It's Stolen?

"Hm? Moving up means you'll be able to graduate faster. What's the reason behind your choice?"

June raised an eyebrow at Lawrend's response. 

"It may sound surprising, but I actually wasn't tutored in magic. I self-learned most of it while I asked others to teach me when I'm stuck."

Lawrend explained to him.

"So I want to learn the theories in magic that First-Year would offer me."

Lawrend continued.

"Well said!"

June smiled in satisfaction at Lawrend's words. His determination to learn impresses him.

"Alright, I'll relay your words to the Purple Thunder Grand Mage."

June nodded his head at Lawrend.

"Thank you, Mr. White."

Lawrend bowed to him slightly.

"Also, do you still want to partake in the special mission? If so, you can use it to move up to Third Year."

June added.

"Really? Then, I'll hear it."