so as to not be a bunch of blurs if left alone.

The second-highest-ranking player had around 623 points, while the highest-ranking player had 8325. The gap was just too big.

"Is anyone even catch up to the First at this rate?"

"I hope so. I think the First is cheating."

Suddenly a change occurred on the ranking board, in the top 10. There were no ranking changes, or someone got a huge amount of points.

The change that happened was perhaps much more drastic than those two.

"Huh… wait why is Fifth's number suddenly gray?"

"Where?... Oh, that's right. What happened?"

"Wait, doesn't the name being gray mean he died?"

"That's right. He's dead. What sort of monster could the Fifth have died too."

"Look, guys. The First's points went up by the same amount as Fifth's. Doesn't that mean First killed him?"

"Holy S**t, that's right. Does anyone know where Fifth or First is yet?"

"No, I've been searching the entire time. There are just too many players."

A commotion once again started as they tried to search who or where the player ranking first was.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Somewhere near a desert in the competition ground, two monsters were fighting each other. One of the monsters looked like a camel with a snake head and tail. It would perhaps be more appropriate to call it a snake that ate a camel.

The other monster that was fighting this monster was a 3 meters tall gorilla with green fur. It was constantly hitting the snake monster.

A few meters away from these monsters was a man giving orders to the gorilla. "Go Green. Beat that Snakamel's a**. "

The man was wearing a magenta cloak that hid almost all of his body. He was holding a staff with a red gem on top of it.

The most prominent feature of his, however, was his unusually red hair. This person was 'Red Blaze', Obcisor's first friend in the game.

The Gorilla in front of him was a monster he had summoned and trained all the way from Blue Keep City.

The gorilla managed to kill the Snakamel, and Red saw a notification saying he got 50 points.

"Good job Green. " Red said beckoning the gorilla towards himself. "Carry me, let's go find some people to party with. We need to get away from the desert."

The gorilla picked him up and put him on its shoulders. They walked for a few minutes and finally met a player.

The player was a man with black hair. He was wearing a black coat long enough to cover his black pants.

He had a blue thin sword strapped to his side on his waist. The man saw Red coming towards him and got apprehensive. He placed his hand on the sword handle ready to pull it out if necessary.

"Yo brother. You alone?" Red asked.

"Yes", the man gave a short answer. He was still apprehensive, and ready to strike if necessary.

"No need to be nervous, brother. I mean you no harm. I was just walking around looking for people to party with. " Red said to ease the man's anxiousness and continued, "Since I met you brother, do you want to party with me?"