Way of compromising

                  Zaos frowned when he heard that voice… he could swear that he had discovered a new spell, but the voice told him that he had learned… not created. That was just a minor detail considering that Zaos wanted to help his mother, but it had some serious implications.

"This probably means… that the spell already existed, but the people of the kingdom don't know yet," Zaos muttered.

                  Zaos had considered that before, the demon god's followers had many more spells in their possession. It was only natural considering the things they managed to do in the North in the last three years. Regardless, Zaos could worry about that later, and he decided to analyze the spell. After a few tries, Zaos understood that it could be used to alleviate muscular pain.

"Well… I guess this is better than nothing," Zaos shrugged.