New Spell

                  During the next two months, things basically just repeated themselves several times. Zaos helped Ameria until she basically mastered the first level of the enhanced arrows, and his lessons were approaching the end. He also was invited to some parties, and he tried to be friendly, but in the end, he didn't make a single real friend. The reason was that those with whom he talked with always tried to ask him to teach his magic skills that could be used with swords, spears, and bows. Zaos certainly didn't need more students, and he didn't need friends, just wanted to have what he had, either.

            Zaos headed toward the castle on a certain day and then asked Ameria to show him what she could do. Naturally, the power of her enhanced arrows still wasn't at the level of his, but she made the same progress he did in like eight years in four months. She really had talent when it comes to magic.