
                                      When Halamar began to drink and introduce him to other blacksmiths, Zaos decided that it was time to talk with someone else. While he was thankful for the introduction, he didn't need that many blacksmiths. While he was looking around, Zaos found someone unexpected that made his eyes open widely. It was Edea. He had imagined that she was from some sort of noble house or that she would be invited since she was the headmaster of the magic academy, but what surprised him was her figure. She was wearing a red dress that really accentuated her curves, and since her red hair was tied up and her neck was exposed, she really looked eye-catching. Not to mention, she had quite the package in her chest. Enough to make enough men almost choke if they see her for the first time wearing those clothes.

"Look who showed up," Edea said. "I was starting to think that I would be the only acquainted ignored."