
        The next day, Zaos didn't have to wake up his squad members. When it was time to leave, all of them were already ready to depart. As if he knew that Zaos's squad would arrive earlier, Elius showed up at the precise time to leave. 

"Let's get going," Elius said.

 In the end, they didn't even hear the place where they were supposed to work, not like they would know the name of any village in the region. They were supposed to have some lessons about it, but only in the future. Zaos made a mental note to research the geography of the region. He will probably find a map or at least a few things registered in the library's books.

 After crossing the tunnel they used to arrive at the base, Elius guided the squad toward their left side. After just a couple of minutes, they found a road that had marks of wagons. While the road was essentially made by some marks in the ground, it was the first sign of civilization Zaos had seen in weeks.