The Creator Appears Again

At this point in time, the star system Lawrend was in was very active. Countless asteroids flew everywhere and crashed into the thinking planet.

There were also other planets, but they were dead with no sign of thoughts.

The thinking planet tried to communicate with them, but it realized it was truly alone in this space. Although, it didn't sense that Lawrend was there from the beginning to the end.

Three billion years of time had passed ever since Lawrend appeared in this growing star system.

From the space dust that covered the vast expanse to the active star system before him, Lawrend had seen it all. The star in the middle was now releasing a storm of light that irradiated the whole star system.

Unlike three billion years ago, the star system now was much smaller as the space dust gathered together because of the force of gravity.

[Life? What is life?]