MegaHunter and the MegaGoods went to fight with the MegaEvil team. When they reach to the Abyss, the soldiers and MegaDemon started to fight with them. " Brother you go and access the box I will fight", said Megahunter to MegaKiller. MegaKiller went as fast as he could to the box and started to access it. Megahunter fights with MegaDemon and the fight was terrible. Megahunter uses his sword but he can't attack MegaDemon. MegaDemon use his spinners and attack him. MegaKiller saw the box and went to access it with the God's Light. The God's Light was beside him and MegaKiller started to do his work. MegaHunter pushed away MegaDemon and fights. After many hours, MegaKiller access the box and destroy it. The whole MegaEvil soldeirs died by blasting from the box. MegaDemon came up and fight with MegaHunter again. But MegaKiller used MegaDemon spinner and cuts his body half. " MegaDemon, you were born yesterday. I am MegaHunter. Let's meet again at hell", said MegaHunter. They saw another soldeirs coming again and it was MegaEvil.