
Obcisor logged in to the game. He was standing on top of the canyon with his 5 Skeletons.

"Alright, you guys can leave now. Go find and get me some more points. Support, go with the archer this time." He said and watched them leave the canyon top.

The skeletons trekked through the steep slopes to go to the bottom of the crevice. He watched them reach a relatively low amount, before doing his own thing.

He wanted to look around for a bit to make absolutely sure there is no place else to go but down. He searched around for a while, but soon realized that if he really wanted to go somewhere, he would have to walk down.

Due to the terribly far distance, his party with Pink Star had also automatically ended. Sighing, he started to walk down. The ground wasn't very far, but it would take him at least 30 minutes to walk all the way down.

He had walked for about 20 minutes now, and he didn't find a single monster along the way. Abruptly, he stopped.

At first, he thought he was mistaken, but the more he looked at the wall along the canyon, the more he realized, he saw right.

There was a moderately bid hole carved into the side of the cliff. Although, the hole seemed artificially made, the cuts around it was proof enough that it was a natural hole.

Curious, he walked towards the hole. He walked slowly, and it took him about 2 minutes to reach the hole.

There was something simmering in the air near the opening of the hole. It was like the gate to a dungeon in the normal game. 'There can't be a dungeon here in the competition, right?' he thought.

He slowly brought his hand forward trying to see what it was.

Suddenly, a massive gravitation appeared from the hole, and started pulling onto Obcisor's body. Try as he might, he couldn't overcome the attraction, and quickly got sucked into the hole.

'Sh*t! A timed dungeon? I hate timed dungeons,' he thought. He had a very bad history with timed dungeons and had come to hate it.

He looked at the time remaining. 18 hours. So he had spent about 5 hours or so outside. 'Whatever,' he thought and looked around the cave.

The cave was quite bright and dry. The materials inside was the same on the canyon was made up of. He walked a bit ahead and saw a massive opening inside.

There was a big hall-like room in the center of the cave, with only one single entry point, the one he just came through.

Inside the room were hundreds of monsters. Some lizards, some rams, some snakes. He looked around, trying to see if there really is no other places to go, but sadly didn't find any.

"So, I'm supposed to fight these creatures for 18 hours huh. What happens when I kill them all? Or am I just supposed to wait out here."

Obcisor wondered. But eventually, he chose to fight. There was no reason for him to be afraid. From his understanding, there didn't seem to be any bosses.

He jumped straight down into the room. Hearing the thud, the hundreds of monsters turned back to see what made the noise. The moment they saw him, they were aggravated.

All the monster started converging towards him. They started attacking, but he took 0 damage. From time to time, there would be some magic attack thrown at him that dealt some damage, but for the most part he took none.

He brought out his two daggers and started stabbing the monsters in front of him. [Zap] started to randomly damage the different monsters in the group.

From time to time, he changed his target so that he could spread more of the [Poison Laced] status on the different enemies. The monsters started to die, one after the another.

Some died to poison, some died to just normal physical attacks, some died to the lightning damage, and some even died to 'fatal' damage from his [Lethal Strike] title.

The monster numbers started to slowly dwindle down. After a while, he killed his final monster.

"That's it?" he couldn't help but ask.

He had been fighting non-stop so he didn't realize how much time had passed, but it shouldn't have been more than 2 hours. He checked the dungeon's remaining time, and it proved him right. There was only 16 hours remaining now.

There were hundreds of notifications saying he earned hundreds of points.

He looked around trying to figure out what to do. He walked up to the entrance once more. There was nothing to do, so he just sat in the entrance, looking at his skills, and equipments.

He was thinking of ways to improve his fightings, and what skills or items would help him do that. He waited for about an hour, when he suddenly heard some noises.

The noise came back from the center room. The monsters had respawned.

"Okay then." He checked his dungeon time remaining, and it was around 15 hours. It seemed the monsters took around 1 hour to respawn.

Now that they were back, he would go back into fighting.

Once more he dived into the midst of the monsters. The monsters were of the same variety. Even the ratio of the monsters stayed the same. However, the numbers seemed to have increased a little bit.

It should have been no more than 20, but the increase was large enough that Obcisor noticed it.

But, that didn't matter. The monsters that dealt no damage were of no concern to him.

In a similar fashion to the last time, he just started attacking the hundreds of monsters, and watched them die.

- - - - - - - - - — - -

Michael and Mikaela had searched for Adler, around the canyons, but couldn't find him at all. There was no person near the canyons that fit the description of blonde haired male that Michael gave her.

After an hour or so of not finding him, they gave up and started watching the competition normally, or going back to their own tasks.

Mikaela went back to hunt with her parties, and Michael went back to creating potions.

The other spectators on the other hand, had not stopped searching for Obcisor. They knew how he looked like, and how he had the highest points in the competition.

They had just found the first place player in the competition and within mere hours, a new day had arrived, and everyone had been teleported.

Although the land size for the third day was half of the second day, it was getting harder to search for the first place holder because they had no general location like last time.

Even after the ASAGE company had told them he was not cheating, they refused to believe it, and still insisted him a cheater.

So, they searched for him to find their proof. But, even after searching for nearly 10 hours, they still hadn't been able to find him.