Third Day

Along the riverbank, Obcisor was walking with Pink Star to a new destination. After following the river bank for a while, he finally saw the outlet to where the river flowed.

It was the sea. Massive, and endless sea.

Obcisor walked onto the beach and sighed. There was nowhere else to go. They had been walking in the wrong direction the entire time.

Pink Star walked behind him and couldn't help but laugh when she saw this.

"Well, this was the wrong direction it seems. Not that we had a right direction to begin with." Obcisor said.

Suddenly, white light started shinning from everywhere. Obcisor startled and looked around.

Pink Star quickly realized what was happening.

"Thanks for taking care of me the whole day, brother Obcisor. I will make it up to you somehow."

Obcisor turned around to look at her, but he vanished.

Instead of Pink Star, he saw a short, blue-haired, dark-skinned man behind him. He had been teleported on top of a rocky mountain and happened to meet someone here as well.

The short man immediately took out his bows and targeted Obcisor. He then slowly opened his mouth and said.

"Brother, slowly come this way. Don't make any sudden movements. They will attack you otherwise."

There was a look of horror on the man's face. As if his death was just a moment away.

Obcisor realized the man wasn't targeting him with his bow, but something else that was behind him. He slowly turned around to look at what had gotten the man so scared.

As soon as he saw the source of the man's fear, a chuckle left his mouth. Behind him, there were 4 different monsters. The reason he found it funny was that the 4 monsters were just his skeletons.

The skeletons barely looked like a normal monster with all the different fruits, flowers, leaves, grass, twigs, and roots coming out of them.

Obcisor turned towards the man and said. "You don't have to worry brother. They are my summons. You can go, they won't harm anyone."

Colors started to return to the man's face. He quickly thanked him and ran off.

"Alright, Hand it over." He said as he gestured to the skeletons to give him everything they had acquired in the previous day.

< You have obtained … >

Hundreds of different notifications flashed past his eyes as his points elevated to a new height. The skeletons had truly outdone themselves this time.

Obcisor kept everything in his inventory. Only then did he bother checking exactly where he was.

At first, he had thought he was on top of a rocky mountain from a simple glance, but upon closer look, he realized he was on top of a canyon. And it seemed the only way to go anywhere was to go to the crevices first.

He was about to walk down when he thought of something. He immediately summoned the Skeleton Support. He then looked at all 5 skeletons and told them,

"I am leaving for a while. Guard my body until I come back. Kill anyone or anything that tries to come near. Understood?"

All the skeletons immediately nodded. They really did have intelligence. After reiterating once more to keep his body protected, he logged out.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Adler woke up and got out of the capsule. He had been in the competition for about 8 and a half hours. He went and took a shower.

After changing from his sweaty clothes, he got out to eat some food. Michael and Mikaela seemed to be already up and in the living room.

Agnes was there too. They were all watching the competition stream, albeit delayed, in the hovi. Mikaela saw him come out and was surprised.

"Oh wow, uncle. You are already out." Mikaela said.

"Yeah," Adler said as he looked towards the hovi. It showed some people raiding a wild boss that was half horse, half-monkey hybrid. He tried to tell what day it was in the video but couldn't tell. So he just asked.

"What day is this stream for? Is it live?"

"It's live stream if you go in-game. Out here, you have to fast forward to get to the live stream. This one is about half a day delayed I think. I wanted to go forward, but the boss fight seemed fun." Mikaela answered.

"How many points did you earn uncle?" Michael asked from the side.

Adler tried to answer but could come up with a number. He had gotten so many that he hadn't kept track of anything.

"I don't know. I didn't keep track of it." He replied honestly.

"Well, you should have. Now that you are dead, the points determine whether you make it into the final day or not. I heard the GM say that the rules." Mikaela chided in.

Adler was surprised. "Why do you think I am dead?" he couldn't help but ask.

Mikaela looked surprised at the response too, and responded unsurely, " I thought you came out of the game because you died. Did you not?"

"No!!" Adler nearly shouted.

"Then why are you here?" Mikaela asked once more.

"To eat. I cant go for so long without food, you know." He answered honestly.

"Oh. So you came out to eat. That makes sense." Mikaela finally understood, but then she got confused once more, "If you are here, then what about your in-game body? Won't it be dangerous to leave it alone?"

"Oh that, uhh… I have some friends looking after me right now." He said a little white lie. "Anyway, let's go eat. I am starving."

"Ok Uncle, I will put on the food right now. It's about time for me to leave as well. Kids come." Agnes said as she stood up.

Adler followed behind her, along with Mikaela and Michael. They sat around the dining table, and soon the droids served their food.

They all had their lunch, and Agnes went to her work. Adler quickly finished his meal and walked out of the kitchen.

Mikaela and Michael also followed behind. Adler was about to return to his room when Mikaela asked him,

"Where are you uncle?"

"What do you mean? I am right here. " He answered innocently.

"No, in the game I mean. Where are you?" Mikaela reworded her question and asked once more.

"Oh, I am in some sort of Canyon, I think. I don't know exactly where it is, but if you go to the game right now, you will find me walked down a tall canyon right now. I need to go to the crevices down below." He said.

"Oh. A canyon huh, how did you get to the top in the first place?" Mikaela asked.

"Oh, the third day just started, so I was randomly teleported here. I need to go down if I want to go anywhere else." He said and went towards his room.

Mikaela too went towards her room. Only Michael was left behind with his confused and questioning look. He couldn't help but think,

"If uncle just teleported to the top of the canyon, and it's the start of the 3rd day. Then how did he find friends to look after his AFK body?"