
              Although they succeeded in taking down one of the enemy commanders and a few hundred mercenaries, Zaos could see that they paid a high price while they were escaping. It was hard to find one of his soldiers that wasn't wounded. Not to mention, he could only count 330 soldiers ahead of him.

"Shit…" Zaos clenched his teeth in annoyance.

              As if things weren't bad enough, they were being chased by hundreds of archers on horses. Those same archers were chasing the unit while they were in a lined formation, and they were pretty away from each other. So, even if Zaos uses his Fire Swords, he won't take more than two or three of them at the same time.

"They sure came up with a way to counter my skills pretty fast…" Zaos thought. "I wished that he could have taken down the smart ones first instead of the one who had muscles for brains."