
                                      While Zaos didn't know what to do with his life. Four months passed in the blink of an eye. The other day, he became fifteen years old, and while his father asked if he wanted a party, he just said no. He was already thankful for receiving some congratulations from a few people. Regardless, Ameria's birthday was fast approaching, and now that the day where Zaos would finally receive his reward had arrived. He was putting on his ceremonial clothes with an annoyed expression because of it.

"I hate these events…" Zaos said and then sighed.

                                      The capital was bustling with people since many people had been invited to Ameria's birthday. Even the Ojala family showed up the other day, and Zaos greeted them as well. However, since they were guests at the castle, he didn't see them many times. He also disliked the serious atmosphere of the court, after all.