Trouble in the distance

"... Hello, young man," the village chief said once Zaos and Elius knocked on his door. "My name is Edrius, and I am the chief of the Cedres village."

"My name is Zaos, sir," Zaos said and then smiled. "It is good to meet you."

 Edrius was a man in his late sixties. Although all his hair had turned grey, he didn't lose many of them. Instead, he had long white hair that went up to the middle of his back. Weirdly enough, Zaos noticed that he was wearing something on his shoulder that looked pretty fluffy aside from his normal clothes. Thanks to it, Zaos couldn't help but stare at that.

"It has been a while, chief," Elius said. "For the next six days me and those sorry excuses of soldiers will guard your village. I apologize in advance if a group of bandits attack this place and kill us all."