
                                                    While Zaos was thinking of what to do, he realized that the battle behind him was getting more and more intense. As expected, trying to take the commander as fast as possible wasn't something easy. Even if they manage to kill more soldiers than lose, Zaos's unit will lose much more in the big picture.

"Nyana, you lead the guys here and make sure to attack those assholes if they try to approach," Zaos said. "Don't hold back on the use of your mana."

"Understood," Nyana said.

          It was a bit risky, but Zaos couldn't lose too many soldiers right now, for his conscience's sake and for the fate of that entire region. Garrik's soldiers were almost finishing an encirclement around the two hundred soldiers who were following Cohnal. While clenching her teeth, Melisse wondered how she could prevent that using her archers… she almost joined the fray but then stopped when Zaos appeared.