A Promise Made To A Leaf

He looked at the leaf again and embraced it in his arms.

He looked like a kid hugging a toy, but that didn't matter to Lawrend as he felt an emptiness in his heart. His memories with Valentina flashed before his eyes.

The first time he met her, he was only physically attracted by her beautiful visage. The longer he knew her, the more he realized that she was more than beautiful. She was smart and willing to sacrifice for him.

He regretted not letting her give birth to a son or daughter. He regretted not going on a date with her. He regretted not marrying her. He regretted letting her sacrifice herself for him.

The only thing he wouldn't regret was meeting her. It had been an adventure to gather parts of her soul. She wasn't that much to him back then, but she was everything to him now.